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Passive voice

Відмінювання дієслова to take (брати, відводити)

в усіх часах групи Indefinite в Passive Voice

Present Indefinite Passive

I am taken

He is taken

She is taken

It is taken

We are taken

You are taken

They are taken

I am not taken

He is not taken

She is not taken

It is not taken

We are not taken

You are not taken

They are not taken

Am I taken?

Is he taken?

Is she taken?

Is it taken?

Are we taken?

Are you taken?

Are they taken?

Past Indefinite Passive

I was taken

He was taken

She was taken

It was taken

We were taken

You were taken

They were taken

I was not taken

He was not taken

She was not taken

It was not taken

We were not taken

You were not taken

They were not taken

Was I taken?

Was he taken?

Was she taken?

Was it taken?

Were we taken?

Were you taken?

Were they taken?

Future Indefinite Passive

I shall be taken

He will be taken

She will be taken

It will be taken

We shall be taken

You will be taken

They will be taken

I shall not be taken

He will not be taken

She will not be taken

It will not be taken

We shall not be taken

You will not be taken

They will not be taken

Shall I be taken?

Will he be taken?

Will she be taken?

Will it be taken?

Shall we be taken?

Will you be taken?

Will they be taken?


I take (я відвожу) – I am taken (мене відводять)

I took (я відвів) – I was taken (мене відвели)

I shall take (я відведу) – I shall be taken (мене відведуть)

Exercise 110. Open the brackets using the necessary Tense-form:

1. You may (leave, be left) your hat and coat in the cloak-room downstairs. 2. The porter will (bring, be brought) your luggage to your room. 3. Your luggage will (bring, be brought) up in the lift. 4. From the station they will (take, be taken) straight to the hotel. 5. Tomorrow he will (take, be taken) them to the museum. 6. At the station they will (meet, be met) by a man from the travel bureau. 7. She will (meet, be met) them in the hall upstairs.

Exercise 111. Turn the following into the Passive Voice:

1. You must do three of these exercises tomorrow. 2. You can find the book you need in any library. 3. We must send these letters at once. 4. The workers can finish the building of the house very soon. 5. You must return the books the day after tomorrow. 6. I can easily forgive this mistake. 7. The doctor says they must take her to hospital. 8. You can cross the river on a raft.

Exercise 112. Open the brackets using the verbs in Passive Voice:

1. At the last competition the first prize (to win) by our team. 2. The question (to settle) as soon as they arrived. 3. Your report must (to divide) into 2 chapters. 4. Soon he (to send) to a sanatorium. 5. The young man (to introduce) to me only a couple of hours ago, but it seems to me that I’ve known him for years. 6. I hope the invitation (to accept) by everybody. 7. Yesterday he (to tell) to prepare a speech. 8. It seems to me that music (to hear) from the next room.

Exercise 113. Turn the following into the Passive Voice:

1. The students greeted the famous lecturer. 2. They have recently built a huge plant in the town. 3. We must finish the work by tomorrow. 4. When I fell ill, my mother sent for the doctor. 5. They looked for the girl everywhere. 6. They didn’t listen to the boy. 7. They showed Helen the nearest way to the theatre. 8. They have already discussed the novel. 9. We were looking at the man with great surprise. 10. Has the secretary typed the letters? – No, she typing them now.

Exercise 114. Turn the following into the Passive Voice:

1. We turn on the light when it is dark. 2. She has made some coffee. 3. Have you ironed your dress? 4. The have told her the truth. 5. We shall finish this work in time. 6. They were selling new children’s books in that shop when I entered it yesterday. 7. They have built excellent shelters for tourists in these mountains. 8. The boy was angry because his mother did not allow him to go to the stadium. 9. Who discovered the circulation of blood? 10. Everybody laughed at this funny animal. 11. We have been looking for you the whole morning. 12. We will insist on strict discipline.

Exercise 115. Translate into English:

1. Собор Святого Павла побудував архітектор Рен. 2. Коли написали лист? 3. За доктором пошлють завтра. 4. Твори англійських і американських письменників видають в усьому світі. 5. Цей роман уже перекладений 5 мовами. 6. Обід варили, коли я прийшов додому. 7. Книги вже принесли з бібліотеки? 8.На той час, як він приїде, лист буде уже написано. 9. Цей кінотеатр був побудований до того, як ми приїхали сюди. 10. У майбутньому році його п’єса буде поставлена в цьому театрі. 11. Мене чекають?

Exercise 116. Translate into English:

1. За директором вже послали. Почекайте трохи. 2. На наших заняттях велика увага приділяється вимові. 3.На станції їх зустрів гід і відвіз у готель. 4. Усіх запросили у великий зал. 5. Мене запросять на ваш вечір? 6.Тебе шукають. Йди додому. 7. Стаття повинна бути переведена до п’яти годин. 8. Коли я прийшла додому, обід вже був зварений. 9.Стаття була переведена без помилок. 10. Я думала, що хліб і масло купить моя сестра. 11. Чому над ним завжди сміються? 12. Буде ваша стаття написана до початку місяця? 13. Послали за ліками? – Так, їх шукають. 14. Хіба цей твір був написаний до того, як ви робили доповідь?