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    1. Word combinations;

    2. Phraseological units;

    3. Phraseological fusions.

1. To see the world through rosy spectacles. 2. To show the white feather. 3. To kiss the hare’s foot. 4. To call a spade a spade. 5. To make friends. 6. To take revenge. 7.A house of cards. 8. To make up one’s mind. 9. To shed crocodile tears. 10. To commit suicide. 11. Judas kiss. 12. To play the first fiddle. 13. To find faults with somebody. 14. The apple of one’s eye. 15. To get in touch with somebody. 16. True to fact. 17. To dot the I’s and cross the T’s. 18. I am fed up with it! 19. A pretty kettle of fish. 20. To give way. 21. To nip in the bud. 22. To wash one’s hands. 23. To rest on one’s oars. 24. Let sleeping dogs lie. 25. To have all the trumps in one hand. 26. Between wind and water. 27. To lose one’s way (temper). 28. To go a long way. 29. A slip of the tongue (pen.). 30. Blank verse. 31. To establish control. 32. A hard nut to crack.

Exercise 2. Explain the meaning of the following phraselogical units. Arrange them into groups according to their origin:

  1. expressions associated with some customs;

  2. expressions associated with some historical events;

  3. expressions borrowed from some literary sources;

  4. expressions borrowed from the Bible.

1. The land of promise. 2. Baker’s dozen. 3. New wine in old bottles. 4. Ask for bread and butter given a stone. 5. To beat the air. 6. To give the devil his due. 7. Vanity fair. 8. Daily bread. 9. Forbidden fruit is sweet. 10. It rains cats and dogs. 11. To rob Peter to pay Paul. 12. Thirty pieces of silver. 13. To wash one’s hands of something. 14. A prodigal son. 15. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. 16. A thorn in the flesh of somebody. 17. To catch somebody red-handed. 18. Marriage is a lottery. 19. To fight the windmills. 20. Judas kiss.

Exercise 3. Comment on the etymology of the following phraseological units.

1. To cany coals to Newcastle. 2. A black sheep. 3. When queen Anne was alive. 4. To cut the Gordian knot. 5. Solomon's judgment. 6. A crooked sixpence. 7. To be bom under a lucky star. 8. From the bottom of one's heart. 9. A peeping Tom. 10. To dance attendance on.

Exercise 4. State from what languages the following phraseological units were borrowed.

1. The horn of plenty. 2. Blue blood. 3. Through thick and thin. 4. Achilles' heel. 5. The apple of discord. 6. It goes without saying. 7. A storm in a tea-cup. 8. The fifth column. 9. A marriage of convenience. 10. Snake in the grass. 11. To lead somebody by the nose. 12. One's place in the sun. 13. To burn the candle at

both ends. 14. The bed of Procrustes. 15. The game is not worth the candle. 16. To pull the devil by the tail.

Exercise 5. Give Ukrainian/Russian equivalents to the following phraseological units. Mind their association with human activities.

I. To fish in troubled waters. 2. To rise to the fly. 3. To swallow the bait. 4. To join the colours. 5. To mask one's batteries. 6. To hunt the wrong hare. 7. To hunt with the hounds and run with the hare. 8. To kill two birds with one stone. 9. To feel one's pulse. 10. To take the law into one's own hands. 11. To play first fiddle. 12. In tune. 13. Out of tune. 14. To touch the right cord. 15. To go through the mill. 16. Spade work. 17. To be in the limelight. 18. To be out of limelight.

Exercise 6. Match the following English and Ukrainian idioms.

  • as fussy as hen with one chick * вовка ноги годують

  • the dog that trots finds a bone * вовк в овечій шкурі

  • you should not look into the * ворон воронові ока не виклює

gift horse’s mouth * дарованому коню в зуби не

  • dog doesn’t eat dog дивляться

  • crows do not pick crow’s eye * забув віл, коли телям був

  • geese with geese and women with * як кіт наплакав

women * знайся кінь з конем, а віл з волом

  • what can you get of the cat but her * з поганої вівці хоч вовни жмут

skin? * кому що, а курці просо

  • the sow likes bran better than roses * краще синиця в жмені, ніж

  • better an egg today than a hen журавель у небі

tomorrow * купити кота в мішку

  • a bird in the hand is worth two in * між вовками по-вовчому вий

the bush * на похиле дерево і кози скачуть

  • a sparrow in hand is worth a pheasant * пес бреше, дощ чеше, а вітер далі

that fly by несе

  • to buy a pig in a poke * носиться, як курка з яйцем

  • with foxes we must play the fox * схожий, як свиня на коня (тільки

  • flies go to a lean horse шерсть не така

  • a wolf in a sheep’s clothing

  • dogs bark, but the caravan goes on

  • the moon does not heed the barking

of the dogs

  • as like as an apple to an oyster

  • old cow thinks she was never a calf

  • as scare as hen’s teeth

Exercise 7. Give Ukrainian/Russian equivalents of the following simple and phrasal verbs.

bear - + down, out, up, with;

beat - + back, down, into, out, up;

break- + down, off, up, with;

call - + at, for, in, on (upon), over, up;

come - + about, across, along, at, back, by, down, down upon, for, in, of, off, out, out with, over, round, to, up, up to, up with, upon;

cry - + down, for, up;

cut - + down, in, off, out;

do - + away with, up, with, without;

drop - + across, away, behind, in, into;

fall - + away, back, back upon, behind, in, into, in with, off, out, through, to, under, upon;

hang - + about, back, on, out, together, up;

pick - + apart, at, away, from, in, off, on, out, over, up, with.

