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  1. Make questions.

a. You have a cat. – Do you have a cat? He has many friends. – Does he have many friends? 1. I have two brothers.

2. She has a dog.

3. They have a nice flat.

4. You have three cars.

5. He has a guitar. b. Sally/ a boyfriend. – Does Sally have a boyfriend?

  1. We / garden.

  2. They / any children.

  3. Peter / a cold.

  4. Tom / any brothers or sisters.

  5. Why / you / two cars.

I/You/We/They do not have/don’t have He/She/It does not have/doesn’t have

3. Make negative sentences. a. Joe has a car. – Joe doesn’t have a car.

  1. I have enough money.

  2. They have an interesting magazine.

  3. She has her own room.

  4. They have many nice clothes.

  5. She has very fair hair.

b. My aunt/gold fish. – My aunt doesn’t have gold fish. 1. He / bicycle.

2. They / computers.

3. She / toys.

4. I / a good job.

5. This city / drama theatre.

Have: past

I/You/He/She/It/We/They had

4. Fill in have, has or had. 1. I ______ two pens yesterday, but now I have only one.

2. He _____ a headache yesterday evening.

3. She _____ blue eyes, but her daughter _____ hazel eyes.

4. I ____ no time, because I'm very busy.

5. We _____ a lot of things to do yesterday.

Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they have? I/You/He/She/It/We/They did not have/ didn’t have

5. Make questions and negative sentences. a. I had a shower this morning. – Did you have a shower this morning? – Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. I had breakfast today. – I didn’t have breakfast today. 1. I had a conversation with my friend yesterday evening. 2. We had a good time at the Christmas party. 3. She had fish for lunch. 4. They had a nice holiday in Cairo. 5. We had a good game of tennis. b. Write 5 sentences about yourself with I had and I didn’t have. When I was a child I had a bicycle. When I was a child I didn’t have a dog. have: future

I/You/He/She/It/We/They will have Will I/you/he/she/it/we/they have ? I/You/He/She/It/We/They will not have/won’t have

6. Read the text and complete the sentences about John’s future. This year, John doesn’t have money, a job, a house, a girlfriend, a suit or a car. He has a small room, a bicycle, old clothes, a guitar and a cat. But next year: more money + He will have more money. a small room – He won’t have a small room. a cat ? Will he have a cat?

1. a job ? 2. a bicycle – 3. a car + 4. a house ? 5. a girlfriend ? 6. old clothes - 7. a suit + 8. a guitar ? 9. lots of friends ? 10. a mobile telephone ?

Have got

I/You/We/They have got He/She/It has got Have I/you/we/they got ? Has he/she/it got ? I/You/We/They have not got He/She/It has not got

7. Write about John’s possessions. a bicycle + John’s got a bicycle. a horse – He hasn’t got a horse. a big house ? Has he got a big house?

1. dogs + 2. a dictionary - 3. any horses ? 4. a good job + 5. long hair - 6. a big garden ? 7. a plane - 8. any children - 9. two sisters + 10. a nice suit +

8. Use have got or have or both. 1. Would you like to ____ something to eat? 2. Did you ____ a good game of rugby? 3. I usually ____ breakfast at 7 o'clock. 4. I ___ a dog. 5. Mary ____a shower and went to bed. 6. _____ a good party. 7. You____ beautiful eyes. 8. Here are my holiday photographs. Do you want to ____ a look? 9. I ____ a cold. 10. My boss usually _____ coffee at 11 o'clock.

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