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*XIII. Find in the text five simple predicates having "signals"; write them out; state by what form of the verb they are expressed.

XIV. Translate the sentences into Russian (without a dictionary) paying attention to the form of the verb-predicate:

Mind familiar words: inˏterpreˊtation — to inˊterpret; reˊsult; form — forˊmation; ˊcontour; to ˊseparate; ˊuniverse (вселенная); ˊproblem; ˏspectroˊscopic; to acˊcumulate — acˏcumuˊlation; ˊera; ˊperiod; epoch [ˊi:pək]; group; eˊquator

1. The earth's surface is continually changing. 2. The geologist attempts (tries) to interpret the present earth as the result of processes which have been acting through long ages of time. 3. The science of geology is commonly (= usually) divided into several branches. 4. Physiography deals with the deve-lopment of the form or contour of the surface of the earth and the origin of its surface features. 5. The problem of the age of the earth and the universe is still (все еще) being discussed by scientists. 6. Spectroscopic studies of the sun have been made over many years and many data (данные) have been accumulated. 7. All rocks can be divided into three main groups. 8. These materials do not originate in the oceans themselves. 9. For those who live on the equator, days and nights will always be equal (равный). 10. The known history of the earth has been more or less definitely divided into great eras, and these in turn (в свою очередь) into periods and epochs.

*XV. Write out the forms of the verb write that cannot be used as predicates (one form in each line):

1. writing; has written; wrote

2. was writing; having written; had been writing

3. written; writes; are being written

4. have been written; being written; will have been written

5. was written; has been writing; having been written

*XVI. State which of the following groups of words make up sentences; translate.the sentences into Russian:

1. the region later being raised once more above the sea. 2. sand is being deposited in lakes, shallow seas, rivers, and on land. 3. sedimentary rocks have been forming ever since the first rains fell on our planet. 4. the heat of the earth gradually making its way out of the earth and escaping.

Section 3 historical geology

1. Historical geology is the branch of geologic science that relates to the past history of the earth. It depends in fact1 on all knowledge in the field of physical geology gained in the study of minerals, rocks, geologic processes and structures and it utilizes this knowledge in deducing the conditions and events of the earth's past. Among features belonging to study of earth history are the origin and development of the continents and oceans, the changing geography of seas and lands, the appearance and disappearance of great mountain systems, the occurrence of profound volcanic activity at different times and places, and great climatic changes.

2. In addition,2 we find evidence of innumerable forms of prehistoric plants and animals, many of which represent types of life long vanished3 from the earth. The nature of this past life and its evolution during geologic time not only form a very interesting part of historic geology, but if these organic remains were not preserved in the rocks, many features of the earth record would4 not be decipherable.


1 in fact — в действительности

2 in addition — в дополнение, кроме того, к тому же

3 long vanished — давно исчезнувший

4 would — вспомогательный глагол формы сослагательного наклонения (e.g. If he were free now, he would help us. Если бы он был сейчас свободен, он бы нам помог.)


activity [ækˊtɪvɪtɪ] n активность, деятельность

appearance [əˊpɪərəns] n появление

belong (to) [bɪˊlɔŋ] v относиться к, быть связанным с, принадлежать

decipherable [dɪˊsaɪfərəbl] а поддающийся расшифровке

deduce [dɪˊdju:s] v выводить (заключение), проследить

depend (on) [dɪˊpend] v зависеть

disappearance n исчезновение

evidence [ˊevɪdəns] n доказательство, очевидность

field [fi:ld] n область (науки)

gain [ɡeɪn] v получать, приобретать

innumerable [ɪˊnju:mərəbl] a неисчислимый, бесчисленный

land [lænd] n суша, земля, материк

mountain [ˊmauntɪn] n гора

nature [ˊneɪtʃə] n природа, характер

occur [əˊкə:] v происходить, случаться, встречаться

occurrence [əˊkʌrəns] n проявление, наличие, распространение; месторождение; случай

prehistoric [ˊpri:hɪsˊtɔrɪk] а доисторический

preserve [prɪˊzə:v] v сохранять(ся)

profound [prəˊfaund] а глубокий (сильный, серьезный)

relate [rɪˊleɪt] v иметь отношение, относиться

remains [rɪˊmeɪnz] n остатки, реликвии

represent [ˏreprɪˊzent] v представлять, быть представителем

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