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Vocabulary exercises

I. Match the words with their definitions

1. accession

a) a group of senior politicians chosen by the governments of the European Union who are responsible for making laws and decisions within the European Union.

2. Court of Justice

b) a system of government in which every citizen in the country can vote to elect its government officials.

3. democracy

c) an association of European countries, formerly known as the European Community.

4. European Commission

d) an institution of the European Union, formerly called the Assembly of the European Communities.

5. European Community

e) an organization of Western European states that was created by the Treaty of Rome in 1957 with the broad object of furthering economic development within the Community by the establishment of a Common Market and the approximation of the economic policies of member states.

6. European Council

f) the occasion on which someone formally takes a position of authority, especially as a king, queen, or president.

7. European Parliament

g) the process of getting people of different races to live and work together instead of separately.

8. European Union

h) the European Union’s official organization for making economic decisions, consisting of the heads of government from each member state.

9. integration

i) the formal agreement made in 1958 between France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, which established the European Economic Community, which later became the European Union.

10. Treaty of Rome

j) the institution of the European Union that has three primary judicial responsibilities.

II. Match the verbs on the left with their corresponding definitions on the right

1. to convince

a) to combine two or more organizations, activities etc. so that they become more effective, make better profits etc.

2. to integrate

b) to combine, or to join things together to form one thing.

3. to merge

c) to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics.

4. to negotiate

d) to get or achieve something that will be permanent, especially after a lot of effort.

5. to remove

e) to join people, groups, or countries together.

6. to secure

f) to make someone feel certain that something is true.

7. to unite

g) to take something away from, out of, or off the place where it is.

III. Match the words in column a with their synonyms in column b and antonyms in column c







1. certain

2a. autonomous

3a. circuitous

2. common

2b. beneficial

3b. dependent

3. direct

2c. continuing

3c. false

4. frequent

2d. customary

3d. individual

5. genuine

2e. general

3e. minor

6. healthy

2f. immense

3f. narrow

7. independent

2g. leading

3g. numerous

8. joint

2h. real

3h. private

9. lasting

2i. separate

3i. rare

10. major

2j. undoubted

3j. transient

11. single

2k. uninterrupted

3k. uncertain

12. wide

2l. united

3l. unhealthy

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