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Контрольна робота № 2

Варіант 1

Для виконання контрольної роботи необхідно засвоїти такі теми з граматики:

  • видо- часові форми дієслова в активному стані (Continuous (Present, Past, Future));

  • значення та вживання Present Participle в різних часових формах;

  • типи питальних речень.

Завдання 1. Прочитайте, перепишіть і зробіть письмовий переклад тексту.

Kyiv – the Capital of Ukraine

According to the chronicles first Kyiv’s citadel was built in the sixth to eight centuries. Kyiv bears the name of prince Kij, who lived on the old Kyiv Hill in the sixth century. Under the rule of Yaroslav the Wise Kyivan Rus’ with Kyiv as its capital reached the height of its power. In the 9th century the city became a big trading centre of Eastern Europe linked through the Dnieper and the Black Sea with the Caucasus, the Middle East countries and Rome. A great role in the history of Kyiv was played by Prince Volodymyr who united numerous Slav principalities into a single powerful state.

Kyiv is a unique and extremely harmonious combination of historic values and traditions with modern styles and ways of life that draws crowds of people from all over the world to it. In 1982 it celebrated its 1500-th anniversary.

Nowadays Kyiv is a large political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre. Its population is about 3 million people. It is the seat of the government and the Verhovna Rada.

Kyiv is located on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper River. It is famous for its beauty. The streets of Kyiv are broad and straight. There are a lot of chestnut trees and flowers in the city. The monument to Taras Shevchenko, the great poet of Ukraine, is in front of Kyiv University, named after him. The monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky, the Ukrainian national hero, stands in the square opposite to the Sophia Cathedral. The St. Sophia Cathedral is the masterpiece and top of the creative spirit of the Ukrainian people.

Kyiv is a well- known industrial centre. Its industries manufacture planes, automated lathes, excavators, ships, motorcycles, machine tools, artificial fibres and diamonds, hundreds of types of consume goods.

Kyiv is the centre of Ukrainian culture, education and science. Many research institutes and higher educational establishments are to be found here. The famous Kyiv Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre has one of the best opera and ballet companies in this country. The performances staged at the Theatre are always sold out. There are also lots of other theatres in Kyiv. One can visit the Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre, the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, etc.

No wonder that Kyivities are proud of their city.

Завдання 2. Перекладіть наступні слова та вирази із тексту українською мовою.

To be located - знаходитися, an ancient city – стародавнє місто, a big trading centre – великий торгівельний центр, to be founded – бути основаним, research institutes – пошуковий інститут, Kyivities - києвність, places of interest – визначні місця, the longest river – найдовша річка, picturesque – мальовничи , chestnut trees - каштани, the oldest cities – найдавніше місто, a single powerful state – окрема сильна країна, an extremely harmonious combination – неймовірно гармонійне поєднання, a masterpiece - шедевр, creative spirit – дух творчості, wonderful beaches – прекрасні пляжі, educational establishments – освітні установи, consume goods – споживчі товари, to be played – бути розіграним, proud - гордість.

Завдання 3. Поставте дієслова, що в дужках в Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous.

  1. I was reading a novel when she comes.

  2. They will be doing it from 9 to 10 next day.

  3. I am visiting a public library in the city now.

  4. Some engineers are reading technical magazine at this moment.

  5. My mother and I were visiting the museum of Ukrainian art from 5 till 6 yesterday.

  6. My friends and I were looking for the nearest telephone booth when we met them yesterday.

  7. We were translating the text into Ukrainian the whole evening yesterday.

  8. Jack was speaking to his friend at 5 o’clock yesterday.

  9. Don’t make noise! Some students are working now.

  10. He will be playing chess from 11 to 12 tomorrow.

  11. They will be working when I come.

  12. My sister is working in this beautiful Ukrainian city now.

Завдання 4. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.

  1. Гроші, які існують в сучасномі світі, мають різні способи застосування.

  2. Всі сучасні люди купуючи та продаючи речі використовуют гроші.

  3. Студенти, які працюють тут, приїхали з Києва.

