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VII. Correct the statements if necessary using the phrases of agreement or disagreement:



You are quite right

I agree with you

Your statement is correct

I share your point of view

You are wrong

I disagree with you

Nothing of the kind!

You are mistaken

  1. The thing is the deterioration of the environment is not telling heavily on people.

  2. And it is obvious what all people need is a contaminated environment.

  3. It’s a pity but concern about the preservation of the environment and its protection from pollution as well as concern about our limited natural resources has not given rise to a powerful movement throughout the world.

  4. As many as 59 countries – members of the United Nations Organization – have set up environmental protection agencies.

  5. The love of nature and everything living around us is an indispensable part of humanism.

  6. The problem of environmental protection is a great concern of the Ukrainian government, especially after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in April 1968.

  7. "Zeleny Svit" is the Ukrainian ecological newspaper. It calls on protection of the natural wealth and on using it in a more careful and economical manner for the benefit of the present and future generations.

VIII. Answer the following questions using the phrases given below:

As far as I know, as far as I can judge, in my opinion, to my mind, for all I know, it is evident that…

1. What do all people need?

2. What has given rise to environmentalism?

3. What do the members of the United Nations Organization do to protect our environment?

4. What is necessary for people to do to solve the burning problem of the nature contamination?

5. What are the tasks of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine?

6. What are the aims of Ukrainian environmental organizations?

IX. Translate the given sentences:

1. Причиною занепокоєння багатьох людей є те, що забруднення навколишнього середовища позначається на їх станові здоров’я.

2. Занепокоєння щодо захисту природи від забруднення обмежених природних ресурсів стало причиною появи могутнього руху по всьому світові.

3. 159 країн-членів Організації Об’єднаних націй заснували агентства із захисту навколишнього середовища.

4. Для вирішення цієї важливої проблеми людям необхідно об’єднати зусилля, підвищити стандарти техніки безпеки на усіх промислових підприємствах, адекватно обробляти побічні продукти промисловості.

5. Проблема захисту навколишнього середовища викликає велике занепокоєння в уряді України, особливо після аварії на Чорнобильській атомній електростанції у квітні 1986 року.

6. Українська екологічна газета "Зелений світ" закликає захищати природне багатство і використовувати його обережніше і економніше на користь сучасного і майбутніх поколінь.

X. Do you know that: Ecological Problems

There are a lot of problems facing people on the planet Earth nowadays. The most urgent problem is an ecological one. Interrelations between man and the biosphere are complex. Man like any other living organism depends for his life on what the biosphere provides: water, oxygen, food. On the other hand all sorts of human activity make the environment unhealthy. The main problems are: air pollution, water pollution, acid rains, safety of nuclear and power station, radioactive and other poisonous materials, disposal of waste and others. Let's consider some of them.

Car engines burn gasoline, factories burn fuels. All these gases pollute the air. The biggest problem is ozone. Ozone can age our lungs, making us more susceptible to dangerous diseases, including cancer. Some factories produce liquid wastes and dump them into rivers and lakes. This problem includes oil pollution which causes great damage to coasts and wild life. Acid rains damage forests, poison rivers and lakes, make them lifeless. Safety of nuclear and hydroic power stations is another acute problem. Public anxiety has grown particularly after the Chernobyl disaster.

Radioactive and other poisonous materials present health and safety problems. As the population of large cities continues to grow, the problem of industrial waste disposal has become urgent. In more than a hundred towns and cities the concentration of harmful substances in the air and water is over 10 times the admissible level. In recent years people have become more sensitive towards the environment. Still more public organizations and unofficial movements have been established. In 1987 a "Green Peace" public commission was set up. Its main goal is to combine the people's efforts in the struggle for peace and nature conservation. Russia is cooperating in this field with the USA, Canada, Finland, and Norway. The other way out of ecological problems is to turn technology to the construction of healthy environment. We must leave our planet better for future generations than it is now.

XI. Work in pairs. Tell about one of the environmental disasters mentioned in the text above. Use the information from the text and your background knowledge to prepare an interview "Pollution. What are we doing to our Home?"