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I have said, the fire being augmented, the first colour of whiteness will change into red. Also when the citrine shall

first appear, among those colours, yet that colour is not fixed. But not long after it, the red colour shall begin to

appear, which ascending to the height, your work will indeed be complete. As Hermes saith in Turba, between the

whiteness and the redness, one colour only appears, to wit, citrine, but it changes from the less to the more. Maria also

saith, when you have the true white, then follows the false and citrine colour; and at last the perfect redness itself.

This is the glory and the beauty of the whole world.

The Root of the World, by Roger Bacon, 13th Cen.


This white substance, if you will make it red, you must continually decoct it in a dry fire till it be rubified, or become

red as blood, which is nothing but water, fire, and true tincture. And so by a continual dry fire, the whiteness is

changed, removed, perfected, made citrine, and still digested till it become to a true red and fixed color. And

consequently by how much more it is heightened in color, and made a true tincture of perfect redness. Wherefore with

a dry fire, and a dry calcination, without any moisture, you must decoct this compositum, till it be invested with a most

perfect red color, and then it will be the true and perfect elixir.

The Secret Book of Artephius, by Artephius, 12th Cen. (?)


When the putrefaction of our seed has been thus completed, the fire may be increased till glorious colors appear,

which the Sons of Art have called Cauda Pavonis, or the Peacock's Tail. These colors come and go, as heat is

administered approaching to the third degree, till all is of a beautiful green, and as it ripens assumes a perfect

whiteness, which is the White Tincture, transmuting the inferior metals into silver, and very powerful as a medicine.

But as the artist well knows it is capable of a higher concoction, he goes on increasing his fire till it assumes a yellow,

then an orange or citron color; and then boldly gives a heat of the fourth degree, till it acquires a redness like blood

taken from a sound person, which is a manifest sign of its thorough concoction and fitness for the uses intended.

On the Philosophers' Stone, by Anonymous, 12th - 17th Cen. (?)



28. Multiplication

The Stone only has to be made once, and then it can be easily multiplied in quantity and quality. The

multiplication is the same for the White Stone and the Red Stone.

The standard method of Multiplication is to repeat the Second Part or Fermentation again. You can do this

with or without adding gold or silver, but by adding more ferment you are increasing the quantity as well as

the quality. Every time you repeat the Fermentation, the Stone will get larger and 10x more powerful. The

time it takes to complete the multiplication also gets less and less each time it is performed, since the Stone

becomes more and more powerful, until the multiplication can be done in just a few seconds.

The unfermented Stones can also be multiplied, but of course you will multiply them by repeating the

Second Part again (imbibe, make black, make white, make red) adding only distilled urine and not the



The Multiplication of the Stone. Take the perfect Stone; add one part of it to three or four parts of purified Mercury of

our first work, subject it to gentle coction for seven days (the vessel being carefully sealed up), and let it pass through

all the Reigns, which it will do very quickly and smoothly. The tinging power of the substance will thus be exalted a

thousandfold; and if you go through the whole process a second time (which you can do with ease in three days) the

Medicine will be much more precious still. This you may repeat as often as you like; the third time the substance will

run through all the Reigns in a day, the fourth time in a single hour, and so on—and the improvement in its quality

will be most marvellous. Then kneel down and render thanks to God for this precious treasure.

An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King, by An Anonymous Sage and Lover of Truth, 1645 AD


Now if afterwards you would multiply your tincture, you must again resolve that red, in new and fresh dissolving

water, and then by decoctions first whiten, and then rubify it again, by the degrees of fire, reiterating the first method

of operating in this work. Dissolve, coagulate, and reiterate the closing up, the opening and multiplying in quantity

and quality at your own pleasure. For by a new corruption and generation, there is introduced a new motion. Thus we

can never find an end if we do always work by reiterating the same thing over and over again, viz. by solution and

coagulation, by the help of our dissolving water, by which we dissolve and congeal, as we have formerly said, in the

beginning of the work. Thus also is the virtue thereof increased, and multiplied both in quantity and quality; so that if

after the first course of the operation you obtain a hundred fold; by the second fold you will have a thousand fold;

and by the third; ten thousand fold increase. And by pursuing your work, your projection will come to infinity, tinging

truly and perfectly, and fixing the greatest quantity how much soever. Thus by a thing of small and easy price, you

have both color, goodness, and weight.

The Secret Book of Artephius, by Artephius, 12th Cen. (?)


You can also dissolve the Stone in water and then distil it. This will increase the quantity and quality 100x.

In short, anything you can think of to purify or dissolve and then coagulate the Stone will increase its

quality, and anything dissolved and overpowered by the Stone will become the Stone also and increase its



If that substance which Nature supplies be taken in hand by Art, dissolved, coagulated, and digested, its perfection is

increased from a monadic to a denary virtue; by repeating the same process, it is increased a hundred-fold, and then a

thousand-fold, etc.

A Brief Guide to the Celestial Ruby, by Eirenaeus Philalethes, 1694 AD


When the Stone is sufficiently strong, it can be multiplied by melting a mass of gold (or silver) and then

throwing a bit of the Stone into the molten gold. All of it will be quickly transmuted into more and stronger

Philosophers' Stone. If the Stone becomes really powerful, you will be able to do this with any metal, since

the Stone will transmute it all the way into more Stone, instead of leaving it as gold (then you'd need to

dilute the Stone if you want to make gold.)


The manner of Projection and Multiplication of the White and Red Stone are both one, but the multiplication may be

done in two manners, one by projecting one part upon one hundred parts more into pure Luna or pure Gold. There are

other ways more profitable and secret to multiply the Medicine in Projection, wherein I am at present silent

Verbum Dismissum, by Count Bernard Trevisan, 15th Cen.



29. Projection

The projection is a reasonably simple matter of melting the metal to be transmuted, then throwing a little bit

of the Stone into it.

The lower the melting temperature of the metal, the easier it is transmuted, and less of the Stone will be

required. So mercury is the best, and then lead.

Some alchemists recommend wrapping a bit of the Stone in wax, or adding filings of gold into the melted

metal. This is to help the Stone to penetrate better into the metal. Others recommend dissolving the Stone

and projecting it in the liquid state instead of solid state.

If the Stone is too weak not all of the metal will be transmuted and you will have to add more Stone. If the

Stone is too strong then the metal might be converted into the Stone itself instead of gold, so the Stone will

need to be diluted.


we only just melt the imperfect metals over the fire, and then add to them the Philosopher's Stone, which, in a moment

of time, imparts to them the form of gold

The New Pearl of Great Price, by Peter Bonus, 1338 AD


This wonderful Medicine penetrates each smallest part of the base metals (in the proportion of 1 :: 1,000) and tinges

them through and through with its own noble nature: your arithmetic will fail sooner than its all-prevailing power.

Each smallest part that is pervaded with the vitalizing power of the-Elixir in its turn tinges that part which is nearest

to it until the whole mass is leavened with its marvellous influence, and brought to the perfection of gold.

A Brief Guide to the Celestial Ruby, by Eirenaeus Philalethes, 1694 AD


Now the projection is after this manner to be done: put the body, or metal upon the fire in a crucible, and cast thereon

the elixir as aforesaid, moving, or stirring it well; and when it is melted, become liquid, and mixed with the body, or

with the spirit, remove it from the fire, and you shall have fine gold or silver, according to what you elixir was

prepared from. But here is to be noted, that by how much the more the metalline body is the easier to be melted, by so

the ore shall the medicine have power to enter into, and transmute it. Therefore by so much as mercury is more liquid

than any other body, by so much the more, the medicine has power in being cast upon it, to wit, mercury, to transmute

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