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  1. Translate the following words

and word combinations into Ukrainian:

Latitude, advanced, arrival, independent, hot spring, profound, offshore, geothermal, settler, islander, self-governing, dominion, latest achievements, to fund research, food processing, overall, density, comfortable climate, manufactured goods, substantial percentage, universal suffrage, dairy, products.

II. Make up word combinations:

1. middle

a) country

2. advanced

b) islands

3. principal

с) effect

4. volcanic

d) life

5. profound

e) density

6. plant and animal

f) language

7. official

g) latitudes

8. overall

h) activity

9. universal

i) suffrage

III. Find in the text the derivatives of

the following words and translate them into Ukrainian:

Industry, to know, to depend, to achieve, to adapt, relative, to construct, to develop, approximate, comfort, a crowd, to govern.

IV. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

Передова країна, найближчий сусід, головний острів, відносно невідомий, незалежний член співдружності, внутрішня вулканічна діяльність, мати значний вплив, європейські поселенці, офіційна мова, загальна щільність населення, залежати від торгівлі, найстаріші рослинні форми світу, промислові товари, законодавчий орган, загальне голосування.

V. Find equivalents:

  1. to fund research

  2. advanced

industrialized country

  1. to remain relatively


  1. independent

member of the


  1. незалежний член

  2. мати значний


  1. фінансувати


  1. залишатися



  1. to contribute


  1. to have a profound


e) культурне


f) передова

індустріальна країна

  1. cultural renaissance

  2. to use latest achievements of science and technology

  3. the highest legislative body

  4. to make more


  1. overall density of


g) сприяти змінам

h) зробити

більш пристосованим

і) загальна щільність


g) найвищий

законодавчий орган

k) застосувати останні

досягнення науки, техніки

VI. Translate into Ukrainian:

  1. New Zealand is situated in the middle latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere.

  2. New Zealand's nearest neighbor is Australia.

  1. The North Island was formed by internal volcanic activity.

  2. The cities of New Zealand are not overcrowded and the overall density is low.

  3. Like Great Britain New Zealand has no written Constitution.

  4. New Zealand must export to live.

  5. The main exports are agricultural commodities.

  6. Commodities were traditionally exported to Great Britain.

  7. New Zealand is a major exporter of fresh fruit, meat and fish.

  8. The government is funding research to make farming more efficient and adaptable to world market trends.

1l. The highest legislative body is the House of Representatives

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