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2 Green tourism чист.doc
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  1. Read the article again. Write t (true), f (false) or ni (no information) in the boxes next to these statements.

  1. Ecotourism can solve all environmental problems of the region

  1. To find a compromise between preservation and development is not an easy thing.

  1. An eco-tourist can travel alone or be accompanied by a local guide.

  1. Lodges are comfortable enough to stay in.

  1. The money taken for visiting a local village goes to supporting local people in different ways.

  1. Ecotourism is more predictable in comparison with tourism.

  1. People are afraid to go to faraway places.

  1. Read the article carefully and answer these questions according to the information in the text.

  1. What is the definition of ecotourism?

  2. To what areas is ecotourism aimed?

  3. Can local population be involved in ecotourism? If yes, how?

  4. What kind of activities does ecotourism include?

  5. What type of accommodation does an eco-tourist usually get?

  6. Where does the money from ecotourism go to?

  7. Why is ecotourism better predictable than tourism?

  8. Why do people travel to remote places

! There are three main groups of prepositions:

  • Place: in,at,on;

  • Place and movement (1): in, into, out of, on, onto, off, inside, outside;

  • Place and movement (2): above, below, over, under, in front of, behind, opposite, between, near, next to;

  • Place and movement (3): along, across, through

  • Time: at, in, on

For more information about preposition read English Grammar in Use by R.Murphy Units 114-120

  1. Choose the right preposition

Tourism is now the world's largest industry, accounting for\on\to more than 10% of the world's GDP, and is predicted to double at\in\on size every ten years or so. -\To\Along with this growth comes a clear sustainability challenge, as moving millions of people around on\at\in land, sea and air creates problems of transport emissions and other forms of pollution. Aware in\-\of these factors, governments have started introducing new regulations, particularly in\at\for the transport sector. Airlines and airports, for example, have been obliged with\to\in progressively minimise noise levels and cruise operators have had to establish codes of conduct to\with\for waste disposal.

This enforced environmental responsibility is now being augmented by\with\of a broader vision. Because it is selling clean air, clean beaches and unspoiled scenery, the travel and tourism sector has realised that by protecting the environment, it preserves its core business assets. Furthermore, effective conservation of energy, waste and water can significantly reduce costs. On\At\In 1997, for example, the Scandic hotel chain launched an eco-hotel where sophisticated control systems were introduced to manage energy-, waste, air quality and water consumption. The hotel's profits rose since the running costs decreased as\for\with a result of this efficient environmental investment. Most importantly, customers loved it.

If people want to travel on\in\to ways that are less environmentally damaging and stay at\on\in places that are less polluted, they will use companies that practise sustainability, thus creating a virtuous circle of demand and response. That will mean 'wise growth' which retains the economic benefits of one of the world's fastest growth industries and minimises the adverse impacts.

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