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  1. Match the words with their definitions and then translate them into Russian. Write the transcription of the words.

1) emerge (v.)

a) capable of being maintained at a steady level without exhausting natural resources or causing severe ecological damage

2) endanger (v.)

b) causing a good result; advantageous

3) sustainable (adj.)

c) involving practical experience of equipment

4) penetrate (v.)

d) protection, preservation, and careful management of natural resources and of the environment

5) beneficial (adj.)

e) to catch (game, fish, etc.) illegally by trespassing on private property

6) hands-on (adj.)

f) to come into view, to become apparent

7) rainforest (n.)

g) to put in danger

8) setting (n.)

h) dense forest found in tropical areas of heavy rainfall. The trees are broad-leaved and evergreen, and the vegetation tends to grow in three layers (undergrowth, intermediate trees and shrubs, and very tall trees, which form a canopy). Also called: selva

9) conservation (n.)

i) to find or force a way into or through (something); pierce; enter

10) poach (v.)

j) the surroundings in which something is set; scene

11) revenue (n.)

k) to make a start

12) getaway (n.)

l) the income accruing from taxation to a government during a specified period of time, usually a year

  1. You will view the wildlife in Castlewood Canyon State Park which includes various species of birds and animals.

  2. Before you watch, check the meanings of the following birds and animals’ names in the dictionary:

elk, deer, mountain lion, bobcat, mouse, ticks, coyote, rattlesnake, red tailed hawk, golden eagle, mountain bluebird, Turkey Vulture.

  1. Now watch the video answer these questions.

  1. What are the best times to visit the park?

  2. What are you recommended to bring?

  3. If you are lucky, what animals can you see?

  4. What time does a coyote look for its prey?

  5. What are the smallest animals in the park?

  6. Who can help you to do birding?

  7. What are the species you can see in the sky?

  8. Do you think visiting the park is a form of green tourism? Why? Why not?

Before you read

1. You are going to read an article about ecotourism and its different aspects. Before you read think of what you know about ecotourism. Have you ever been a green-tourist?

  1. Discuss with your partner the following questions.

  • What are the examples of ecotourism?

  • How to do ecotourism

  • Ecotourism and biodiversity

  • What do people gain from ecotourism?

  1. Skim the text to check your ideas.

Ecotourism: the Promise and Perils of Environmentally-Oriented Travel By Heather e. Lindsay

Ecotourism, defined as responsible tourism focused on the natural world, has emerged as a concept that unites the interests of environmentalists and developers. Proponents of ecotourism see it as potential salvation of some of the world's most endangered ecosystems, and an opportunity for communities that possess biological resources to develop sustainable economic strategies, instead of pursuing environmentally-damaging patterns of resource use. However, finding a compromise between preservation and development is often challenging, and ecotourism can generate additional environmental problems for the very regions it is intended to protect.

Ecotourism is intended to be sustainable, focused on the natural world, and beneficial to local communities. The IUCN (World Conservation Union) defines it as environmentally responsible travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature that promotes conservation, has low negative visitor impact, and provides for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local populations.

Practically speaking, ecotourism includes activities in which visitors enjoy hands-on experiences, such as bird-watching in the Brazilian rainforest, hiking in the mountains of Nepal, participating in a traditional village celebration, or taking a canoe trip down a river. Local guides usually accompany small groups of tourists on expeditions, teaching them about the local flora, fauna, and culture of the region. Ecotourism is characterized by small-scale outfits in remote locations where commercialization and mass-tourism outfits have not yet penetrated. Tourists typically stay with local families, or at small, environmentally-friendly hotels called ecolodges. These opportunities for personal contact with members of the host community facilitate cross-cultural exchange and add greatly to the value of ecotourism experiences for some people. Ecotourism is rooted in a conservation ethic and has a mission to support the biological and cultural resources of the community. Revenues from safari expeditions, for instance, may go to protecting the animals from poaching, while the entry fees from visiting a village may go to supporting education and health care for the local children. Prime locations where ecotourism has become popular include Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Australia.

Participants in the Sustainable Ecotourism in North America Online Conference in May 2000, organized by ecotourism consultant Ron Mader, developed a number of standards that characterize ecotourism:

  1. tourism activity in relatively undisturbed natural settings

  2. minimal negative impacts on the environment

  3. conservation of natural and cultural heritage

  4. active involvement with and benefit to local community

  5. tourism-generated profits contribute to sustainable development

  6. educational experience for visitors that incorporates both natural and cultural heritage

Rainforest hike, Ecuador

Worldwide, tourism generates annual revenues of nearly 3 trillion dollars and contributes nearly 11% of the global GNP (Gross National Product), making it the world's largest industry. Although the events of September 11th rocked the tourism industry and made it difficult to predict long-term trends, ecotourism is a growing component of the larger tourism industry, and several factors indicate that it is likely to thrive over time. These factors include increased awareness of environmental problems among tourist populations, willingness of tourists to engage in socially-aware travel, and interest in visiting lesser-known countries like Thailand and Belize rather than traditional vacation getaways.


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