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ІПІС соц. робота, педагогіка (2 курс 1 семестр)....doc
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Модуль самостійної роботи:

1. Прислівник.

2. Скласти діалоги з теми «Здійснення формальностей під час подорожі».

3. Статті суспільно-політичного характеру для анотування.

4. Презентація рекламного туристичного проспекту.


1. English: Тексти. Підручник. Для студентів інженерних, аграрних, медичних вищих навчальних закладів/ Укладач Є.О.Мансі. – К: Видавничий центр «Академія», 2004. – 432 с.

2. Безуглий А.В. Розповіді з історії Великобританії. – Х.: Прапор, 1999. – 40 с.

3. Бориско Н.Ф. Бизнес- курс немецкого языка. – К.: Логос, 1998. – 420 с.

4. Буданов С.І., Борисова А.О. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128 с.

5. Бурова З.И. Учебник английского языка для гуманитарных специальностей вузов. – 4-е изд. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2004. – 576 с.

6. Воробйова А.В., Попович А.В., Чуба А.В., Єремєєва Є.Г., Шевельова Н.В., Денисенко О.В., Ляшенко У.І. Науково-методичні рекомендації «Іноземна мова (за профілем спрямування). Моніторинг знань студентів I курсу нефілологічних спеціальностей (збірник тестових завдань)». – Херсон: Видавництво ХДУ, 2008. – 192 с.

7. Воробйова А.В., Єремєєва Є.Г., Попович А.В. Методичні рекомендації з вивчення курсу «Іноземна мова (за профілем спрямування)». – Херсон: Айлант, 2008. – 104 с.

8. Гонсалес-Фернандес А. и др. Испанский язык: Учебное пособие /

А.А. Гонсалес-Фернандес, Н.М. Шидловская, А.В. Дементьев. – 3-е изд., стереотипное – М.: Высш.шк., 1999. – 320 с.

9. Голотюк О.В. Навчально-методичні рекомендації з теми „Мистецтво" для студентів ІY-Y року навчання спеціальності 7.010103 ПМСО. Мова і література (англійська, французька) . – Херсон: „Айлант", 2005. – 68 с.

10. Гужва Т.М. Reasons to Speak. Сучасні розмовні теми. – Х.: Торсінг Плюс, 2006. – 320 с.

2 Курс Змістовий Модуль 6: Гроші. Обмін валюти. Покупки Практичне заняття № 1

Тема заняття: В банку. Державна та іноземна валюта.


Most banks in the US open at 9:00 and close between 3:00 and 5:00, but stay open later on Fridays. Some banks have longer hours in order to attract customers.

What's the best way to carry money safely while you are travelling? There are three possibilities - personal checks from your country, traveller's checks and credit cards. Some American banks accept foreign checks such as Euro cheques; the problem is that only banks that are used to dealing with foreigners will know what Eurocheques are. It may be more convenient to carry traveller's checks, which are insured against loss. They should be in dollars, because only a few banks do much business in foreign currencies. If your checks are not in dollars, it m'ay take you a long time to find a bank that will exchange them. You can use traveller's checks almost anywhere - in restaurants, stores or ticket offices - without having to go to a bank. If you run out of them, you can buy more at most banks. Their serv ice charge will vary, though, so ask what it is before you buy your checks.

Americans would say the best way to carry money is to have a major credit card like Visa, MasterCard or American Express, Credit cards can be cancelled if they are lost or stolen. And because they are widely accepted in the US, it is easy to use them to pay for lodging, transportation, meals and things you want to buy from larger stores. Of course, you can't get along without cash, but you don't need to earn much with you.

Ex. l. Answer the questions

  1. What are the opening hours in most banks of the USA?

  2. Which bank sells traveller's cheques (B.E.)?

  3. Is it a good idea to have a credit card when you travel in the USA?

  4. What is the best way to carry cash?

  5. What currency should traveller's cheques (B.E.) be in?

  1. Is it convenient to carry them in Euro?

  2. Where should you go if you want to cash a Euro cheque?

  3. Can you buy traveller's cheques (B.E.) in banks?

  4. What is to be done when a credit card is lost?

  5. Why is it not convenient to have personal cheques from your country?

Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

What is love?

What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. To some Love is friendship set on fire for others Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it. No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind.  

Love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker. Love protects; preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true.   Love can occur between two or more individuals. It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence. It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul. Love should be experienced and not just felt. The depth of love can not be measured. Look at the relationship between a mother and a child. The mother loves the child unconditionally and it can not be measured at all.   A different dimension can be attained between any relationships with the magic of love. Love can be created. You just need to focus on the goodness of the other person. If this can be done easily, then you can also love easily. And remember we all have some positive aspect in us, no matter how bad our deeds maybe.

Depending on context, love can be of different varieties. Romantic love is a deep, intense and unending. It shared on a very intimate and interpersonal and sexual relationship.  The term Platonic love, familial love and religious love are also matter of great affection. It is more of desire, preference and feelings. The meaning of love will change with each different relationship and depends more on its concept of depth, versatility, and complexity. But at times the very existence of love is questioned. Some say it is false and meaningless. It says that it never exist, because there has been many instances of hatred and brutality in relationships. The history of our world has witnessed many such events. There has been hatred between brothers, parents and children, sibling rivalry and spouses have failed each other. Friends have betrayed each other; the son has killed his parents for the throne, the count is endless. Even the modern generation is also facing with such dilemmas everyday. But love is not responsible for that. It is us, the people, who have forgotten the meaning of love and have undertaken such gruesome apathy.

