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Unit V Правила чтения.doc
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8. Choose the right variant.

  1. Some people like to rest in their free time. ... like to travel, other the others others

  2. Adam is not a bad fellow, but he never thinks of.... others other the others

  3. This cake is delicious! Can I have .... slice, please? other another others

  4. Where are .... boys?

the other other another

  1. The supermarket is on .... side of the street, other another the other

  2. Where are cassettes that I gave you?

the other another others

  1. She has .... interests.

other the other others

  1. Some people like rock music, .... don't, others another the other

9. There are only three books in the bag. Where are .... ? the others the other other

  1. Why is your car painted blue on one side and red on ?"

another others the other

  1. This is not a very good camera. Will you show me one?

another others the other

  1. You never think of members of the family.

another others the other

Причастие прошедшего времени (The Past Participle)

The Past Participle (Participle II) соответствует третьей основной форме глагола, обозначает действие, которое испытывает на себе лицо или предмет, и соответствует в русском языке причастию страдательного залога (например: изготовленный, прочитанный, открытый).

Past Participle правильных глаголов образуется так же, как и форма Past Indefinite, то есть посредством прибавления окончания -(e)d к основе глагола с соответствующими орфографическими изменениями: to open — opened, to close — closed, to start - started, to stop - stopped, to study - studied. Правило чтения окончания -ed такое же, как в Past Indefinite.

Past Participle неправильных глаголов, так же как и Past Indefinite следует заучивать: to write — written, to speak — spoke, to put — put и т.п. Past Participle употребляется в предложении:

  1. в функции определения, чаще находится после определяемого слова: a broken glass -разбитый стакан, the work done - выполненная работа;

  2. для образования некоторых глагольных временных форм действительного и всех форм страдательного залогов.

Grammar exercises

9. Write three forms of the following verbs.

1. To open, to translate, to study, to receive, to stop, to use, to start, to finish, to dress. 2. To have, to do, to meet, to write, to go, to give, to send, to begin, to know, to tell, to see, to read, to leave, to find.

10. Translate into Russian.

1. limited time, closed windows, an uncomfortable bus, the work done, the exercises written today, unknown effects.

2. The letter written is on the table. 3. In music there are simple rhythms and complicated rhythms. 4. One of the questions discussed was air pollution.5. He is a well-known writer. 6. In chemistry and physics there are tiny particles called molecules. 7. A lot of mysteries about unseen forces remain to be solved.

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