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  1. Переведите следующие сочетания. Обратите внимание на разницу в переводе причастия и герундия как определения.

Boiling water ­– boiling conditions; freezing point – freezing water; measuring instrument – measuring position; heating device – heating effect; operating characteristics – operating turbine; evaporating process – evaporating substance; dancing room – dancing girl; sleeping man – sleeping car.

  1. Прочитайте следующие предложения с ing-формами. Объясните разницу в переводе.

  1. Studying applied mechanics students acquire considerable knowledge of the fundamentals of mechanics. Studying applied mechanics is necessary for future engineers.

  2. Adding heat to a substance does not always cause the rise of its temperature. Adding heat to a substance one does not always cause the rise of its temperature.

  3. Lifting this heavy weight is impossible without necessary appliances. Lifting this heavy weight one performs work.

  1. Определите функцию герундия и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. A generator is a machine for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy by making use of the interaction between a conductor and a magnetic field.

  2. It is possible to add a considerable amount of heat without producing any temperature change in the given substance.

  3. In connecting the ends of the metals with a metal wire one causes the current to flow through that wire.

  4. On connecting the ends of the metals with a metal wire we caused the current to flow through that wire.

  5. The electric lamp widely used for the generation of light also depends upon the heating property of electricity.

  6. Programming a computer involves analysing the problem to be solved and the plan to solve it.

  7. In stretching an elastic object the elastic limit should not be exceeded .

  8. Superheating is a process of heating a liquid above its boiling point without converting it into vapor.

  9. On studying the nature of that new phenomenon they were not satisfied with the results obtained.

  10. Heat is a form of energy Studying heat mainly consists in studying the changes of energy.

  11. In studying the theory of semiconductors Joffe had in mind the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity.

  1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундиальный комплекс.

  1. Plants are useful sources of energy thanks to their storing the sun's radiation in chemical form.

  2. We know of the strength of current depending on the resistance of the circuit.

  3. After their having been compressed gases will return to the original volume.

  4. Plasma differs greatly from ordinary gases because of its being composed of charged particles.

  5. They objected to your results being published before all the experiments were completed.

  6. Their having obtained good results at such a temperature caused a great surprise.

  7. We know of work and energy being closely related.

  8. Mankind is interested in atomic energy being used for peaceful purposes.

  9. The ammeter being used to measure the current flowing in an electric circuit is well known to each engineer.