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Unit 9 Dietology. Popular diets

Most people say if you are healthy you are happy. It is impossible to be healthy without paying attention to the food we consume. Many people try to keep to diets in order to feel better, younger and more beautiful. Dietary is a system of dieting. There are many diets in different dietary books. But what diet is the best for you? Only your doctor and your organism can prompt you what to eat. There are many types of diets for different classes of people. Certain groups of people, such as young children or older people, have special dietary needs. Because children grow rapidly, they need food not only to replace worn-out tissues and provide energy, but also to build new tissue.

A child's diet should include milk products, eggs, lean meat, poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, and cereals.

A well-balanced diet is important to the older person as it is to the child. Older people need as many nutrients as young adults. But if their activity is reduced, they will need fewer calories. Expectant or nursing mothers and babies also need special diets.

Some popular diets are given below:

Diet of models

In the morning: 1 soft-boiled egg.

3 hours later: 100g curd, 1 glass of milk without sugar.

3 hours later: the same.

Keeping to this diet once in 3 days during a month (no sugar and salt) it is possible to waste from 3 to 5 kilos.

Milk diet

(one of the diets by the English scientist Harry Benjamin)

Day 1: drink 1 glass of milk every 2 hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Day 2: drink 1 glass of milk every hour and a half from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Day 3: drink 1 glass of milk every hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Then gradually increase consumption of it up to 1 glass every half an hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ( if your organism can take it).

Note: Milk must be fresh and unboiled. It can be slightly warmed up.

Being on this diet you can sometimes eat 10-12 dates or prunes in case of stomach disorders. Besides milk you can drink fruit juices. Transition from a milk diet to a usual one is effected in the following way. On the first day drink milk till 3 p.m., eat nothing, then eat some salad. The next day do the same. On the third day you can eat your usual food.

Michelle Montinyak’s diet

His method of losing weight consists of two stages:

Stage 1 – losing weight

Stage 2 – weight stabilization

At the first stage it is compulsory to keep to multiple nutrition with a certain set of products for each meal. The first stage lasts as long as a person attains an ideal weight. Then the second stage begins and it lasts for the rest of life. There are main principles of stage 2:

  • eat salads if you combine carbohydrates and fats;

  • don’t eat sugar, honey, jam and sweets (eat sugar substitutes);

  • eat bread of coarse grinding;

  • avoid eating sauces or check them in flour content;

  • change butter for vegetable margarine, especially at breakfast;

  • eat fish;

  • drink skimmed milk;

  • eat strawberries, raspberries and bilberries,

  • consume chocolate and ice-cream in a moderate dose;

  • don’t drink much alcohol, prefer dry wine eating a salad from fresh vegetables, cheese, sausage or a crabmeat stick beforehand;

  • drink water in meals period (about1,5 litre a day);

  • don’t drink cola, lemonade, any fizzy drink;

  • drink weak coffee or tea.

Radical diet

It lasts 2 weeks. You must eat four times a day. Supper is no later than six o’clock. Being on the diet you have to drink water either plain or mineral.


3 eggs or 5 potatoes of a medium size, 200g boiled beef, 2 tomatoes of a medium size.


100g curd from low-fat sour cream, 200-250 ml kefir or thick sour milk, 2 apples, 100g boiled beef, salad from tomatoes, cucumbers and vegetable oil.


2 apples of a medium size, 0,5 l kefir,1 l fruit juice, 100g boiled beef, 70g rye bread, 2 apples.


400g boiled beef or chicken, unsweetened tea (tea with no sugar),2 eggs, 100g boiled beef, 150g rye bread


0.5 kilo apples or pears, 3 boiled potatoes, apples (no more than 700g), 0,5 l kefir.


300ml kefir or thick sour milk, 3 boiled potatoes, 300g boiled chicken, 2 cucumbers of a medium size, 2 eggs, unsweetened tea


0,5 l kefir, 4 boiled potatoes, 2 apples

French diet

It’s a diet without salt, sugar, bread and other farinaceous (мучний) foods. The menu can’t be changed as the proposed consequence of meals causes necessary changes in metabolism process.

Week 1






black coffee

2 eggs, leaf lettuce, a tomato

a piece of low-fat boiled meat, leaf lettuce


black coffee, rusk

a piece of boiled meat

ham or boiled sausage without fat, leaf lettuce


black coffee, rusk

carrots fried in vegetable oil, a tomato, a tangerine or an orange

2 eggs, low-fat sausage, leaf lettuce


black coffee, rusk

1 egg, fresh carrots, cheese

fruit salad, kefir


grated carrot with lemon juice

boiled fish, a tomato

a piece of boiled meat


black coffee

boiled chicken, leaf lettuce

a piece of boiled meat



boiled meat, fruit

low-fat ham or sausage

Week 2 equals Week 1

Being on this diet you can drink only either boiled or mineral water. The diet can be repeated in six months.

Active Vocabulary



to consume






fizzy drink

шипучий напій



thick sour milk

кисле молоко (кисляк)

leaf lettuce

листовий салат




варений, кип'ячений

grated carrot

терта морква


Task 1. Study the table of dietary types carefully.

Name the diet which you or your friends have probably been on and

analyse the results of it.

(well-)balanced / steady diet

збалансована дієта

bland diet

нестрога дієта

crash diet

строга дієта

high-calorie diet

висококалорійна дієта

high-fibre diet

дієта з вживанням великої кількості клітковини

low-salt diet

дієта з вживанням мінімальної кількості солі

low-sodium diet

дієта з вживанням мінімальної кількості соди

milk-free diet

дієта, що виключає вживання молока

reducing diet

дієта для зниження ваги

salt-free diet

безсолева дієта

special diet

індивідуальна дієта

starvation diet


therapeutic diet

лікувальна дієта

to be on a diet

бути на дієті

to go on a diet

сісти на дієту

to prescribe a diet

прописати дієту

Task 2. Find out how healthy your diet is. In your notebook, make a list of what you ate yesterday and the day before.


the day before yesterday




You get one point for every healthy thing. Take away two points for every unhealthy thing. If your score is negative, you have to change your diet!

Task 3. Read the text and discuss it.

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