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I. Learn the following words

partnership — товарищество;

liability — ответственность;

limited liability — ограниченная ответственность ;

limited liability — компания с ограни-

company ... ченной ответствен­ностью;

solicitor — адвокат;

estate — недвижимое имущество;

estate agent — агент по купле-продаже недвижимого имущества;

jobber — маклер, комиссионер;

stationery — канцелярские бланки;

joint-stock company — акционерная компания;

shareholder — держатель акций, акционер;

exchange — биржа;

stock exchange — фондовая биржа;

to incorporate — зарегистрировать как корпорацию;

under the law — по закону.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the most common type of company in the U.K.?

2. Are all limited liability companies joint-stock companies?

3. What can you say about the types of the following companies:

Fine Furniture Ltd.

General Foods p.l.c. ?

III. Translate into English:

1. Деятельность товариществ и компаний в Вели­кобритании регулируется законом, т.е. актами парламента.

2. Они должны быть зарегистрированы официальным регистратором.

3. Они должны представить несколько документов.

4. Когда компания зарегистрирована Регистратором, выдается свидетельство о регистрации.

5. Настоящим свидетельствуется о регистрации ком­пании, а также то, что компания является компа­нией с ограниченной ответственностью.

IV. Paraphrase the sentences using Gerund with the preposition

Example: I don’t want to stay at that hotel. – I am against staying at that hotel

1. He doesn’t like to complain. He is against …

2. When you have listened to that report, you will give up smoking. After…

3. I kept you waiting and I apologize for it. I apologize…

4. I am not exaggerating, but this is the best novel I have ever read. Without…

5. She would never envy your success. She is above…

6. He didn’t pay the bill and left the restaurant. He left…

7. I often walk. I am used to it. I’m used to…

8. They studied hard and soon mastered the fundamentals of the Economics.

V. Translate into Russian using the absolute participial construction

Example: All the questions being settled, the talks were over. – Так как все вопросы были решены, переговоры были закончены.

1. The treaty having been signed, trade was at once resumed.

2. Business lunch being over, we assembled in the drawing room.

3. The fifth of June arriving, they shipped the first consignment.

4. His directions to the porter finished, he went to his hotel room.

5. This being understood, the confer­ence was over.

6. All the necessary preparations having been made, the contracting parties started negotiations.

7. The questions being settled, the managers signed the contract.

8. The Government has now exceeded even this, its military budget being the biggest in British history.

9. The project abandoned, the leadership in this field passed to our main competitor.

10. It being pretty late, they decided to postpone their visit.