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Geographical Names

The United States of America The USA

Russia Canada

China The Pacific Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean The Gulf of Mexico

Alaska Hawaii

Mexico Washington

I. Guess the meaning of the words and word combinations:

The constitution, the national capital, the official language, the island state, on the north, on the south, a federal system, a resident, the congress, the senate, the Democratic party, the Republican party, to a great degree, a global immigration, exports and imports

II. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian:

The largest country of the world, to be situated, the total area, the fourth largest country, to be washed by, a federal republic, to be bounded by, in honor of, to consist of, a natural-born citizen, appointed for life, with the consent of, a highly diverse population, an immense and sustained global immigration, on some issues, a world power, rich natural resources, enormous agricultural output, in terms of gross national product, major proportions, a highly developed industry

III. Find the equivalents:

  1. Besides the мати тенденцію

contiguous states до поміркованості

  1. Washed by на північно-

the ocean західному кінці

  1. Named in величезна та

Honor безперервна імміграція

  1. Tend to be moderate серед найвеличніших


  1. One of the largest діставатися

countries of the world штатам

  1. At the north-west extreme за згоди Сенату

  2. The conterminous states Палата представників

  3. Among the greatest powers третя за кількістю


  1. The House of окрім

Representatives суміжних штатів

  1. With the consent одна з

of the Senate найбільших країн

  1. The third largest названий

Population на честь

  1. Immense and sustained омивається

global immigration океаном

  1. Fall to the states суміжні штати

IV. Translate the following sentences

Into English:

  1. США - одна з найбільших країн світу.

  2. Загальна площа США – більше 9 млн. км ².

  3. Kраїна омивається Тихим океаном, Атлантичним океаном та Мексиканською затокою.

  4. Суміжні штати межують на півночі з Канадою, а на півдні – з Мексикою.

  5. Столиця країни – Вашингтон.

  6. Вона названа на честь першого президента Джорджа Вашингтона.

  7. Офіціальна мова країни – англійська.

  8. Уряд складається з виконавчої, законодавчої та судової гілок влади.

  9. Виконавча гілка влади очолювана президентом.

  10. Законодавча гілка влади – це Конгрес.

  11. Судова гілка влади очолювана Верховним Судом.

  12. В країні є дві головні політичні партії.

  13. З часів другої світової війни країна має безперечну перевагу.

  14. Сполучені Штати – найбільша економічна держава світу за показниками валового національного продукту.

  15. Американські експорт та імпорт репрезентують найбільшу частину світового обсягу виробництва.

The United States of America

The United States of America is one of the largest countries of the world. It is situated in the central part of the North American continent. The total area of the USA is over nine million square kilometers. It is the fourth largest country of the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

The USA is a federal republic of 50 states. Besides the 48 contiguous states, the USA includes the state of Alaska, at the north-west extreme of North America, and the island state of Hawaii, in the mid-Pacific Ocean. The conterminous states are bounded on the north by Canada and on the south by Mexico.

The national capital is Washington. It was named in honor of the first President, George Washington. The official language of the country is English.

The US Constitution defines a federal system of government in which certain powers are delegated to the national government; others fall to the states. The national government consists of executive, legislative and judicial branches.

The executive branch of the government is headed by the president, who must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, at least 35 years old and a resident of the country for at least 14 years.

The legislative branch of the government is the Congress, which has two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The judicial branch of the federal government is headed by the US Supreme Court, which interprets the meaning of the Constitution and of federal laws. It consists of nine justices appointed for life by the president and with the consent of the Senate.

The USA has the third largest population in the world – it is nearly 250 million. The country contains a highly diverse population. Its diversity has to a great degree come from an immense and sustained global immigration.

There are two major political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. They tend to be moderate in their programs, and there may often be little difference between them on some issues. Many other smaller parties play little if any role.

The United States is relatively young, being barely more than 200 years old. In the 20th century the US emerged as a world power, and since World War II it has been one of the pre-eminent powers.

The United States is the world’s greatest economic power in terms of gross national product (GNP) and among the greatest powers in terms of GNP per capita. The nation’s wealth is partly a reflection of its rich natural resources and its enormous agricultural output, but it owes more to the country’s highly developed industry. The US exports and imports represent major proportions of the world total.

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