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Task 11. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word-combinations and explain their meaning.

conventional wisdom

Общепринятая точка зрения.

to go undercover

Работать под прикрытием.

cheating to win/lose

Обманывать ради

to pay a whisper of attention

Хоть немного интересовался

nature-nurture problem

Проблема естественного воспитания

scared out of one’s skin

Испугаться до смерти

in some regards

В некотором отношении

gun control law

Закон о контроле за оборотом оружия

to put into place

Приводить к снижению

class-action lawsuit

Групповой судебный иск

applied science

Прикладная наука

frustrating exercise

Неблагородное занятие

unifying theme

Объединяющая тема

impartial observer

Независимый наблюдатель

beyond the reach

Вне досягаемости

informational advantage

Информационное преимущество

adverse family environment

Неблагополучные темы

on one’s behalf

От чьего-то имени

innocuous choice

Безобидный выбор

to churn commissions

Сбивать/снижать комиссионные

Task 12. Explain the idioms. Make up 3 sentences using the idioms:

  • to keep body and soul together-выживать

I don’t want to care about keeping my body and soul together.

  • to get top dollar for smth-получать прибыль

If you want to get top dollar for your house you should make the list of its priorities

  • the weakest link-слабое звено

He is weakest link in our company because of his attitude for work.

Task 14. Paraphrase the following sentences focusing on the underlined expressions:

  1. It doesn’t worth forgetting that Adam Smith, the founder of classical economics, was primarily a philosopher.

  1. Even though experts couldn’t predict the crime drop – which, virtually, existed even as they made their horrifying predictions – they now rushed to interpret it.

  1. As far as crime goes, it occurs that not all children are born peer.

  1. A muse about experts abusing their position and proof of it are poles apart.

  1. The roaring 1990s economy was the reason for turning back crime.

  1. But as far as incentives are concerned, commissions are tricky.

  1. If you don’t have additional information, however, it’s difficult to find out what have an impact on what.

  1. If only Candidate A contested with Candidate B in two consecutive elections but in each case spent different amounts of money, we could evaluate the money’s impact.

  1. Incentives were increased ten times.

  1. Denver and Washington, D. C., have about the same population – but Washington has about threefold as many police as Denver.

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