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Seminar 8


8.1. Basic notes

8.1.1. Definition

The adverb is a part of speech characterized by the following features:

(1) lexico-grammatical meaning of qualitative, quantitative or circumstantial characteristics of actions, states or qualities;

(2) typical stem-building elements, cf. -ward(s) (eastward(s), -ly (firstly), -ways (sideways); (добре), (дарма) etc.

(3) unilateral combinability with verbs (to walk quickly/ йти швидко), adjectives (rather tired/дуже стомлений), adverbs (almost instantly/ майже миттєво);

(4) the most typical function of adverbial modifiers (She started working very carefully/Вона почала працювати дуже обережно);

(5) category of degree of comparison (see 8.1.4.).

8.1.2. Classes

In accordance with their lexico-grammatical meaning, adverbs in contrasted languages fall into:

(1) qualifying, denoting the quality or state of an action, cf. loudly, badly, fast, well, slowly – голосно, погано, швидко, добре, повільно;

(2) quantifying, denoting quantitative characteristics of an action, cf. very, rather, too, nearly, fully, hardly, quite, utterly – дуже, досить, надто, майже, повністю, досить-таки, цілком;

(3) circumstantial, denoting various circumstances attending an action; accordingly they fall into:

(a) adverbs of time and frequency, cf. now, then, today, soon, rarely, sometimes, frequently – зараз, тоді, сьогодні, скоро, рідко, інколи, деколи, часто;

(b) place and direction, cf. here, there, inside, outside, upstairs – тут, там, всередині, надворі, наверху.

Completely allomorphic are the so-called personal adverbs in Ukrainian, cf. по-моєму, по-їхньому, по-нашому, по-своєму (their English equivalents are adverbial phrases like in my/their/our opinion); and adverbs of comparison and likening, cf. соколом, стрілою, по-батьківському, по-осінньому (their English equivalents are like a falcon, like an arrow, like a father, like in autumn).

8.1.3. Stem structure

As for their stem structure adverbs divide into:

(1) simple-stem adverbs, cf. now, then, here, there – зараз, тоді, ту, там;

(2) derivative-stem adverbs; in English they are formed with the help of such suffixes as -ly (strictly), -ward(s) (eastward(s), -ways (sideways), -fold (twofold) and partly prefixes, cf. a- (aloud); Ukrainian adverbs are formed by means of the suffixes (гарно), (зле), (дарма), the prefix по- and the suffixes -ому (по-нашому), -єму (по-моєму), (по-людськи). It is typical of Ukrainian adverbs to be formed with the help of prefixes correlating with prepositions, cf. в + гору – вгору, в + день – вдень, в + друге – вдруге, see also безперестанку, відразу, догори, зранку, скраю, удень, вмить, надвечір, навік, заміж, надвір, підряд, повік;

(3) compound-stem adverbs, cf. so-so, upside-down, moreover, therefore – насамперед, на півдорозі, водночас;

(4) composite-stem adverbs, cf. by chance, by turns – пліч-о-пліч, всього-на-всього, віч-на-віч.

An allomorphic features of the Ukrainian adverbs is their ability to take diminutive suffixes -еньк (гарненько), -есеньк (гарнесенько), -юсіньк (тонюсінько), -очк (рядочком), -ечк (трішечки).