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19 the USA часть 1.doc
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Ex.1. Translate the text into Russian.

Ex. 2. Answer the following questions:

1. How much money did George Washington spend on ice cream during one summer?

  1. Who brought a recipe for ice cream back for France?

  2. Who invented an ice cream freezer?

4. What were the original options for ice cream?

  1. How many flavors does Baskin -Robbins make?

  2. Have you ever tried Baskin-Robbins ice cream?

  3. How much ice cream do Americans eat a year?

  4. Do you like ice cream?

Ex. 3. Give English equivalents to the following:

Рецепт мороженого, яичный желток, экзотическая приправа, становиться доступным, сделать более удобным, огромное терпение, подавать в стаканчиках, любимый вкус, первоначальные добавки, добавит к первоначальным добавкам, взбивать в ручную, в продаже в магазине.


The statue of liberty

One of the most famous statues in the world stands on the island in New York Harbor. This statue is, of course, the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is a woman who holds a torch up high. She symbolizes a welcome to a land of freedom. Visitors can go inside the statue. The statue is so large that as many as twelve people can stand inside the torch. Many more people can stand in other parts of the statue. The statue weighs 225 tons and is 301 feet tall.

The statue of liberty was put up in 1886. It was a gift to the United States from the people of France. Over the years France and the United States had a special relationship. In 1776 France helped the American colonies gain independence from England. The French wanted to do something special for the U.S. centennial, its 100th birthday.

Laboulaye was a well-known Frenchman who admired the U.S. One night at a dinner in his house, Laboulaye talked about the idea of a gift.

Among guests was the French sculpter Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Bartholdi thought of a statue of liberty. He offered to design the statue.

Many people contributed in some way. The French people gave money for the statue. Americans designed and built the pedestal for the statue to stand on. The American people raised money to pay for the pedestal. The French engineer Alexander Eiffel, who was famous for his Eiffel Tower in Paris, figured out how to make the heavy statue stand.


Ex.1. Translate the text into Russian.

Ex.2. Answer the following questions:

  1. Where does the statue stand?

  2. What does it symbolize?

  3. How many people can stand inside the torch of the statue?

  4. Whose gift was the statue?

  5. Whose idea was it?

  6. Who designed the statue?

Ex. 3. Give English equivalents to the following:

Статуя свободы, держать факел, страна свободы, внутри статуи, подарок от кого-либо, особые отношения, обрести независимость, проектировать, пьедестал, собрать деньги, производить расчеты.



"In God We Trust" is the motto used on all U.S. currency. It first appeared on a bronze two-cent piece in 1864 in response to a swelling of religious sentiment during the Civil War. Secretary of the Treasury salmon P. Chase chose the now-familiar epithet over several others, including "God Our Trust" and "God and Our Country".

The words were briefly removed at the suggestion of President Theodore Roosevelt, who believed that putting god's name on a coin was a sacrilege. But in 1908 the motto was restored by an act of Congress. It wasn't until 1957 that the saying was first seen on paper currency. In the 1960s a whimsical takeoff began appearing in stores: "In God We Trust. All Others Pay Cash."


Ex. l Read and translate the text.

Ex.2 Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the motto used on US currency?

  2. When did it first appear?

  3. Did President Theodore Roosevelt like the idea of putting God's name on a coin?

  4. When was the motto restored?

  5. When did it first appear on paper currency?

Ex. 3. Give English equivalents to the following:

Деньги США, двухпенсовая монета, религиозное чувство, знакомый, эпитет, по предложению президента, было кощунством, бумажные деньги, эксцентричное подражание (карикатура), расплачиваться наличными.



No matter how you celebrate your birthday, the odds are that someone will sing "Happy Birthday to You." A 1995 survey found that 71% of Americans hear that song on their birthdays. The melody, now in the public domain, was published in 1893 with the words "Good Morning to All," written by sisters Mildred J. Hill, a church organist, and Patty S. Hill, a schoolteacher. The "Happy Birthday" lyrics written by the sisters were copyrighted in 1935. Until the copyright runs out in2010, royalties must be paid for using these words at public performances. Fortunately, no fees are owed for singing them at private parties.


Ex. l. Read and translate the text.

Ex.2. Give English equivalents to the following:

В государственной собственности, исследования показали, церковный органист, получить авторское право, истекать (о времени), в публичном исполнении, не взимается плата, частные вечеринки.

Ex. 3. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the most popular song on birthday?

  2. When was the melody published?

  3. Who wrote the words?

  4. When were the 'Happy Birthday' lyrics copyrighted?

  5. When does the copyright run out?

  6. Must royalties be paid for singing this song?



The origins of Halloween can be traced back to antiquity. In mid-autumn the Celts would don masks to scare away evil spirits. The Romans had a fall festival to celebrate harvest-time, hence our pumpkins and apple-bobbing. In the ninth century Pope Gregory IV designated November 1 All Saints' Day and October 31 a time of vigil, or "Hallowed Evening." Today children love the day because they can dress up and go from house to house collecting candy. Children tell each other eerie ghost stories, and some families turn their homes into haunted houses. Horror movies abound on television.

In recent years Halloween has become a social, and even a community, event - with costume parties, parades, and window-decorating contests. And with the multimillion-dollar Halloween costume and gewgaw business flourishing, one could say that Halloween is a season in its own right.