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Методичка Английский 2 семестр.doc
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1. Read the following nouns and give their equivalents in Russian:

contribution cycle

dimension task

stage point

personality vulnerability

change potential

2. Select the appropriate word from the lilt above and write in the space adjacent to the definition.

1. Something which help* to bring about a result.

2. Something different or new used in place of something


3. A particular side or part of a problem.

4. Weakness, sensitivity, the state when somebody is easily


  1. A piece of work that must be done, duty.

  2. A particular period or point in the course of a process.

7- Possibility for developing or being favourably developed.

8. An exact moment, time or state.

9. The whole nature or character of a particular person.

10. A period of time needed for something to be completed.

3. Read the following adjectives and give their equivalents in Russian.

psychological developmental enhanced

basic turning increased

important unique human

  1. Match the adjectives given above to the nouns from Ex. 1. Make as many phrases as possible.

  2. Read the following verbs and give their equivalents in Russian.

to recognize to misjudge to argue

to emphasize to resolve to unfold

to believe to confront to face (to be faced)

6. Match the verbs given above to the phrases from Ex. 4.


1. Read Text 1 and mark the following sentences 1-5 T (true) or F (false).



  1. Erikson believed that Freud misjudged only two important dimensions.

  2. Freud emphasized development in the first five years of life.

3. In Erikson's theory eight stages of development unfold in childhood.

  1. In Erikson's theory, each stage involves a crisis as turning point of increased vulnerability and enhanced potential.

  2. Each stage consists of various developmental tasks.

2. Which words / phrases are used: a) to list and add points; b) to show contrast?

TEXT 1 Erik Erikson (1902-1994) recognized Freud's contributions but believed that Freud misjudged some important dimensions of human development. For one, Erikson says we develop in psychosocial stages, in contrast to Freud's psychosexual stages. For another, Erikson emphasizes developmental change throughout the human life cycle, whereas Freud argued that our basic personality is shaped in the first 5 years of life. In Erikson's theory, eight stages of development unfold as we go through the life cycle. Each stage consists of a unique developmental task that confronts individuals with a crisis that must be faced. For Erikson, this crisis is not a catastrophe but a turning point of increased vulnerability and enhanced potential. The more individuals resolve the crises successfully, the healthier their development will be. FOLLOW UP

  1. Compare and contrast Freud's and Erlkson'I theories.

  2. Explain whether E. Erikson changed psychoanalytic theory in a fundamental way.

3. Using the Internet, And additional information on e. Erikson and z. Freud's biographies and share It with your partner.


1. Read the following nouns and give their equivalents in Russian:

fear trust behavior challenge

apprehension mistrust will caregiver

expectation sense independence outlook

toddlerhood amount shame accomplishment

2. Select the appropriate word from the list above and write in the space adjacent to the definition.

1. A Part or area that has a particular character.

  1. Anxiety about the future; ability to understand.

  2. Freedom.

  3. Firm belief in the honesty; confidence.

5. Absence of belief in goodness or honesty.

  1. A way of behaving.

  2. A feeling of uncertainty.

  3. Particular understanding or judgment.

9. A particular age of a small child who has just learnt to


10. The power of the mind to make decisions and act in

accordance with them.

11. A feeling of moral discomfort.

12. Something that tests strength, skill or ability.

13. A person who looks after a child.

14. One's general point of view.

15. Achievement; finishing work successfully.



3. Read the following adjectives and give their equivalents in Russian.

physical minimal preschool anxious social

psychosocial own uncomfortable positive

lifelong purposeful irresponsible widening

4. Match the adjectives given above to the nouns from Ex. 1. Make as many phrases as possible.

5. Read the following verbs and give their equivalents in Russian.

to require to punish to discover to set

to experience to restrain to realize to occur

to cope to assume to develop to encounter

to compensate

6. Match the verbs given above to the phrases from Ex. 4.