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Exercise 2 Answer the following questions

1. What types of literature do people of the world possess? 2. Who can read written literature? 3. What does oral literature include? 4. Do primitive tribes have oral or written literature? 5. Who work hard to uncover and preserve much of the national folklore? 6. What was done to prevent folklore from vanishing? 7. What kinds of folk-songs exist in the United States? 8. What is the origin of American folklore? 9. Columbus discovered America, didn’t he? 10. Do you know any myth of the Indian tribes of pre-Columbian times?

Exercise 3 Translate and memorize the following expressions and words from the text.

During the last years, folklore songs, possess information, made up of, next generation, oral practice, fairy tales, well-known proverbs, superstitions, preserve the customs, heritage, vanish gradually, archive, develop the system, embellish, tribe, myth, belief systems, discover, exception.

Exercise 4 Find synonyms among the following words.

Own (v), live (v), sensible (adj), manifold (adj), multiple (adj), modern(adj), tribe (n), rational (adj), return (v), exist (v), find (v), disappearance (n), folk (n), render (v), preserve (v), take part (v), participate (v), saga (n), possess (v), narrative (n), recent (adj), protect (v), raise (v), elevate (v), disperse (v), vanish (n), dispel (v), decide (v), conclude (v), discover (v).

Exercise 5 Write a summary of the text, presenting the content of each paragraph in 2-3 sentences. Use the expressions:

The main idea of the text is ... The text deals with one of the most important (urgent) issues ... Much attention (consideration) is given to (classification, description)... It focuses on the matters of … The text gives an overview of... The text is mainly concerned with ... The aim of the survey is to show (demonstrate, find)... Particular emphasis is given to the analysis of... The text gives a detailed analysis of (reports on)... To sum up ... In conclusion ...

Индивидуальное задание для студентов заочного отделения к курсу

«Английский язык»

Вариант № 17/1c

Exercise 1 Read the text and translate it in written form.

Asleep and awake

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? People who like to get up early up in the morning are called ‘larks’. People who like to stay up late at night are called ‘owls’. Are you a ‘lark’ or an ‘owl’? Why do you think some people are ‘larks’ and others are ‘owls’?

Like many creative geniuses, the Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci was a workaholic. There were days when he just didn’t want to waste time sleeping. To get the rest he needed minute nap, six times a day. This means that in a twenty-four hour period, he got a total of an hour and a half of sleep. This schedule might not work for everyone, but it does make you wonder how much sleep a person really needs.

Researchers in a new field of science called chronobiology are studying the body’s natural rhythms, or patterns, to find out just what makes people sleepy. Chronobiology is a field of science that examines periodic (cyclic) phenomena in living organisms and their adaptation to solar and lunar related rhythms. These cycles are known as biological rhythms. ‘Chrono’ pertains to time and ‘biology’ pertains to the study, or science, of life.

Chronobiologiests have learned that a person’s temperature, blood pressure, and hormone levels go up and down in a regular pattern that repeats itself every twenty-four hours. During the day a person’s blood pressure rises by as much as twenty per cent. Body temperature varies daily as much as two degrees.

The daily cycle of body temperature affects how a person feels at different times during the day. For most people, body temperature begins to drop in the early evenings. This slows other bodily functions and makes you feel drowsy. Around daybreak, body temperature rises and you begin to feel more alert.

The ups and downs of your body temperature determine whether you will be a ‘lark’ or an ‘owl’. A lark’s body temperature rises sharply in the morning, reaching a peak between late afternoon and early evening. This is when larks are the most productive. But as body temperature decrease, so does energy level. By nine o’clock larks are getting sleepy. Owls work on a different schedule. Their body temperature rises more gradually and peaks later in a day. This allows them to keep going while larks are getting ready for bed.

Chronobiologiests revealed that we do different types of work better at different times of a day. Physical coordination, for example, peaks during the afternoon. This is the best time of the day to do with your hands such as typing or carpentry. And some studies show that eight to nine hours of sleep every night might not be necessary. Frequent naps might work just as well or even better. Finding such as these are helping people to organize their lives so that work with their natural rhythms rather than against them.

Chronobiological studies include but are not limited to comparative anatomy, physiology, genetics, molecular biology and behavior of organisms within biological rhythms mechanics. Other aspects include development, reproduction, ecology and evolution.

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