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Creative Advice

Sometimes you think about yourself ‘I’m not a very creative person. Creativity is only for artists and inventors. I haven’t had an original idea in years’. If you have doubts about your abilities, you might want to listen to the experts on creative thinking. According to these researchers, people can learn to be creative. Here are some of their suggestions.

Try brainstorming. This technique might help you to come up with creative ideas. In brainstorming, you write down every idea that comes into your head – even if it seems crazy or silly. But don’t judge the ideas. Judging each idea might make you freeze up. Instead, relax and allow your mind to be play hot. After you have come you with a long list of ideas, you can then go back and choose the best one.

The method was first popularized in the late 1930s by Alex Faickney Osborn in a book called Applied Imagination. Osborn proposed that groups could double their creative output with brainstorming. Thus brainstorming is a group creativity technique designed to generate a large number of ideas for the solution of a problem, but you can use it unassisted.

Get ideas from the things around you. If you are looking for a new idea, you might combine things that already exist. It stimulates the building of ideas by a process of association. The concept of the association of ideas has been seen as the most basic in the human nature. The tendency to identify the association of ideas with the school of associationist psychology which flourished in the late nineteenth century has helped to obscure the fact that the principle in its most general form has played the central role in attempts to apply the methods and assumptions of science to the study of man.

Here is an ordinary example. Tabatha Babbett used this method to come up with the idea for a circular saw. One day, she was working at her spinning wheel and watching two men at work outside. Two men were having trouble cutting wood with a straight saw. Babbett made the connection between her spinning wheel and the job of cutting wood. Using a circular saw might make it easier to cut the wood, she thought.

Make analogies. If you are looking for a new way to solve a problem, you could try making analogies. In the 1870s, the inventor Eli Whitney was looking for an easy way to pull the seeds out of cotton. One day he saw a cat trying to catch a chicken through a fence. The cat put its paw through the fence and waited for the chicken to walk by. The cat didn’t catch the chicken, but it did get a paw full of feathers. Something clicked in Whitney’s mind and he saw the similarity between the cat’s action and the problem he was trying to solve. A machine called the cotton gin resulted from this analogy.

Don’t give up. When Thomas Edison was trying to make the first light bulb, he used seven thousand different materials before he finally found the right one. Perhaps this is why he said that genius was “ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration.”

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