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It into fine sol or luna. And a greater quantity of it shall your medicine transmute, give tincture to, and make perfect,

than of any other mineral body. The like is to be understood, to be performed in the same manner upon other mineral

bodies, according as they are easy or hard to be fused or melted.

The Root of the World, by Roger Bacon, 13th Cen.


Common Mercury, amalgamated with Lead, is counted the most proper Subject for making Projection, which being in

Fusion, your fermented Matter being divided into three parts, one part of it rolled, in Wax, is to be flung upon the

Amalgam: then presently cover the Crucible, and continue the Fire, until you hear the Noise of the Separation and

Union: then the second and third part, as before, and being kept for two hours in a continual Fire of Fusion, let it cool

by it self.

Aphorisms of Urbigerus, by Baro Urbigerus, 1690 AD


When the artist would transmute any metal- for instance, lead- let a quantity be melted in a clean crucible, to which

let a few grains of gold in filings be cast; and when the whole is melted, let him have in readiness a little of the

powder, which will easily scrape off from his "stone," the quantity inconsiderable, and cast it on the metal while in


Immediately there will arise a thick fume, which carries off with it the impurities contained in the lead, with a

crackling noise, and leaves the substance of the lead transmuted into most pure gold, without any kind of

sophistication; the small quantity of gold added, previous to projection, serves only as a medium to facilitate the

transmutation, and the quantity of your tincture is best ascertained by experience, as its virtue in proportioned to the

number of circulations you have given after the first has been completed.

On the Philosophers' Stone, by Anonymous, 12th - 17th Cen. (?)



30. Appearance

The appearance of the Red Stone is different depending how many times it has been multiplied in quality,

and therefore how pure and powerful it is.

At first it is a dull red and opaque, but becomes brighter and transparent purple when more refined. It is

very heavy.


Know, then, that it is called a stone, not because it is like a stone, but only because, by virtue of its fixed nature, it

resists the action of fire as successfully as any stone. In species it is gold, more pure than the purest; it is fixed and

incombustible like a stone, but its appearance is that of very fine powder, impalpable to the touch, sweet to the taste,

fragrant to the smell, in potency a most penetrative spirit, apparently dry and yet unctuous, and easily capable of

tinging a plate of metal.

A Brief Guide to the Celestial Ruby, by Eirenaeus Philalethes, 1694 AD


This Tincture is of a colour intermediate between red and purple, with something of a granite hue, and its specific

weight is very, considerable.

The Twelve Keys, by Basilius Valentinus, 15th Cen.


Our Tincture of Gold contains stars, is a substance of the greatest fixity, is unchangeable in multiplication, is a red

powder (with almost a saffron tinge), liquid like resin, transparent like crystal, fragile like glass, is of a rubinate

colour, and of great specific gravity. [...] It is soluble in any liquid, melting and commingling with the same, fragile as

glass, in a powder saffron-coloured, but in a solid mass, red like the ruby. Its purple colour is the mark of perfect

fixation and fixed perfection, for it remains fixed and incombustible, even when exposed to fire, corrosive waters, or

burning sulphur, since it is, like the salamander, incapable of being consumed by fire.

Golden Calf, by John Frederick Helvetius, 17th Cen.


Having thus completed the operation, let the vessel cool, and on opening it you will perceive your matter to be fixed

into a ponderous mass, thoroughly of a scarlet color, which is easily reducible to powder by scraping, or otherwise,

and in being heated in the fire flows like wax, without smoking, flaming, or loss of substance, returning when cold to

its former fixity, heavier than gold, bulk for bulk, yet easy to be dissolved in any liquid, in which a few grains being

taken its operation most wonderfully pervades the human body, to the extirpation of all disorders, prolonging life by

its use to its utmost period; and hence it has obtained the appellation of "Panacea," or a Universal Remedy.

On the Philosophers' Stone, by Anonymous, 12th - 17th Cen. (?)



31. Everburning Lamps

Lamps have been found all over the world which have been burning for hundreds of years with no

apparent power source. The "scientific" opinion is that there must have been a secret oil well full of oil for

the lamp, even though they never found one. But no surprise... its alchemy again.

I'm not entirely sure how to make an everburning lamp. From my understanding it needs to be in a

hermetically sealed container, the wick needs to be made of a material which will not burn (perhaps made

by alchemy also), and then you just put some of the Stone into the oil (or maybe no oil and just the Stone

dissolved in water).

I found a nice article on the Internet with some good research and history on everburning lamps. I'm going

to quote this instead of writing about the lamps myself. The author of this article is an alternative history

researcher called Ellen Lloyd. Ellen thought that the lamps were made with an alien technology, which is

not that far from the truth, and maybe more believable than the truth. But there were no aliens, just humans

with the Philosophers' Stone.


"Now the House of Solomon the King was illuminated as by day, for in his wisdom he had made shining pearls which

were like unto the sun, the moon and the stars in the roof of his house."

(From: "The Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek")

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