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2 Green tourism чист.doc
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1. Read the article again carefully, and then answer the questions.

    1. What are three main charges made against international tourism?

    2. In what two ways does tourism harm local culture and economies?

    3. Why is it strange to accuse the tourists industry of creating misery?

    4. What is the main argument the writer makes in support of the tourism industry?

    5. How does the writer suggest that tourism might be similar to other major industries?

    6. What reasons does the writer give for feeling that tourism is actually different from other industries?

    7. What does the writer feel is needed to secure the future development of tourism?

    8. Why does the writer feel that tourism in the third world is ‘a metaphor for the unjust world in which we live’?

1. Review the use of grammar tenses in English and put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense

It’s over 35 years since travel writer Dervla Murphy set off on her bike from Ireland and (1. to arrive), several months later, on India. She (2. to pedal) relentlessly ever since – not quite so fast now that’s she is nearly 70, but even more furiously as she (3. to see) countries from South America to Asia despoiled by meddlesome development and disfigured by western values.

Travel writing (4.not to be) a fashionable genre in the early 1960s; so, in describing her trip, Murphy (5. to follow) the solitary stars of two other dauntless female wanderers whose work she (6. to admire); the Victorian Isabella Bird, and Freya Stark, who (7.to start) writing in the 1930s.Since then, she (8. to continue) to indulge her insatiable appetite for travel and adventure, and to delight her readers along the way.

Unlike other big names in travel writing, Murphy (9. to stay) true to the form: she doesn’t intersperse her narratives with chunks of tiresome and self-indulgent autobiography, and she is contemptuous of authors who (10. to attempt) to fire their reader’s interest by starting their narrative with a dramatic incident in the middle of the jungle. She just (11. to tell) a straightforward tale of her circuitous journeys, from day one through to the last.

The book Murphy currently (12.to work) on is about the Balkans. There are prizes and penalties for ageing authors. In Africa, her white hair (13. to earn) her boundless respect; the Balkans were frustrating because local people (14. to feel) an Irish grandmother had no business being there. Usually the journey is relatively easy; the writing more laborious. This time, both (15. to be) tough going. Happily, there’s a Murphy’s law that (16. to say), come what may, the book (17. finish)

2. Find and learn Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions

1) the charge sheet


2) to be/stand accused of


3) a force for environmental destruction


4) to be charged with


5) to be alleged


6) to cream off the lion's share of the profits


7) to square with the facts


8) a freeloader


9) one of the most talked about issues


10) sustainable form of tourism


3. Find and learn English equivalents for the following words and expressions

1) самая хрупкая экосистема в мире


2) ценные природные ресурсы


3) проявлять неуважение


4) трудно примириться с


5) устанавливать различия




7) место, где пересекаются культуры


8) несправедливый мир


9) по словам….


10) святое дело


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