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031201 «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков»

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031202 «Перевод и переводоведение»,





История возникновения и развития межкультурной коммуникации как дисциплины

Продолжительность 2 часа

План занятия:

  1. Breadth of the Communication Field

  2. Intercultural Learning:

    1. the history of the study of IC;

    2. different contexts for intercultural learning;

    3. different viewpoints for intercultural learning;

    4. principles and objectives of intercultural learning;

Recommended Reading:

  1. Тер-Минасова С.Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация. – М.: Слово, 2000. Стр. 18 – 25.

  2. Садохин А.П. Межкультурная коммуникация. Учебное пособие. – М.: Альфа-М; ИНФРА – М. 2000. С. 8 – 16.

  3. Martin, J. & Nakayama, Th. Intercultural Communication in Contexts. Mayfield Publishing Company, 1997. С. 22 – 25.


intrapersonal communication

interpersonal communication

organizational communication

cultural relativism

intercultural communication

interracial communication

interethnic communication

international communication

Give examples to illustrate:

Communication which is a) interracial and intercultural; b) interracial and not intercultural; c) interethnic and intercultural; d) interethnic and not intercultural.



Понятие коммуникации. Сущность межкультурной коммуникации. Коммуникация и культура.

Продолжительность 2 часа

План занятия:

  1. Communication

  2. Intercultural Communication:

    1. forms of IC;

    2. interdisciplinary approach to the study of IC

  1. Communication and Culture:

    1. the concept of culture;

    2. approaches to culture studies;

    3. definition of culture;

    4. subculture;

    5. idioculture

Recommended Reading:

    1. Fennes H. & Hapgood K. Intercultural Learning in the Classroom. Council of Europe, 1992. Ch. 3. Culture. С. 13 – 21.

    2. Martin, J. & Nakayama, Th. Intercultural Communication in Contexts. Mayfield Publishing Company, 1997. С. 39

    3. Елизарова Г.В. Культура и обучение иностранным языкамю – Санкт-Петербург: Из-во «Союз», 2001. С. 9-19; 94-106.

    4. Lustig M.W. & Koester J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication Across Cultures. Harper Collins College Publishers, 1993. (pp. 24-37).

    5. Клюев Е.В. Речевая коммуникация. М.: РИПОЛ КЛАССИК, 2002. (с. 7 – 30).







culture MLA

culture BBV

Identifying aspects of culture

What are the kinds of things that lie above or below the surface? Take a look at these sample items and place them on the iceberg, the more visible elements going above the water line and the less visible below.

____ clothing ____ methods of worship ____ rules of politeness

____ views on equality ____ time management ____ relationship with nature

____ religious beliefs ____ tipping customs ____ attitude toward sexuality

____ personal distance ____ gestures ____ degree of eye contact

Reflection questions:

  • Did you place some items both above and below? If so, why?

  • Were some items difficult to place?

  • Where, for example, did you place method of worship? If you don’t have any visible signs of worship (like going to a public place of worship), what does that mean? Would someone come to learn about your own religious beliefs?

  • Most would place “views on equality” in the deep aspects of culture. What might be visible signs that you are a feminist or support gender equality among men and women? Are there signs in the way you dress? Speak? What visible signs are there about equality among social classes?



Культура и культурное многообразие мира

Продолжительность 2 часа

План занятия:

  1. Metaphors of culture (iceberg/continuum/mental programming metaphors).

  2. Taxonomies of Cultural Patterns:

    1. E. Stewart’s cultural patterns;

    2. E.T. Hall’s cultural patterns;

    3. G. Hofstede’s cultural patterns.

    4. H.C. Triandis’ cultural patterns

Recommended Reading:

1. Joseph A. DeVito. Messages (4th ed.). Longman, 1999. (pp. 239 – 243).

2. Edward T. Hall & Mildred R. Hall. Understanding Cultural Differences. Intercultural Press, INC, 1987. (pp.6-10; 183).

3. Lustig M.W. & Koester J. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication Across Cultures. Harper Collins College Publishers, 1993. (pp. 115-147).

4. Triandis H.C. Culture and Conflict. In: Samovar L. A., Porter R. E. Intercultural Communication. A Reader. 10th Edition. Wordsworth, 2003.

5. Елизарова Г.В. Культура и обучение иностранным языкамю – Санкт-Петербург: Из-во «Союз», 2001.( С. 9 – 35)

6.Гришаева Л.И., Цурикова Л.В. Введение в теорию межкультурной коммуникации. 3-е изд., испр. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2006. (с. 17 -56)


collectivistic culture

individualistic culture

high-context culture

low-context culture

tight culture (culture with high UAI)

loose culture (culture with low UAI)

vertical culture (culture with high PDI)

horizontal culture (culture with low PDI)

active (doing) culture

passive (being) culture

universalist culture

particularist culture

diffuse culture

specific culture

instrumental culture

expressive culture

masculine culture

feminine culture



As you read through this table, consider which statements you agree with and which you disagree with and how these beliefs influence your communications. Can you identify additional difference between individual and collective cultures?

Individual (low-context) Culture Collective (high-context) Culture

Your goals are most important The group’s goals are most important

You’re responsible for yourself You’re responsible for the entire

and to your own conscience group and to the groups’ values and rules

Success depends on your surpassing Success depends on your contribution

others; competition is emphasized to the group; cooperation is emphasized

Clear distinction is made between Little distinction is made between

leaders and members leaders and members; leadership is

normally shared

Personal relationships are less important; Personal relationships are extremely

hence, little time is spent getting to know important; hence, much time is spent

each other in meetings getting to know each other in meetings

Directness is valued; face-saving Indirectness is valued; face-saving is a

is seldom considered major consideration

Give examples to illustrate:

Individualistic (low-context) and Collectivistic (high-context) culture differences that may result in misunderstanding in intercultural communication



Культура и восприятие. Ценностная картина мира.

Продолжительность 2 часа

План занятия:

  1. Perception:

    1. attributional process;

    2. belief, value, attitude systems;

    3. world view;

    4. social organization.

Recommended Reading:

1. M. Lebedko. Culture Bumps: Overcoming misunderstandings in cross-cultural communication. Vladivostok, 2000. pp. 132 – 141

2. J.A. DeVito. Messages. Longman, 1999. P. 234 – 235.

3.Елизарова Г.В. Культура и обучение иностранным языкам. – Санкт-Петербург: Из-во «Союз», 2001. С. 106-110.

Give examples to illustrate:

Cultural contrasts in values.