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  1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции "but" и "for".

  1. A thermometer shows the temperature of a substance but not the amount of internal energy in it.

  2. The equipment under consideration will require but one worker to handle it.

  3. Action and reaction always act on different bodies but never act on the same body.

  4. The energy lost for work is not really lost but only converted into another form.

  5. No machine can be made completely frictionless but the undesirable effects of friction can be reduced, of course.

  6. Lavoisier demonstrated the law of the conservation of matter but in 1773.

  7. All the devices but one were operating in a proper way.

  8. All but five workers were dismissed.

  9. Individual atoms and molecules cannot be seen by eye or even by high-powered optical microscopes for they are very tiny.

  10. Edison worked at the improvement of the incandescent lamp for a long period of time for this problem interested him greatly.

  11. Every engineer should be responsible for the job.

  12. For the best illumination there were made two more windows.

  13. A thermometer as its name indicates is an instrument to be used for measuring temperature.

  14. The specialists came here for aerodynamic tests.

  15. But for the opposition to the motion of a body, no force would be needed to change its position.

  16. But for friction it would be impossible to control the motion of any machine.

  17. The importance of X-rays was much greater to the whole of physics and natural knowledge for the discovery of X-rays provided the key not only to one but to many branches of physics.

  18. He has been developing these ideas for a long time.

  19. The need for smaller electronic component became really pressing.

  20. The culmination of all the advancements was the microprocessor which has become virtually synonymous with microelectronics, but should not confused with it.

  21. For 40 years the vacuum tube underwent constant improving and by 1947 it had come in so many different shapes and sizes and had performed many different functions.


Союз: прежде чем,

до того как

Предлог: до, перед

Наречие: раньше, прежде

Helium was discovered on the sun before it was found on the earth.

Гелий был обнаружен на солнце до того, как его нашли на земле.

Before building the hospital, all the expenditures must be calculated.

Все затраты должны быть подсчитаны до строительства этой больницы.

That the brick is made of clay was known before.

То, что кирпич сделан из глины было известно и раньше.


Союз: после того, как

Предлог: после, за

Наречие: затем, потом, впоследствии

It was necessary to paint the fence after the house was built.

Необходимо было покрасить забор после того, как дом был построен.

After the invention of the shaper James Nasmyth invented the steam hammer in 1839.

После изобретения поперечно-строгального станка Джеймс Насмит изобрел в 1839 году паровой молот.

Tell me, please, what did take place after.

Расскажи мне, пожалуйста, что все-таки произошло потом.


after a while -через некоторое время

shortly after -вскоре после (того, как)

after all -в конце концов

well after -значительно позже

soon after -вскоре после этого


Союз: так как, с тех пор как

Предлог: с, после

Наречие: с тех пор

Here the acoustical tests have been performed since the seismic activity stopped.

Здесь акустические испытания проводятся с тех пор, как прекратилась сейсмическая активность.

Since the weight of a body is a force, it must be expressed in force units.

Так как вес тела – это сила, его нужно выражать в единицах силы.

Here the acoustic tests have been performed since 1980.

Акустические испытания проводятся здесь с 1980 г.

Whether they have been used continuously since then is not known.

Неизвестно, используются ли они непрерывно с тех пор.


Наречие: только, исключительно

Союз: но

Прилагательное: единственный

Only concrete can be used in realizing this project.

Только бетон можно использовать при реализации этого проекта.

Gases can conduct heat only their conductivity is very low.

Газы могут проводить тепло, но их проводимость очень низкая.

The only company that can build the rail bridge is "Edinbery Co".

Единственная компания, которая может построить железнодорожный мост, – "Edinbery Co".