In the past the study of philosophy and religion has done many speculations on the phenomenon of love. But love has always ruled, in music, poetry, paintings, sculptor and literature. Psychology has also done lot of dissection to the essence of love, just like what biology, anthropology and neuroscience has also done to it. 

Psychology portrays love as a cognitive phenomenon with a social cause. It is said to have three components in the book of psychology: Intimacy, Commitment, and Passion. Also, in an ancient proverb love is defined as a high form of tolerance. And this view has been accepted and advocated by both philosophers and scholars.   Love also includes compatibility. But it is more of journey to the unknown when the concept of compatibility comes into picture. Maybe the person whom we see in front of us, may be least compatible than the person who is miles away. We might talk to each other and portray that we love each other, but practically we do not end up into any relationship. Also in compatibility, the key is to think about the long term successful relationship, not a short journey. We need to understand each other and must always remember that no body is perfect. 

Be together, share your joy and sorrow, understand each other, provide space to each other, but always be there for each others need. And surely love will blossom to strengthen your relationship with your matter of affection.

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. William Shakespeare.

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text. Prepare for a discussion.

Граматичний матеріал: Прийменник.

We say:

in the morning(s) in the afternoon(s)        in the evening(s)


on Friday morning(s) on Sunday afternoon(s) on Monday evening(s)   etc.

   •    I'll see you in the morning.    •    Do you work in the evenings?    

   •    I'll see you on Friday morning.       •    Do you work on Saturday evenings? 

We use at in these expressions:

at night at the weekend / at weekends at Christmas at the moment / at present at the same time

   •    I don't like going out at night.    •    Will vou be here at the weekend?    •    Do you give each other presents at Christmas?    •    Mr Benn is busy at the moment / at present.    •    Emily and I arrived at the same time.

We say:

in the morning(s) in the afternoon(s)        in the evening(s)


on Friday morning(s) on Sunday afternoon(s) on Monday evening(s)   etc.

   •    I'll see you in the morning.    •    Do you work in the evenings?    

   •    I'll see you on Friday morning.       •    Do you work on Saturday evenings? 

Ex. 1. Put in at, on or in. 1. Mozart was born in Salzburg    in     1756. 2. I haven't seen Kate for a few days. I last saw her ________ Tuesday. 3. The price of elecrriciry is going up ________ October.

4. ________ weekends, we often go for long walks in the country. 5.  I've been invited to a wedding ________ 14 February. 6.  Jonathan is 63. He'll be retiring from his job ________ two years' time. 7.  I'm busy just now, but I'll be with you ________ a moment. 8. Jenny's brother is an engineer, but he doesn't have a job ________ the moment. 9.  There are usually a lot of parties ________ New Year's Eve. 10. I don't like driving ________ night. 11. My car is being repaired at the garage. It will be ready ________ two hours. 12. The telephone and the doorbell rang ________ he same time. 13.  Mary and David always go out for dinner ________ their wedding anniversary. 14.  It was a short book and easy to read. I read it ________ a day. 15.  ________ Saturday night I went to bed ________ midnight. 16. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived ________ 5  o'clock ________ the morning. 17.  The course begins ________ 7 January and ends sometime ________ April. 18.  I might not be at home ________ Tuesday morning, but I'll be there ________ the afternoon.

We use by in many expressions to say how we do something. For example, you can:          send something by post    contact somebody by phone / by email / by fax          do something by hand      pay by cheque / by credit card    •    Can I pay by credit card?    •    You can contact me by phone, by fax or by email. But we say pay cash or pay in cash (not by cash). We also say by mistake / by accident / by chance:    •    We hadn't arranged to meet. We met by chance. But we say 'do something on purpose' (= you mean to do it):    •    I didn't do it on purpose. It was an accident. Note that we say by chance, by cheque etc. (not by the chance / by a cheque). In these expressions we use by + noun without the or a.

In the same way we use by ... to say how somebody travels: by car / by train / by plane / by boat / by ship / by bus / by bike etc. by road / by rail / by air / by sea / by underground    •    Joanne usually goes to work by bus.    •    Do you prefer to travel by air or by train? But we say on foot:    •    Did you come here by car or on foot? You cannot use by if you say my car / the train / a taxi etc. We use by + noun without 'a/the/my' etc. We say:        by car        but      in my car (not by my car)        by train      but      on the train  (not by the train) We use in for cars and taxis:    •    They didn't come in their car. They came in a taxi. We use on for bicycles and public transport (buses, trains etc.):    •    We travelled on the 6.45 train.

Ex. 1. Put in by, in or on. 1. Joanne usually goes to work    by    bus 2. I saw Jane this morning. She was _____ the bus. 3. How did you get here? Did you come _____ train? 4. I decided not to go _____ car. I went _____ my bike instead. 5. I didn't feel like walking home, so I came home _____ a taxi. 6. Sorry we're late. We missed the bus, so we had to come _____ foot. 7. How long does it take to cross the Atlantic _____ ship?

Ex. 2. Put in by, in, on or with. 1.Have you ever been bitten    by    a dog? 2.The plane was badly damaged ______ lightning. 3.We managed to put the fire out ______ a fire extinguisher. 4.Who is that man standing ______ the window? 5. These photographs were taken ______ a friend of mine. 6. I don't mind going ______ car, but I don't want to go ______ your car. 7. There was a small table ______ the bed ______ a lamp and a clock ______ it.

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