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VIII. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Дерева з’явилися і почали вкривати поверхню Землі 370 мільйонів років тому.

2. Сьогодні ми настільки звикли до дерев, що нам важко повірити у те, що тварини могли існувати без них, або що вони не еволюціонували разом хоча б на початку.

3. Саме значна еволюція рослин і дерев уможливила еволюцію великих тварин, ссавців зокрема.

4. На сьогодні відомо близько 100 000 видів дерев, які існують в усьому світі.

5. Потреба у ресурсах лісів призвела до їх масового знищення.

6. Люди винищують ліси для побудови помешкань сільського господарства та розвитку виробничої галузі.

7. Населення планети зростає; наші потреби постійно збільшуються, але не зважаючи на такий розвиток цивілізації, ми не повинні забувати, що дерева життєво необхідні і важливі для здоров’я на усіх рівнях людського життя.

8. Дерева очищують повітря і забезпечують нас киснем, допомагають ґрунту затримувати воду, захищають рослини і тварин від сонця, надають їм житло.

IX. Read the text below and find the best title for it.

Trees and plants have a great impact on our air quality. Trees act like fil­ters. The leaves capture particulates like dust, soot, and pollen and remove them from the air. They also remove and store carbon and reduce our need for energy.

Trees act like a carbon warehouse. In the process of photosynthesis, plants remove carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen. A healthy tree uses over 20 lbs (скорочення від «фунт») of carbon dioxide each year. The carbon is stored in the tree (wood is about 45 percent carbon) and the oxygen is released back into the atmosphere.

Trees are outdoor air conditioners. They provide a natural way to shade and cool your house in summer and can shield your home from the cold winds of winter. A person can save energy by landscaping with trees. Deciduous trees (листяні дерева) planted on the south, west, and east will protect your home from the direct rays of the sun in summer. In winter, without their leaves, they allow most of the sun's energy to reach the house. Coniferous trees (хвойні дерева) to the north and west can block cold winter winds. This reduces consumption of energy to heat your home.

A successful urban tree program can also impact whole communities. Cit­ies are often 10 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than suburbs, partially due to the heat island effect cause by concrete, steel, and asphalt. The planting and care of trees can minimize this phenomenon and greatly reduce energy consumption.

X. Do you know that:

  • Today, there are only three great forests left on Earth: the Amazon Forest of Brazil, and the boreal forests in Russia and Canada.

  • Forests contain between 50-90% of terrestrial (суходільний; наземний) species. Tropical forests alone are thought to contain between 10-50 million species – over 50% of species on the planet.

  • Rainforests (тропічні ліси) cover two percent of the Earth's surface and six percent of its land mass. Yet they are home to over half of the world's plant and animal species. Originally, rainforest covered twice the area they do today.

  • There are approximately 1.6 acres of forests per person living on the planet.

  • All of Earth's oxygen is produced by photosynthesis, the process plants use to combine water and carbon dioxide to create glucose (their own food) and oxygen.

  • The first dinosaurs on Earth appeared only about 140 million years af­ter trees first appeared – about 230 million years ago.

  • Just three trees planted around the average size home can lower air-conditioning bills by up to 50%, and trees that shield homes against the wind can lower heating bills by up to 30%).

  • Trees produce natural anti-freeze chemicals which can keep them from freezing in temperatures up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit in some species.

  • Technically, deforestation only occurs when land once covered with trees is totally converted to other use and is not replanted.

  • An average tree absorbs ten pounds of pollutants from the air each year, including four pounds of ozone and three pounds of particulates.

XI. Read the following statement, translate it, do the tasks below:

"Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people." Franklin Delano Roosevelt (32nd President of the United States). Do you agree with the statement above? Give your own reasons why trees are so important in our ecosystem and our life.