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V. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions

The UK planning minister will present ... the first complete draft ... the European Spatial Development Perspective ... the EU regional policy ministers ... meeting ... Glasgow.

The document is the culmination ... a five-year attempt ... to reach agreement ... planning issues and is a key priority ... Britain's presidency ... the EU.

It supports diversification ... struggling rural economies, often ... joining forces ... local towns.

VI. Explain the italicized grammar constructions in the following sentences

1. Britain will press its 14 European Union partners to agree upon new proposals

to co-ordinate their planning policies.

2. Pressures are already being felt in border areas.

3. Greek leaders, backed by the majority of public opinion in polls, say they would not consider reunification.

4. The Italian Minister said that such an exhibition proved the revival of the economy and stated that the contract would not be the last one.

5. The government was confident it would find buyers at the current price.

VII. Translate the text from English into Russian in writing

The policy will affect UK debates such as that over building homes on greenfield sites.

The document will be non-binding, but may eventually lead to pressure to arrange binding agreements on issues such as cross-border consultation.

It tries to ensure peripheral areas do not lose out when transport routes and telecommunications networks are established. It encourages towns and cities to cooperate with one another, to maximise their strengths and create regional transport networks.

Development, it says, is increasingly taking place along "Euro-corridors" such as that from Glasgow through London to the Transmanche area of northern France and Belgium, and that from Rotterdam via the Ruhr, Rhine, Main and Stuttgart to Munich.

VIII. Read and translate orally the following text

Unions call for policy changes

Regulating world markets

An independent international commission should be established by lead­ing industrialised nations to consider how an effective regulatory framework could be created for the running of international financial markets. This was the main proposal presented to the UK prime minister, who will head next month's G8 jobs summit in Birmingham, yesterday by trade union leaders from the world's leading economies under the umbrella of the trade union arm of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

The union leaders want the proposed commission – based on the lines of the body that the former German chancellor, chaired on the "north-south di­vide" 20 years ago — to report "rapidly" on the policy changes they believe are necessary to avert future financial crises such as those in Asia and Mexico.

These would include redefining the role of international financial institu­tions such as the Bank for International Settlements, the IMF and the World Bank so that "structural adjustment programmes promote good governance and respect for human rights, increased employment and poverty reduction and not austerity and blind deregulation".