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Ход мероприятия

1) Организационный момент:

Звучит песня в исполнении Э. Пресли “Love me tender, love me sweet…” На сцену выходят ведущие.

1 leader: Good afternoon boys and girls!

2 leader: Ladies and Gentlemen. We are glad to see you all here today.

1 leader: You are welcome to our party, dedicated to St. Valentine’s Day, which is always held on February 14th.

2) Сообщение цели и задач мероприятия:

Деление класса на 2 команды. Объявление темы и целей мероприятия, условий конкурсов.

2 leader: We’ll know many interesting things about this holiday and have a good time. We have 2 teams.

1 leader: You will get small valentines for your right answers and at the end of our lesson we’ll count them. Which team will have more valentines will be the wins will get a diplomа.

2 leader: Valentine is one of the popular holidays in Europe and America.

3) Изучение нового материала:

3 слайд: The Valentine's day – a holiday enamored – is marked on February, 14th in Europe since XIII century, in the USA – since 1777, in Russia – from the beginning of 1990th years.

1 leader: 4 слайд: Englishmen, for example, consider that since February, 14th the nature does turn by the spring, and at birds the season of marriage games begins, even the old English saying says: «In day of sacred Valentine all birds in air incorporate in steams».

2 leader: 5 слайд: Veins in III century in a city Thorns (Roman empire) Sacred great martyr Valentine. There was it the cleric, was engaged in scientific researches and private medical practice. Sources confirm: arrest of bishop Valentine has been caused by that the Roman emperor did not allow soldiers of the legions to marry, and Valentine secretly crowned legionaries and their beloved. Expecting execution in one of the Roman prisons, Valentine has written the letter of the daughter of the jailer and has subscribed: "your Valentine". Then has cured it wonderfully of blindness, but has been all the same executed. Date of execution has coincided with the Roman celebration in honour of the Juno, the goddess of love. Since then people every year on February, 14th remembered Valentine and arranged a holiday of all enamoured.

1 leader: 8 слайд: Once people believed that such feelings as love, good luck, anger or fears, are in heart; began to consider later that only the feeling of love is in heart. So presently heart is a symbol of love and the Valentine's day.

2 leader: 10 слайд: The son of Venus, the goddess of love. He can force to fall in love the person a shot of one of the magic arrows.

1 leader: 12 слайд: Rose is a favourite flower of Venus, the goddess of love. Red color is a color of strong feelings. And the red rose is a flower of love.

2 leader: 14 слайд: At us traditionally the love is symbolized by pigeons. Pigeons are considered as favorite birds of Venus. They all life do not change pair and in common care of baby birds. These birds are symbols of fidelity and love, and also symbols of the Valentine's day.

1 leader: 15 слайд: And in Africa birds of love name colourful parrots. Red beaks have the majority of them. They are named by birds of love that when they gather in steams they sit in very short distance from each other.

2 leader: 16 слайд: In the majority of the countries people during engagement and wedding exchange rings. Two – three centuries back on the Valentine's day was very popular to arrange engagements.

1 leader: 17 слайд: Once, if the man wanted to marry the woman, he "asked her hands". The hand became a love and marriage symbol. Soon gloves also became a marriage symbol.

2 leader: 18 слайд: Hundred years ago women carried with themselves lacy handkerchiefs. If the lady dropped a handkerchief, the man who is near to it, should lift a scarf and return to its woman. Sometimes the lady specially dropped a lacy scarf to get acquainted with the man who has pleasant to it. Soon laces began to associate with the love novel completely.

1 leader: 19 слайд: This day girls and young men gathered, wrote on pieces of paper names and threw these leaflets in a jug, then everyone pulled out on one piece of paper and learned a name of darling. In some countries till now there is a custom to choose on February, 14th Valentines (both floors) all next year.

2 leader: 20 слайд: Italians consider as the debt to give this day favourite sweets. This day and nazyva-etsja in Italy is sweet.

1 leader: 21 слайд: Finns mark on February, 14th Day of love, give each other gifts in the form of heart. And also this day gifts to mums as women's day similar 8 Martha, in Finland isn't present are made.

2 leader: 22 слайд: Englishmen send love messages and to the animals, especially dogs and horses.

1 leader: 23 слайд: In America these days is on sale 108 million roses, mainly red, and for sweets these days spend 692 million dollars!

2 leader: 24 слайд: Hearts by a holiday it is possible to sew, mould, draw, knit and even the furnace. A material for their manufacturing of hearts the various: beads, cockleshells, feathers, dry flowers, slices of a fabric, fur.

1 leader: 25 слайд: By February, 14th the set of greeting cards from simple, with touching images, to displayed is issued. And during former times there were even the cards decorated with gold and laces.

2 leader: 27 слайд: At passionate Frenchmen in Day of Saint Valentine it is accepted to give jewelry, and in romantic Denmark people send each other dried white flowers.

1 leader: 29 слайд: In Britain unmarried girls rise on February, 14th before sunrise, become near a window and look at passing men. According to story, the first man whom they will see, and is the promised.

2 leader: 30 слайд: But there are in the world some countries which have especially caused a stir in celebrating of Day of Saint Valentine. First of all it is Saudi Arabia which is the unique country in the world where this holiday … is officially forbidden, and on pain of heavy fines.

1 leader: 30 слайд: In Japan tradition to give this day the sweet has appeared from giving of one large firm on chocolate manufacture. There have started to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day in 30th years, and till now chocolate remains the most widespread gift.

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