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  1. Робота з текстом Business Communication

Basics of Intercultural Business Communication

As Bill Davila knows, the first step in learning to communicate with people from other cultures is to become aware of what culture means. Our awareness of intercultural differences is both useful and necessary in today's world of business.

Understanding Culture

Person may not realize it, but he belongs to several cultures. The most obvious is the culture he shares with all other people who live in the same country. But this person also belongs to other cultural groups, such as an ethnic group, a religious group, a fraternity or sorority, or perhaps a profession that has its own special language and customs. So what exactly is culture? It is useful to define culture as a system of shared symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations, and norms for behavior. Thus all members of a culture have, and tend to act on, similar assumptions about how people should think, behave, and communicate. Distinct groups that exist within a major culture are more properly referred to as subcultures. Among groups that might be considered subcultures are Mexican Americans in East Los Angeles, Mormons in Salt Lake City, and longshoremen in Montreal. Subcultures without geographic boundaries can be found as well, such as wrestling fans, Russian immigrants, and Harvard M.B.A.s. Cultures and subcultures vary in several ways that affect intercultural communication:

• Stability. Conditions in the culture may be stable or may be changing slowly or rapidly. • Complexity. Cultures vary in the accessibility of information. In North America information is contained in explicit codes, including words, whereas in Japan a great deal of information is conveyed implicitly, through body language, physical context, and the like.• Composition. Some cultures are made up of many diverse and disparate subcultures; others tend to be more homogeneous. • Acceptance. Cultures vary in their attitudes toward outsiders. Some are openly hostile or maintain a detached aloofness. Others are friendly and co- operative toward strangers. As you can see, cultures vary widely. It's no wonder that most of us need special training before we can become comfortable with a culture other than our own.

Difficulties of Intercultural Business Communication

The more differences there are between the people who are communicating, the more difficult it is to communicate effectively. The major problems in inter-cultural business communication are language barriers, cultural differences, and ethnocentric reactions.

Language barriers Cultural differences Religion and values Roles and status, Concepts of personal space Body language Social behavior and manners


Ex. 1. Answer the following questions.

  1. Why is it important to understand cultural differences when you do business with people in other countries?

  2. How can businessmen develop understanding doing business with people from other countries?

  3. It is necessary to learn the principles of international communi­cation and apply them globally. However, we face cultural dif­ferences in different countries.

Ex. 2. True or False.

Cultural differences influence business strategies and operations. Understanding them is difficult to overestimate.

Many of these cultures are complex and different from ours. To be successful in international business means to be good citizens of international community.

We should learn to honour and respect our own cultures and to develop tolerance and respect for other cultures.

No one can learn all there is to know about a foreign culture. But to show an interest means to create a climate of understanding and respect. The mere willingness to accept differences is of great impor­tance.

Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

Ex. 1. Read and translate the given text.

Generation Gap

Sometimes our parents don't understand us. They don't understand some problems and things which are very important in teens' life; for example, the lifestyles of young people, piercing, tattoos, drugs, sex, relationship with friends and teachers. So sometimes teens can't tell them about their private life. Some parents don't want to understand modern views, ideals and system of values.

Elderly people usually compare their childhood and youth with the present, and regard old times as better, always talking about "the good old days". The young people, on the other hand, tend to think their times as the best. Teens look at the world with fresh eyes. Everything is new, interesting to them. Sometimes they cannot solve their everyday problems. But they want to

cope with them by themselves. So adults shouldn't prevent them from making their own mistakes.

People are said to oecome wiser with age. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it is not. I think that you can meet a wise man among the old as often as among the young. It is false that when old age wisdom has come, useless illusions have disappeared. Sometimes when we talk to adults, a monologue is a preferred form of expressing your ideas in such talks. That's why some teens don't like to talk to adults.

I think that it's in people's nature to give advice. It seems to people that giving advice they can help somebody or put somebody on the right track. But if a person takes their advice and fails, he can blame an adult all of his life. Our parents have their own ideas and views that their children don't share and understand. They think that their children won't find their place in life. They often say that now teens are very difficult to socialize with and dumpy. But children should settle all problems peacefully because they are their parents. They brought them up with loving care. And if children come to their parents for advice and help, they will do their best and help children to cope with problems and difficulties.


piercing — пірсінг

tattoo — тату

relationship — відношення

view — погляд

childhood — дитинство

to regard — розглядати

to tend — мати тенденцію

to prevent — запобігати

wise — мудрий

false — неправдивий, фальшивий

wisdom — мудрість

illusion — даремна ілюзія

to disappear — зникати

preferred form — переважна форма

to express — виражати

advice — порада

right track — істинний, правильний шлях

to fail — потерпіти невдачу

to blame — звинувачувати

adult — дорослий

to socialize with — спідкуватися з…

dumpy— сумний

to settle — дозволяти, врегулювати

peacefully — мирно

with loving care — з любов’ю

to do one's best — робити все можливе

to cope with — справлятися з…


1. What is a generation gap?

2. Why do teens tend to think their times as the best?

3. Do you share this opinion? Why?

4. Do you always follow your parents' advice? Why?

5. Do you agree that people become wiser with age? Why? 6. Do you agree that it's in people's nature to give advice? Why? 7. Is it necessary for children to share their parents' ideas? Why?

8. Is it necessary for children to understand their parents' ideas? Why?

9. What about you?

10. Do your parents do their best and help you to cope with problems and difficulties?

Граматичний матеріал: Повторення вивченого матеріалу. Simple, Continuous Tenses.

Ex. 1. Complete the sentences using the following verbs:

cause(s)       connect(s)       drink(s)        live(s)       open(s)     speak(s)       take(s)

1.    Tanya  speaks  German very well. 2.    I don't often ____________ coffee. 3.    The swimming pool ____________ at 7.30 every morning. 4.    Bad driving ____________ many accidents. 5.    My parents ____________ in a very small flat. 6.    The Olympic Games ____________ place every four years. 7.    The Panama Canal ____________ the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Ex. 2.Read what Laura says about a typical working day: Yesterday was a typical working day for Laura. Write what she did or didn't do yesterday. 1. She got up at 7 o'clock.  2. She _______________ a big breakfast.  3. She _______________. 4. It _______________ to get to work. 5. _______________ at 8.45. 6. _______________ lunch. 7. _______________ at 5 o'clock. 8. _______________ tired when _______________ home. 9. _______________ a meal yesterday evening. 10. _______________ out yesterday evening. 11. _______________ at 11 o'clock. 12. _______________ well last night. 

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with I'll + a suitable verb. 1. I"m too tired to walk home. I think   I'll take   a taxi. 2. 'It's cold in this room.'    'Is it? ______________ on the heating then.' 3. A: We haven't got any milk.     B: Oh, I forgot to buy some. ______________ and get some now. 4. 'Shall I do the washing-up?'    'No. it's all right. ______________ it later.' 5. I don't know how to use this computer.'    'OK, ______________ you.' 6. 'Would you like tea or coffee?'   '______________ coffee, please.' 7. 'Goodbye! Have a nice holiday.'    'Thanks. ______________ you a postcard.' 8.  Thanks for letting me borrow your camera. ______________ it back to you on Monday, OK? 9.  'Are you coming with us?'    'No, I think ______________ here.'

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