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Методические указании no английскому языку.

Часть I Новосибирск 2004

Кафедра иностранных языков

"Around the English speaking world" Методические указания по английского языка /Новосиб.гос аграр уни - т; Сост: Г.В.Титова, Е.Ю. Плешивцева, Н. В. Константинова . Новосибирск, 2002.

Рецензент: старший преподаватель О.В. Подоксенова

Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов института заочного обучения и повышения квалификации .

Целью данных указаний является совершенствование навыков устной речи на основе текстов страноведческого характера.

Для активизации изучаемого материала после каждого текста предусмотрены лексико-грамматические упражнения и задания.

Утверждены и рекомендованы к изданию методической комиссией факультета государственного и муниципального управления (протокол № 1 от 19 декабря 2003 г).

© Новосибирский государственный аграрный университет, 2004


Golden jubilee: 50 years on the throne

Once upon a time, exactly 50 years ago, a beautiful young princess became queen. To mark this event the British government has declared 2002 to be the Golden Jubilee Year.

The celebrations to honour Elizabeth II's 50 years on the throne started in April and will continue throughout the rest of the year, but the most important and spectacular ceremonies took place at the beginning of June.

Many people say that the monarchy is no longer popular. Many sceptics had predicted that people would be interested only in the World Cup and all summer planned ceremonies and street parties would leave them indifferent. Even weather forecasters had predicted rain on the Queen's parade. They were all wrong.

The sun came out and so did millions of people, singing and dancing in the streets. It was an astonishing show of love for the Queen, which proved that respect for the Royals is stronger than ever.

The Golden Jubilee weekend began on Saturday evening with the first concert ever held in the gardens of Buckingham Palace. The Royal family and 12,000 people who had been lucky to get the tickets were enjoying classical music. About 40,000 people watched the concert broadcast on huge screens around the gates and in nearby parks.

At the end of the concert the whole audience stood and turned towards the Queen to sing GOD SAVE THE QUEEN:

God save our gracious Queen,

Long live our noble Queen……

The Queen spent the next day at Windsor where she attended a church service and a Jubilee street party. To spread the Jubilee spirit around the nation Princess Ann and her husband attended a service Ayr in Scotland, and prince Charles and his sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, went to St Mary's Church in Swansea, Wales.

William and Harry had hoped to watch Britain's game with Sweden at the World Cup, but they had to go to church instead. They were rather disappointed, but still after the service they were all smiles when they greeted over 3000 people who were waiting outside the church. William discovered that he was even more popular than England's football captain David Beckham. "We love you more than Becks”, screamed girls in the crowd .

Monday's biggest event was the huge “Party at the Palace”, a pop concert staged in the Queen's back garden at Buckingham Palace.

More than 12,000 people watched it in the garden and about 15 million people in the UK and 200 million people all over the world watched it on television. This event can be called the greatest show of the century. After the concert Queen Elizabeth II led the Royal family on the stage to thank the performers. Charles gave a short speech. He began by addressing the Queen as "Your Majesty-Mummy", which brought more applause from the audience. Then he continued :"We are here tonight because we feel proud of you. Proud and grateful for everything you have done for this country and the Commonwealth over 50 years....You have defended our laws and given us cause to shout a heartfelt GOD SAVE THE QUEEN."

Immediately after the concert a breathtaking firework display began. A waterfall of fire cascaded down the walls of Buckingham Palace. In 15 minutes more than 2 tons of fire works were used. The display was followed by a spectacular laser show.