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  1. Answer the following questions:

    1. When were Australia and New Zealand discovered?

    2. What were scientists in Britain anxious to find out?

    3. When was the expedition to the Southern seas sent?

    4. Who was the leader of the expedition?

    5. What did J. Cook discover in the southern ocean?

    6. When did Australia’s first settlers land in Sydney Harbor?

    7. What were these first settlers?

    8. Why were they sent to Australia?

    9. How many setters were there in Sydney by 1823?

    10. By what time had the borders of six separate colonies been decided?

    11. Who was each colony ruled by?

    12. What did the six colonies form in 1901?

    13. When was New Zealand colonized?

    14. What kind of the country did New Zealand become?

    15. Retell the text mentioning the most important landmarks.

  1. Complete the following sentences:

    1. Australia and New Zealand were discovered in ______ by the _____.

    2. The leader the expedition sent to the southern seas was ________

    3. He took with him on board his ship, _________, scientists and artists whose job was _________.

    4. Cook and his companions came face to face_________.

    5. By 1823 there were only _________ in Sydney.

    6. In 1901 the six colonies formed a ___________.

    7. The first Australian’s settlers were __________.

    8. They were sent to that land __________.

    9. The first colony of British settlers arrived in New Zealand in __________.

    10. New Zealand became ____________.


  1. Баканова И.Ю.,Береговая Н.В.,Брюсова Н.Г. Английский язык. 600 устных тем для школьников и потупающих в вузы. - М.:Дрофа,1999. -608 с. – (Большая библиотека «Дрофы»).

  2. Bruce Elder “This is Australia” New Holland Publishes, 1996, 176 pages.

  3. Гужва Т.М. Англійська мова Розмовні теми в двох частинах. – Х.: «Фоліо», 2003. – т.1-414с., т.2-

  4. English Learnes Digest – 1999 – N 3, 30 pages.

  5. Письменная О.А. Окна в англоязычный мир (история, география, социальные аспекты). – К.: ООО «ИП Логос», 2004. – 544с.

  6. Polupan V.L., Polupan A.P., Makhova V.V. English-Speaking Countries: A cultural reader. – Х.: Издательская группа «Академия», 2000. - 208с.

  7. Тимановская Н.А. Взгляд на англоговорящие страны. - Тула: Автограф, 2000.- 384 с.

  8. Треблєва О.Є., Волкова О.Ю. Енциклопедія англійських тем. – Х.: Форсинг, 2002. – 448с.

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Збірка текстів “English-Speaking Countries - Англомовні країни” для аудиторного та самостійного опрацюваннядля студентів всіх спеціальностей денної та заочної форм навчання

Укладач: Костенко Л.І., ст. викладач,

Курбатова Т.В., викладач,

Бондаренко Т.Г., ст. викладач,

Бондар І.Г., ст. викладач

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