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There are many ways of spending holidays. Some people like going to the country, others prefer sitting at home and watching TV all day long. But more and more people travel. There are many reasons for travelling. Some people travel on business, others travel to visit their families, but most people travel to see the world and different countries. People can travel by car, by plane, by ship, by train, by coach or on foot. Travelling by plane is the fastest way of traveling. This is the best way to get to a foreign country fast. Modern planes are comfortable and it is very nice to fly to the destination point.

The most comfortable way of traveling is by ship. Modern liners have everything to make people feel nice and comfortable. There are swimming-pools, bars, restaurants and even shops on board a modern liner. People enjoy spending time on the deck looking at the ocean and talking. Sunsets and sunrises are beautiful in the open sea. The main disadvantage is that travelling by ship is the most expensive way of travelling. Tickets cost a lot and some people cannot afford them. Some people can be sea-sick and this is another disadvantage.

Travelling by train is rather popular now, too. People go from one city to another by train if the distance between them is too big, or if they do not have a car. Modern trains are also rather comfortable and traveling by train is convenient and cheap. Travelling by coach to Europe is rather cheap. There are special international tours by coach when you travel through several countries. Instead of one foreign country, you can see a few of them. However, it also has disadvantages. Some people feel sick in coaches and their trip can be spoilt. It is also not very comfortable to sleep on a seat. Sometimes tourists do not have enough time to see the sights of this or that city.

Some people think that travelling by car is the most comfortable means of travelling. You can enjoy the view looking through the window and this way of traveling is rather fast. You can travel to different cities and towns of your native country and even abroad. Travelling on foot is called hiking. This kind of traveling is slow, but you spend a lot of time outside and you do not have to think about tickets. During such hikes, one can see a lot of interesting places and meet new people. It is so nice to sleep in a tent in the open air, too.

If you decide to travel by any means of transport you’ll have to prepare for the trip. If you travel by plane, train or ship, you have to book tickets beforehand. You can do this over the phone or in a travel agency. If you travel by plane, you have to be at the airport two hours before an international flight and one hour before a domestic flight. The officers will check your luggage and you will have to get though the passport control. When you go by train, it is easier, because you have to go through ticket control only.

It is hard to imagine the modern life without travelling. To understand how true it is you may go to a railway station, an airport or a seaport. There you will see thousands of people who are hurrying to board the train, airplane or an ocean liner. Some people prefer travelling by sea. They say everyone feel save on board of a big ocean liner. Besides such liners have all the modern conveniences and all sorts of entertainment facilities. The others prefer travelling by air. There is no doubt this type of travelling is more comfortable and surely much quicker. But there is one great disadvantage: the price is too high, but it makes no difference to you if you are travelling on business. As for me I prefer travelling by train. I think it combines both: comfort and speed. Besides it doesn't depends upon weather so much as for example plane does. So if you have made up your mind to travel by train the first thing you should do is to buy a ticket. You may book it in advance or to buy it just at the railway station. So In the proper time you ought to be at the station with a suitcase where all your necessary things are packed. If you need porter will take care of your luggage and help you to load into the carriage. There are always bustle and confusion at the station. Different trains are standing there: an express, fast train and mail ones. And so no wonder that it is hard to find the train you need. But you may ask the number of your train in the Information Bureau. At last you show your ticket to the guide and go into the carriage. Then the shrill whistle is heard and the train with a jerk pulls out of station. You are on your way. If you got tired you may take your bedding and turn in. During your journey you needn’t worry about your meals. In the train there is a dining car where you can get your dinner. There is nothing like watching fields and meadows passing by your window. Though there aren’t any entertainment facilities on the train and a good conversation with your fellow-passengers can substitute it.

Exercise 2 Answer the following questions.

1. Why do people travel? 2. What are the different ways of travelling? 3. What is the fastest way of travelling? 4. What is the most comfortable way of travelling? 5. What is the popular way of travelling? 6. What is the cheapest way of travelling? 7. Is hiking a way of travelling? 8. What opportunity does the travelling give? 9. Is it pleasant to travel by train? 10. Do you like travelling?

Exercise 3 Translate and memorize the following expressions from the text.

To travel on business, a lot of ways, by car, by plane, by ship, by train, by coach , on foot, sunsets and sunrises, some disadvantages, sea-sick, convenient and cheap, international tours, means of travelling, to feel save, to combine, to make up one’s mind, to book it in advance, bustle and confusion, entertainment facilities, destination point.

Exercise 4 Find synonyms among the following words.

A lot of means, to match, beautiful, a journey, to suit, many ways, a journal, should, to decide, to reserve, a mass, quick, convenient, a great many, a journey, up-to-date, some, to save, rapid, must, various, to solve, a trip, wonderful, a magazine.

Exercise 5 Write a summary of the text, presenting the content of each paragraph in 2-3 sentences. Use the expressions:

The main idea of the text is ... The text deals with one of the most important (urgent) issues ... Much attention (consideration) is given to (classification, description) ... It focuses on the matters of ... The text gives an overview of ... The text is mainly concerned with ... The aim of the survey is to show (demonstrate, find)... Particular emphasis is given to the analysis of… The text gives a detailed analysis of (reports on) ... To sum up ... In conclusion ...

Индивидуальное задание для студентов заочного отделения к курсу

«Английский язык»

Вариант № 9/1c

Exercise 1 Read the text and translate it in written form.

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