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Датируется, система постоянных дежурств, страховые компании, пожарные управления, иметь дело с, издавать указ, пожарное депо.

3. Из 1 и 3 абзаца текста выпишите предложения с глаголом to have. Определите, является он вспомогательным или смысловым. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

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5. Выпишите предложения с модальными глаголами и/или их эквивалентами и переведите их на русский язык.

6. Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие пассивный залог, выпишите одно из них и переведите его на русский язык.

7. Выпишите из текста по одному предложению в Present Simple и Past Simple, подчеркните глаголы и переведите предложения на русский язык.

8. Найдите в тексте числительные и запишите их словами.

Text b application of water

Water is the most effective agent for the extinction of fires of ordinary combustible materials, and water is the fireman's best friend. It is predominant because it is cheap and plentiful, and its high latent heat of vaporization renders it suitable for cooling purposes.

Water is usually applied with force in the form of a jet to the heart of a fire, but a spray may be preferable in some circumstances.

Although water is the most effective extinguishing agent for fires of ordinary combustible materials, there are some either hazards or ineffectiveness.

Water is a good conductor of electricity and if applied as a jet on live electrical apparatus or wiring it will place the fireman in danger of electric shock. When it is not possible to extinguish these fires by other means, e.g. carbon dioxide and the cooling effect of water is necessary, the apparatus and wiring must be made electrically dead before jets are applied.It should not be used on materials which react chemically with it. Sodium, potassium and calcium may ignite on contact with water, calcium carbide when wetted gives off inflammable gas acetylene. Water on burning magnesium or titanium is decomposed, and the danger of explosion appears.

Water is generally unsuitable for fires involving oils and other inflammable liquids or fats, but in some circumstances it may be applied with caution in the form of sprays. It must be remembered that when water comes into contact with hot oil, violent eruptions or foaming may occur.

1. Сделайте письменный перевод текста.

2. Выпишите слова с окончанием -s, определите, к какой части речи они


3. Выпишите из текста местоимения, определите, к какому типу они относятся (личные, притяжательные, указательные и т.д.)

4. Задайте все типы вопросов к предложению:

In some circumstances the danger of explosion appears.

5. Найдите в пятом абзаце текста причастия I и причастия II,

выпишите их, переведите письменно на русский язык.

6.Составьте резюме:

  1. Name/Surname

  2. Address

  3. Telephone No.

  4. Date and Place of Birth

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  7. Education

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  9. Courses and professional training

  10. Work experience

  11. Computer skills

12) Interests

Вариант 9 text a fires in america

At the beginning of the settlement of America there were serious setbacks because of fire.

The first permanent colony in Virginia was destroyed by fire and then, in 1623, the colony in Plymouth was nearly destructed by fire.

Several reasons can explain why fire was such a hazard in the early American colonies: building their homes the English settlers had to use traditional building methods and materials of rural England. If a fire started the total destruction of all the buildings was almost assured and conflagrations were common.

Benjamin Franklin in 1736 recommended the formation of a volunteer fire company and served as the first fire chief in America. Later other famous men were involved in volunteer fire protection.

On October, 9, 1871, the fire destroyed most of the city of Chicago. The anniversary of this fire is commemorated by Fire Prevention Day established in 1922. The observance of Fire Prevention Week reminds us of the great destructiveness of fire and the importance of its prevention.