  4. Чоловік, яки робить доповідь «Американська сучасність» наш вчитель.

  5. Дівчина, що розказує про американські гроші, моя подруга.

  6. Прийдучи в університет вчасно, я почула розмову про дозвіл.

Завдання 5. Побудувати питання до поданих речень, які б починалися зі слів:

What do many factories in Ukraine produce?

Where do many Ukrainians live?

Who lives in the USA, Canada and Great Britain?

Do factories in Ukraine produce a wide range of goods?

  1. Many Ukrainians live abroad in the USA, Canada, Great Britain.

  2. Factories in Ukraine produce a wide range of goods.

Завдання 6. Прочитайте текст і дайте йому назву та план у вигляді 4 питань різних типів (загальне, спеціальне, розділове, альтернативне).

Ukraine has an ancient history. Several thousand years ago the ancestors of Ukrainians lived there during the Trypil’s’ka period.

In ancient times Antes and Rosses inhabited Ukrainian lands. There are different theories as for the origin of the Ukrainian people. But it is not still known who really were the first Ukrainians.

Ukraine was the centre of the Slav culture. A powerful state of Eastern Slavs Kyivan Rus’ appeared on the banks of the river Dnieper in the ninth century. It included Kyiv, Novhorod, Chernihiv, Halych, Polots’k, Suzdal, Rostov. Kyiv was the centre of the state. According to the legend three brothers Kyi, Shchek, Khoryv and their sister Lybid’ founded the city on the hills above the Dnieper. Kyiv got its name after the eldest brother. Kyiv princes went to trade with many countries of Europe.

In 988 Prince Volodymyr introduced Christianity as the main religion. In the eleventh century Kyivan Rus’ was one of the most developed and powerful states in Europe. Under the rule of Prince Yaroslav the Wise ancient Kyiv flourished and increased seven times.

Контрольна робота № 2

Варіант II

Для виконання контрольної роботи необхідно засвоїти такі теми з граматики:

  • видо-часові форми дієслова в активному стані (Continuous (Present, Past, Future));

  • значення та вживання Present Participle в різних часових формах;

  • типи питальних речень.

Завдання 1. Прочитайте текст, зробіть письмовий переклад тексту.


Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and the seat of the Supreme Council and the Cabinet of Ministers.

Kyiv is one of the most ancient cities. In 1982 it was 1500 years old. It was called “the Mother of All Russian Cities” It has the population of above 3 million people. Its total area is 790 square kilometres.

Kyiv lies on both banks of the Dnieper, one of the longest rivers in Ukraine. Spreading over the picturesque hills of the Dnieper Kyiv is immersed in green parks and gardens. It is one of the greenest cities in the world, it has 18 square metres of greenery for a person.

Kyiv is an industrial, scientific and cultural centre of Ukraine. Kyiv is one of the oldest cities and has many places of interest. Among them is the Golden Gate, which is about a thousand years old. Once it was the main entrance to the city. At that time Kyiv was the capital of the feudal state of Kyiv Rus, a large and powerful state. On the Sophia’s Square there is St. Sophia Cathedral. In the square, in front of the cathedral, there is the monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky.

There is the monastery ensemble, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, which was founded in the 11th century in Kyiv. Among the museums of Lavra is the museum of Ukrainian Folk Decorative Art, which comprises more than 500,000 exhibits. In the park of Immortal Glory there is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, over which an eternal fire burns.

In Kyiv you can see the monument to T. Shevchenko, the well-known poet and fighter for freedom. It stands in the park in front of the University. There are some other

monuments in Kyiv – the monument to Lesya Ukrainka, the great Ukrainian poetess, the monument to M. Lysenko, the great Ukrainian composer and many others.

There are many fine museums in Kyiv: the State Historical Museum, the Museum of Ukrainian Art and so on. Kyiv is a city of theatres. It is famous for its theatres such as the Taras Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre and others.

Kyiv is the centre of science and education. Many scientific research institutes, colleges and universities are in Kyiv.

Kyivites are proud of their city.

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