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Focused Practice

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the general approach to multi-criteria decision analysis on EPS expansion?

2. What is it based on?

3. Why is expansion of large EPSs very difficult to simulate?

4. How many stages specify the structure and operating conditions of EPS?

5. Is there a complex of criteria, models, and simulation techniques at each stage?

6. Have there been any concrete results achieved in this area in recent years? (Have any concrete results in this area been achieved in recent years?)

7. What informal procedures should be applied in more complicated cases?

II. Analyse the grammar structures underlined in the above text.

III. Speak on: Expansion of large EPSs.

Unit 39 Grammar: The ing- and ed- forms as Parts of Speech. Their Functions in a Sentence Word List:

1. cogeneration

совместное вырабатывание тепла и электроэнергии (на одной станции)

2. on-site

на месте, на единой территории

3. on-site engineering

совместные инженерные работы

4. CHP (combined heat and power) system

единая теплоэнергетическая система

5. «plug and play»

«подсоедини к сети и играй», т.е. полностью готовое устройство,

не требующее никаких усилий

6. gains in energy efficiency

повышение КПД использования энергии

7. grid

энергетическая система

8. dehumidification

уменьшение влажности

9. power suppy


10. carbon dioxide

двуокись углерода СО2

11. to meet a load

удовлетворять требованиям по нагрузке

12. greenhouse gas emission

выброс парникового газа

13. to meet goal

достичь цели

14. US Department of Energy

департамент по делам энергетики США (министерство)

15. IEQ

качество среды (климата) в помещении

16. desiccant


17. mould


Cogeneration and On-Site Production

The potential benefits of CHP in commercial building applications could be more fully realized if manufacturers learn to make ‘plug-and-play’ systems that make on-site engineering less costly and time-consuming. To understand what it takes for CHP systems to become fully integrated into a building’s existing energy systems, US researches are testing ‘integrated energy systems’ at a major university and are ready to pass on some early lessons learned.

Many energy experts and building owners understand the potential benefits of CHP for buildings – including the tremendous gains in energy efficiency. In the US, roughly 67 % of the energy contained in the fuel for electricity generation is rejected as waste heat into the environment. Further losses occur in electrical power transmission. When this waste heat is made available at higher temperatures, then it can be utilized for dehumidification, air conditioning, or heating with advanced Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems. By doing so, energy efficiency can increase from 33% to as high as 80% for a CHP system, although the efficiency of electricity generation is reduced.

CHP can also increase the reliability of a building’s power supply – a substantial advantage in today’s changing electricity market. A highly reliable power supply is vital to some companies’ computing, manufacturing and research functions.

Emission of carbon dioxide and air pollutants can be substantially reduced with CHP. CHP can meet some or all of a building’s cooling, heating, or dehumidification load, reducing the need for electricity from the grid by an equivalent amount, thus leading to lower emissions. CHP systems are also more efficient and require less fuel than traditional systems. According to the US Department of Energy, CHP systems could reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25 million tones of carbon if the Government’s goal to double US installed capacity by 2010 were met.

CHP can also improve indoor environmental quality (IEQ). In combination with a desiccant dehumidifier, CHP systems can provide better humidity control than conventional systems, and reduce the potential for mould and bacteria growth.

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