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топики немцы 1 семестр.doc
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Тема 25

Dining Etiquette

One of the basic dinner etiquette to follow during a dinner party is to arrive on time and in an appropriate attire. If you are going to be late, it is recommended to inform the host in advance. The following are the etiquette to follow at the dinner table.


It is the host's responsibility to guide the guest to their seats. If there are no placards for the same, it is better to remain standing rather than being seated at the wrong place.

Male escorts are expected to help the ladies in settling down and not be seated themselves before the ladies are comfortable.

One should sit in an upright posture and not hunch or lean over the table. Resting elbows, cell phones, purses, etc., on the dinner table is a total no-no.

One should not sit with legs wrapped around or stretched out wide under the table.


Unfold the napkin and place it on your lap. Once it is unfolded, do not place it back on the table until and unless you are finished with the dinner. If you have to leave the place in between the dinner for some time, place the napkin on the chair and never on the table.

It is better to know the proper table settings (dishes and silverware) before starting to eat. Remember the dishes to your left (bread butter, dessert) are yours, and the drinks to the right are yours. It is embarrassing to use your neighbor's silverware and glasses.

One can start eating when the food is served to all members (in a small party) or when the host begins (in a large party).

Start with the silverware placed on the outermost side and work your way in as the courses pass by. If in doubt, observe and imitate the host.

According to the American style of eating, one should hold the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left, and then switch the fork to the right hand for eating.

In the European style of eating, the knife is in the right hand, the fork in the left, but one eats with the fork in the left hand; without switching over.

One of the most important dining table etiquette to remember is that used silverware should never be placed back on the table. It should always be kept in the plate or the bowl.

Silverware once used should never be used again. On the other hand, unused silverware should be left on the table.

Once you finish eating, place the fork and the knife in the plate, semi fold the napkin and place it on the table. Do not completely fold the napkin or crumble it into a ball.

Miscellaneous Dinner Table Etiquette

When passing the food, pass it from left to right, do not stretch across the table. Secondly, it is also bad manners to intercept salt, food in between when it is en route to someone else.

One of the etiquette at the dinner table is to pass salt and pepper together even when asked for either of the two.

It is bad manners to blow on hot food. Wait till the food cools down before eating it.

Dips, butter, etc., should be taken from the serving plate to your dinner plate before eating.

Personal silverware should never be used to serve food to yourself. Always make use of the serving silverware.

It is alright if you leave food on the plate if you are full.

Lastly, it is essential to keep pace with the party while eating. Do not continue eating for long when others have stopped or complete all the courses hurriedly.