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Word Study

XIII. Translate into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type:

1. In desert areas ground water generally lies deep, and little water occurs near the surface because there is little rain. 2. Certain regions with lava flows contain few volcanic cones. 3. Some loess deposits are hundreds of feet thick, but most are only a few feet thick. 4. Since the plants as a whole have fewer hard parts suitable for preservation than animals, the plants are not so well represented by fossils as are animals. 5. Since the earth is flattened a little at the poles, its equatorial radius is a little longer than its polar radius. 6. Many destructive landslides have taken place during the past few centuries. 7. There are a few minor weathering agencies. Possibly the most interesting of these are living creatures and plants. 8. The dust storm on May 12, 1934 covered approximately two-thirds of the North American continent and much of the wes-tern Atlantic. 9. The topography of a valley is youthful when most of the work of the stream is not yet done. 10. The flatter the ground, the more rain water will sink below the surface. 11. The more rapid the fall the less water sinks into the ground. 12. Of all the problems connected with the constitution of the earth's interior, the thermal properties are the least well understood.

XIV. State to what part of speech the words in bold type belong. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. The mean density of the earth is 5.52 — in other words, the earth is 5.52 times as heavy as an equal volume of water. 2. The average density of the visible rocks is about 2.8, and only a few minerals have densities as high as the ave-rage for the earth as a whole. 3. The continental crust is about 30 to 40 kilometers thick on the average. 4. In North America the sedimentary layer averages only 0.8 kilometers for all Cambrian and younger rocks, and less than 2 kilometers for all sediments including the Precambrian. 5. The Deccan basaltic flows of India cover an area of 200,000 square miles and probably average 2,000 feet in thickness. 6. Steam rises with the lava, but some of it forms when water flows over the hot lavas. 7. When rocks crack and break during weathe-ring, fragments result. 8. Even far from the sea, the results of marine action may be seen in almost every part of the world. 9. The impurities in water give to it certain chemical properties which result in some of the most important weathering processes. 10. Gravels are accumulations of unconsolidated rock fragments which result from the natural disintegration of rock and which are at least 2 mm in diameter. 11. Transportation of sediment into the sea causes rise of sea level by displacement of the water. Sinking of a portion of the sea bottom causes lowering of sea level. 12. Another, though much less important, cause of earthquake is volcanic activity. A violent or explosive eruption often causes the earth in its vicinity to quake. 13. Molten rock does not always rise far enough to reach the earth's surface. 14. Infiltration of salt water near coasts may cause the ground water to become salty.

XV. Translate into Russian paying attention to the meaning of the words in bold type:

1. A map is a flat piece of paper, and we must have some way of showing on it hills, mountains and valleys. There are several ways of doing this. 2. Metamorphic rocks are rocks changed in some way from either an original igneous or sedimentary form. 3. An asteroid is star-like in no way except ap­pearance. 4. Rain water is not absolutely pure. On its way down from the clouds to the earth's surface it takes up dust suspended in the air and some gases, and is to some extent mineralized when it reaches the ground. 5. All streams, whether tiny streams or mighty rivers, are slowly but constantly changing the surface of the earth. 6. All constituents of the earth's crust, whether hard granite and sandstone or soft clay or gravel, are called rocks. 7. All these rocks, whether igneous or sedimentary originally, which have been greatly recrystallized and altered by heat and pressure, are called metamorphic rocks. 8. Geologists are often asked whether earthquakes can be predicted. 9. We do not know whether on the whole the present movement in the earth's crust is proceeding more or less rapidly than in the past. 10. We can't say whether the present is simply another interglacial epoch.

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