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10. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple. Don't pay attention to the gaps.

A Life In The Day Of Jackie Willis

My day usually (start) at 7.30 a.m. when I get out of bed, have a shower, put on my uniform, take a quick glass of orange juice and get a taxi to the hotel. I never (wear) much make-up during the day.

I work a six-day week at the hotel. The first shift is the busiest. At the desk in the hotel I answer questions and solve any problems. 1_________________ but if things seem quiet I leave a note and go into the restaurant for a cup of coffee and a roll.

The second shift (run) from 12.30 but you can still get away for lunch. 2_____________ . Sometimes I have a free afternoon and I often think about lying on the beach, but usually I go home for siesta. I don’t think much about trying to get a tan. I do my sunbathing during my holiday.

The evening shift is the easiest. After dinner I leave a note on the desk and go into the bar to chat with the clients and hear about their day.

I hardly cook at all during the season. I don’t enjoy it much – except for frying bacon! But I do manage to eat quite a lot – all my meals (seem) to come at the end of the day. And there are some English foods that I really prefer, such as bacon, cheese, and, most of all, Marks and Spencer cakes.

I'm usually pretty tired by the end of the day. The day ( end) with a good talk with my friends.

My day off is very important for me. Usually I try to get up about 9.30, have a leisurely breakfast and then go off to another resort for the day.

3_________________. If there are no magazines to read then I switch the light out straight away and 4______________.

a. Put the words in the correct order and choose from these sentences the one that best fits each gap (1-4) to complete the text.

1. altogether I breakfast often miss.

2. lunchtime water just I drink always at.

3. I sometimes I bed read go to when a bit for.

4. I minutes within am asleep.

b. Make 5 questions in Present Simple about the text.

c. Find and write out sentences with markers of Present Simple.

Present Progressive

+ I am (I’m) working you are (you’re) working

he/she/it is (‘s) working we/they are (‘re) working

    1. Make present progressive positive (+) sentences.

The lesson ____ now. (start +) – The lesson is starting now.

  1. You _____ too fast. (talk +)

  2. Bill _____ dinner now. (cook +)

  3. I ______ a good book. (read +)

  4. We ______ a bit of English. (learn +)

  5. I _______ very happy today. (feel +)

    1. Put the verbs in brackets into the present progressive.

Four people 1) ______ (sit) at a table. They are in a restaurant. They 2) ______ (have) dinner. They 3) _______ (wear) smart clothes. The man 4) _______ (wear) a suit. The parents 5) _______ (smile) at each other and they 6) _______ (talk). The children 7) _______ (listen). The girl 8) _______ (drink) some wine. The boy 9) _______ (eat) some bread. They 10) _______ (enjoy) their meal.

? Am I working ? Are you working ?

Is he/she/it working ? Are we/they working ?

    1. a. Make questions.

everybody/listen/to me? – Is everybody listening to me?

  1. you / wait / for somebody?

  2. your boyfriend / enjoy /the concert?

  3. those men / take /our car?

  4. you / talk / to me?

  5. it / snow?

  6. we / go / too fast?

  7. the boy / eat / some ice-cream?

  8. the parents / wear / sports clothes?

  9. they / tidy / the garden?

  10. dad / paint / the living-room?

b. Complete the questions.

Those people aren’t speaking English. What language _______? –

Those people aren’t speaking English. What language are they speaking?

  1. Bill’s writing something on the wall. I can’t see – what _______?

  2. The train’s stopping! Why _______?

  3. They’re eating now. What _______?

  4. They’re playing a game. What game ______?

  5. I’m going now. Goodbye. Wait! Where ______?

- I am not(I’m not) working you are not (you aren’t) working

he/she/it is not (isn’t) working we/they are not (aren’t) working

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