Exercise 8. a) Set off idiomatic and non-idiomatic phrasal verbs. Comment on their meaning, b) Translate the sentences into Ukrainian/Russian

1. She reluctantly decided that to go on was the only thing to be done (A. Christie). 2. "I mustn't keep you up. It's - it's very good of you letting me come and talk to you" (Id.). 3. I make up a little story about beauty and pretend that it has something to do with truth and goodness (A. Christie). 4. "No, don't bother to shift, I can get by" (A. Sillitoe). 5. "Go on," she cried. "You're daft. I can never make you out" (Id.). 6. "No," he said, "it's no life for a woman. Nobody to look after her and take her out when she feels like a good time" (Id.). 7. Do you expect stupid people to love you for showing them up? (B. Shaw). 8. "When we're married they'll soon come round. People always come round to facts" (J. Galsworthy). 9. Elliott called me up one morning (W.S. Maugham). 10. He went to the door and called out after them (G. Greene). 11.1 got out, heaving my luggage after me, and he drove away at once (M. Dickens). 12. Miss Faulkner put on a long pale green dinner dress (Id.) 13. "I'm thinking of giving up the shop soon" (J. Braine). 14. He picked up the magazine and went out (Id.). 15. He settled in one of the armchairs in the outer room and turned over the pages of the New Yorker, waiting until someone he knew should turn up (S. Waugh). 16. "I must be getting along" (R. Gordon). 17.1 peeped out - he was putting on his hat with a hasty and uneasy air (A.J. Cronin). 18. It took minutes of ringing before he came down to let us in (C.P. Snow). 19. They took their seats in the plane and set off (A. Huxley). 20. "I promise I won't give you away" (J. Cary).

Exercise 9. Translate the following English proverbs into Ukrainian.

  • A bird in the hand is worth two * Enough is as good as a feast;

in the bush; * Fine words butter no parsnips;

  • A fault confessed is half redressed; * First catch your hare, then cook him;

  • As the baker, so the buns, * Handsome is as handsome does;

as the father, so the sons; * Hunger is the best sauce;

  • As you sow, you shall mow; * If its and ands were pots and pans;

  • The cobbler should stick to his last; * It is the first step that costs;

  • Don’t cross your bridges before you * It’s better late than never;

come to them; * Like cures like, Murder will out;

  • Don’t teach your grandmother to * One good turn deserves another;

suck eggs; * Second thoughts are best;

  • East or West, home is best. * Two heads are better than one.

Exercise 10. Give the proverbs which the following phraseological units have developed.

  • a bee in one’s bonnet; * to lock the stable door;

  • beer and skittles; * to make hay;

  • a bird in the bush; * a new broom;

  • birds of a feather; * an old bird;

  • a black sheep; * to put all one’s eggs in one basket;

  • to cast pearls before swine; * a silver lining;

  • to catch smb. with chaff; * to stick to one’s last;

  • to clutch at a straw; * a stitch in time;

  • to cry over spilt milk; * to take care of the pence;

  • the early bird; * a velvet paw;

  • to eat one’s cake and have it; * the last straw.

Exercise 11. Give the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian proverbs and sayings.

  • Буде й нашій вулиці свято; * На Юрія о цій порі, як рак

  • Вовків боятися – в ліс не ходити; свисне на оборі;

  • Горбатого могила виправить; * Не все те золото, що блищить;

  • Дарованому коневі в зуби не * Не спитавши броду, не лізь у

дивляться; воду;

  • Друзі пізнаються в біді; * Порожня бочка гучить, а повна

  • З дурної голови та на здорову; мовчить;

  • Куй залізо поки гаряче; * По своєму ліжку простягай і

  • Курчат восени лічать; ніжку;

  • Лихо не без добра; * Скажеш “гоп”, як перескочиш;

  • Лякана ворона куща боїться; * Скрипливе дерево довго живе;

  • М’яко стелить, та твердо спати; * Соловей піснями не ситий;

  • На безвідді і рак риба; * Тринди-ринди коржі з маком;

  • Шила в мішку не сховаєш; * У багатьох няньок дитина без ока;

  • Шкурка за вичинку не стане; * У тихому болоті чорти водяться;

  • Щоб рибу їсти, треба у воду лізти; * Яка яблунька, такі й яблука.

  • Як посієш, так і пожнеш;

Exercise 12. Comment on the phenomenon of a proverb. Give Ukrainian/ Russian equivalents of the following proverbs.

