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I. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the three great parts of the earth? 2. Which of the three parts constitutes the greater portion of the earth? 3. What kind of material does the lithosphere consist of? 4. Why is the lithosphere of supreme importance to the geologist? 5. What do we call the partial envelope comprising all the waters on and near the earth's surface? 6. Where is most of the water contained? 7. Why do we call water one of the greatest of all geological agencies? 8. How does water affect (influence) the higher portions of the lithosphere? 9. Where does water deposit the resulting sediment? 10. What is the gaseous envelope of the earth called? 11. What are the chief constituents of the air? 12. What influence do oxygen, water vapor and carbon dioxide have upon the earth's rocks and minerals? 13. What are important modifications of the lands in arid regions caused by? 14. What is the greatest geological function of the atmosphere?


II. State to what part of speech the following words belong and translate them into Russian:

constitute — constituent — constitution; transport — transportation — transporting — transported; deposit — deposition — depositional; depend — dependent — dependence — depending — independent — independently; penetrate — penetration — penetrating; dissolve — solution — soluble — dissolved — dissolving; vapor — evaporate — evaporation — evaporating; vary — various — variable — variation — variety; solid — solidify — solidification

III. Translate into Russian the following word combinations. Pay attention to the suffixes -less, -ful:

a) countless ages, rainless season, rainless region, tideless seas, cloudless

days, featureless plain, motionless body, shapeless figure, useless attempt, va-lueless deposit, lifeless rocks, leafless trees, careless answer, careless study;

b) careful study, useful method, powerful stream

IV. Memorize the words derived from the following adjectives:

high — height [haɪt] — to heighten; deep — depth [depθ] — to deepen; wide — width [wɪdθ] — to widen; broad — breadth [bredθ] — to broaden; long — length [leŋθ] — to lengthen; strong — strength [streŋθ] — to strengthen

V. Learn the following words paying attention to the stress:

ˊtransport — to transˊport; ˊincrease — to inˊcrease; ˊpresent — to preˊsent; ˊobject — to obˊject; ˊsubject — to subˊject; ˊenvelope — to enˊvelop [ɪnˊveləp]

VI. Translate the adverbs formed by means of the suffix -ward(s):

inward, outward, downward, upward, sideward, northward, southward, landward, seaward, backward(s), forward(s)

Word Study

VII. State to what part of speech the words in bold type belong. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Glacial deposits have almost no relation to the character and the structure of the underlying rocks. 2. Glaciers deposit their loads on almost any surface, on land, in fresh water, or in the sea. 3. The change in fossil forms results from the change in conditions. 4. This results in a general blowing of the air from the poles towards the equator. 5. The formation of clay minerals is the direct result of weathering. 6. An earthquake is any vibration of the earth's surface due to natural causes. 7. The rotation of the earth causes day and night. 8. The rise of temperature causes snow to melt. 9. Gravity causes weathered rock to move downhill. 10. The possibility that some of the material lying on the lunar surface is chemically unchanged since the formation of the planet remains high. 11. These rocks are prevailingly made up in part or entirely of the remains of animals and plants. 12. The lower limit of wave action varies. 13. Running water can never lower very large areas of the land below sea level. 14. Roads and railroads often follow both banks of a river, since the land there is fairly level. 15. The work of the atmosphere is to level the land surface. 16. The chemical weathering effects of rain are seen in its solvent action on some rocks, notably limestones. 17. Variations in the temperature of the atmosphere effect great changes in rocks. Temperature changes are usually of more effect in the case of igneous rocks than in that of sedimentary rocks.

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