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2.1.2. Ways of expressing grammatical meanings

Grammatical meanings can be expressed:

(1) synthetically (within one word), with the help of:

(a) inflections, i.e. bound grammatical morphemes attached to stems, cf. nicenicer – the nicest; mechanical adding of one or more affixes to the root is called agglutination;

(b) internal inflections which are the result of vowel change, cf. footfeet, bring – brought, shake – shook, take – took; ростиріс, нестиноситьніс, вестивів, гребти – гріб;

(c) suppletivity (using different forms to express opposed grammatical meaning, cf. good – better – best, bad – worse – worst; добрийкращий/ліпший, поганий – гірший etc.;

(2) analytically (employing more than one word), with the help of:

(a) words performing functions of grammatical morphemes, cf. important – more important – most important, will work; важливий – більш важливий – найбільш важливий, працюю – буду працювати. Such words are called grammatical word-morphemes because they:

(aa) have grammatical meanings, homogenous with the corresponding inflections, cf. nicer and more beautiful; важливіший, найважливіший and більш важливий, найбільш важливий;

(ab) are relative;

(ac) are connected with the world of reality through the word they are linked with;

(b) discontinuous morphemes (переривчастих морфем), cf. am/is/are/was/were/will be/would be working, have/has/had/will have/would have worked, have/has/ will/would have been working, am/is/are/was/were worked, have/has/had been worked, will/would be worked.

2.2. Tasks

2.2.1. Theoretical questions.

1. Types of morphemes.

2. Types of stems.

3. Synthetic and analytical means of expressing grammatical meanings.

2.2.2. Practical assignments.

1. Split the words into lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical morphemes:

Days, super-profits, because, subordinate, friends, feet, spoke, fourteen, Londoner, management, shorten, tiresome, waitress, kitchenette, grateful, nicer, phenomenon, characterizing, stated, blacken, purify, badly, quickest, booklet;

Вихователька, ткач, господарник, перерозподіляти, жіночка, по-нашому, поля, дожити, проспати, розбити, директорша, навздогін, навкруг, здоров’яга, прикро, двадцять, щедрий, найщедріший, щонайдобріший, їхнього, мій, гарнесенький.

2. Point out international and national affixes in the words:

Computerization, super-popular, ultramarine, employee, degrading, duckling, sluggard, rewritten, aggression, transportation, linguistics, non-smoker, spokesman, redistribute, antinational, sissy, underwrite.

Комп’ютеризація, популярний, ультраправий, гарнесенький, величезний, козарлюга, роботизація, ідеаліст, імперіалізм, переписати, антинародний, агресія, лінгвістика, транспортування, перерозподіляти, спікер, деградація.

3. Define the type of stems:

Table, underwrite, knee-deep, live, supersonic, less, merry-go-round, ablaze, cross-examine, degrading, dictatorship, employee, transportation, short-sighted, sideways, hijack, sister-in-law, April-fool, quickly, interesting, economical, misled, coexist, afterwards, outvote, come, highness, diary, forget-me-not, fifth, brought, better.

Геть, керманич, тепло, жіноцтво, спритність, зимувати, правдивий, читатиму, хоч-не-хоч, гріб, гірше, найбільший, син, творити, бурят-монгол, сяк-так, Непийвода, п'ятнадцять, треба, жаль, перевчити, збудуємо, танцюючий, щонайменше, хід, прихід, вголос, примхливий.

4. Point out means of expressing grammatical meanings:

John’s bag; took; I’ll be seeing you; phenomena; worst; transport; brought; feet; he’s been there; appendices; children; more interesting; greatest; shook; she works as a teacher; he’ll come soon; he entered the room at noon.

Дівчата; якнайкраще; ніс; будуватиметься; буду говорити; пришла; гірше; на вулиці; паляницею; лікар прийшла; ріс; збудовано.