I. Actions speak louder than words. 2. After death the doctor. 3. All cats are grey in the dark. 4. All is not the gold that glitters. 5. Appearances are deceptive. 6. The appetite comes with eating. 7. Art is long, life is short. 8. As the call, so the echo. 9. Barking dogs seldom bite. 10. Beauty lies in lover's eyes. 11. Best defence is attack. 12. Better to do well than to say well. 13. Birds of a feather flock together. 14. Business before pleasure. 15. Caution is the parent of safety. 16. Cheats never prosper. 17. The child is father of a man. 18. Clothes do not make a man. 19. Curiosity killed the cat. 20. The devil is not so black as he is painted. 21. Dog does not eat dog. 22. Don't strike a man when he is down. 23. Don't teach fishes to swim. 24. Easier said than done. 25. Easy come, easy go. 26. The end justifies the means. 27. Every cloud has a silver lining. 28. Every man to his taste. 29. Face is the index of the mind. 30. False friends are worse than open enemies. 31. Fear has a quick ear. 32.

First think, then speak. 33. Fortune favours the brave. 34. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 35. A good dog deserves a good bone. 36. Great talkers are little doers. 37. Habit is a second nature. 38. Haste makes waste. 39. He laughs best who laughs last. 40. He that dies pays all debts. 41. If the cap fits, wear it. 42. If you run after two hare, you will catch none. 43. All news travels fast. 44. Life is not a bed of roses. 45. Like father, like son. 46. Love cannot be forced. 47. Love is blind. 48. Love me, love my dog. 49. Lucky at cards, unlucky in love. 50. A man can die but once. 51. Marriages are made in heaven. 52. Meas­ure twice and cut once. 53. Money makes money. 54. The more you have, the more you want. 55. New lords, new laws. 56. One hand washes the other. 57. One man, no man. 58. Out of sight, out of mind. 59. Over shoes, over boots. 60. Rome was not built in a day. 61. Still waters run deep. 62. There is no smoke without fire. 63. Time works wonders. 64. Walls have ears.

Exercise 13. Give proverbs synonymous to the following ones. Suggest Ukrainian/Russian equivalents.

1. Don't count your chicken before they are hatched. 2. Strike while the sun shines. 3. So many man, so many minds. 4. Misfortunes never come singly. 5. Between two stools one falls to the ground. 6. Business first, pleasure afterwards. 7. Every man has his taste.

Exercise 14. Classify the following proverbs into:

a) simple sentences; b) compound sentences; c) complex sentences.

1. Love is blind. 2. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper. 3. Never pup off till tomorrow what you can do today. 4. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 5. When guns speak it's too late to argue. 6. All cats are grey in dark. 7. When the cat is away, the mice will play. 8. It never rains, but it pours. 9. It is an ill bird that fouls his own nest. 10. Live and learn. 11. Look before you leap. 12. Man does not live by bread alone. 13. No news is good news. 14. So many countries, so many customs. 15. They that have got good store of butter may lay it thick on their bread. 16. Time is a great healer. 17. United we stand, divided we fall. 18. What can't be cured must be endured. 19. What will be, will be. 20. While there is life, there is hope.

Exercise 15. Give English equivalents of the following proverbs and phraseological units.

1. В чуже прос не пхай носа. 2. На смак товариш не всяк. 3. У кожної медалі є зворотний бік. 4. Не кажи “гоп”, поки не перескочиш. 5. Чия відвага, того й перемога. 6. скупий два рази платить. 7. Голод не свій брат. 8. Погані вісті не лежать на місті. 9. Чи пан – чи проправ, двічі не вмирати. 10. Слово – срібло, мочання – золото. 11. Багато знатимеш – скоро постарієш. 12. Не по словах судять, а по ділах. 13. Наскочила коса на камінь. 14. Хто рано встає, тому Бог дає. 15. Легко прийде, прахом піде. 16. Мій дім – моя фортеця. 18. Любиш поганяти, люби й коня годувати. 19. Щоб рибу їсти, треба у воду лізти. 20. Не чіпай лиха, коли воно спить. 21. Хто рідніший, той і цінніший. 22. Котрий собака багато бреше, той мало кусає. 23. Напад – найкраща оборона. 24. Краще щось, ніж нічого. 25. З двох лих вибирай менше. 26. Краще пізно, ніж ніколи. 27. Полохливий заєць і пенька боїться.

Exercise 16. Classify the following sayings into:

  1. Statements,

  2. Questions,

  3. Exclamations,

  4. Imperatives.

1. Carry me out! 2. The world is a small place. 3. Queen Anne is dead! 4. Whose dog is dead? 5. Do you see any green in my eye? 6. May your shadow never grow less! 7. A lot of water has flown under the bridge since.... 8. One's cup is full. 9. What's up? 10. Draw it mild! 11. Damn your eyes! 12. One's mouth waters after/at/for something. 13. One's days are numbered. 14. Where do you hail from? 15. Hold your horses!

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