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  1. Поставьте следующие предложения в a) Past Simple,

b) Future Simple.

Example: Нe must take an exam in mathematics.

He had to take an exam in mathematics.

He will have to take an exam in mathematics.

  1. Robots must move in the same way as the human body.

  2. They must complete all the tests as soon as possible.

  3. He must follow the instructions.

  4. The procedure of the experiment must be described in detail.

Example: One can make a computer more powerful.

One could make a computer more powerful.

One will be able to make a computer more powerful

  1. A robot can modify its actions to suit the new situation.

  2. Many elements can form compounds with carbon.

  3. A compound can be decomposed into any other substances.

Example: Нe may use a different method in solving this problem.

He might use a different method in solving this problem.

He will be allowed to use a different method in solving this problem.

  1. They may assess the adequacy of protective measures.

  2. After school young people may enter universities or colleges.

  3. This article may be translated with a dictionary.

  1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.

A. 1. Forces can exist without motion, but motion is almost invariably associated with a force.

  1. We cannot apply Newton's Third Law of Motion to a force acting at a distance.

  2. A robot must obey the orders that are given by human beings.

  3. They had to know the mechanical properties of a new alloy.

  4. In order for a robot to carry out a particular task it has to be given a program, a list of instructions which are to be stored in its computer memory.

  5. To convert chemical energy into electrical one we must make use of an electric cell.

  6. We have to use an insulator to prevent electrical loss.

  7. A machine will be able to do this work in a much shorter time.

B. 1. Heat may be converted into mechanical energy.

  1. Newton's Third Law of Motion cannot be applied to a force acting at a distance.

  2. Brakes must be applied to stop a train in case of emergency.

  3. Therefore, the entire technological and economic effect has to be evaluated.

  4. The individual recommendations should not be viewed separately.

  5. Radiation may, however, be transmitted through any medium that does not absorb it.

  6. An opposing force must be applied to stop a moving body.

  7. The flow of electrical charge can be used to great advantage for power distribution because power can be generated wherever suitable and used wherever required, even hundreds of kilometers away from the point of generation.

С. 1. He might have known that the weight of a body is usually denoted by the letter "P".

  1. One of the most interesting applications of these machines may have been in underwater work.

  2. This plant must have been put in operation long ago.

  3. He couldn't have broken the instrument during the experiment.

  4. He couldn't have known that light and radio waves are of a similar nature.

  5. All the preparations must have been completed long ago.

  6. They must have paid more attention to the problem of corrosive wear.