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    1. In the lines 1 - 5 , Robyn see examples of all three. What are they?

    2. The long sentence from lines 8 – 19 lists a large number of operations belonging to the different sectors of the economy. Classify the 18 activities from the passage according to which sector they belong to:

Advertising products

Calculating prices

Distributing added value

Marketing products

Packaging products

Smelting iron


Cutting metal

Laying cables

Milling metal

Pressing metal



Digging iron ore


Mining coal

Pumping oil

Welding metal

3. Can you think of three important activities to add to each list (not necessarily in relation to the kettle)?

4. Which sector do you intend to work in or do you already work in?

5. How many people in the tertiary sector have you already spoken to today (travelling to college or work, shopping, eating, and so on)? What about people in the other two sectors? When did you last talk to someone who grew or produced food? For example?

Unit II

Text 1

International Economic Relations

Belarus is not well-known in the world as for many years it has been a part of the former USSR.

Now Belarus is a sovereign state, it is a developed agricultural and industrial country.

The business circles of Belarus do not want to wait for the politicians to decide about their place in the world. Belarusian businessmen want to cooperate. Now Belarus according to many experts presents a great interest for local as well as foreign businessmen. The Republic of Belarus maintains contacts with many foreign countries in different spheres of economy. It is an exporter and importer of different goods.

Recently there appeared many joint enterprises that help to make international contacts more stable and beneficial. Belarusian enterprises set up direct contacts with foreign enterprises and firms. This is a new form of cooperation as well as joint ventures and joint stock companies.

Belarusian goods, such as tractors, lorries, refrigerators, watches are exported to many countries of the world. Among import items are such goods as food stuff, footwear, clothes, high-tech goods, etc.

Belarusian business circles are ready to offer to their foreign partners a number of long-term projects. This involves investment into Belarusian economy on mutually beneficial conditions, the creation of joint ventures, cooperation with large Belarusian banks, insurance companies, commercial firms.

One of the prospective fields without which the international cooperation in Belarus will be hardly possible is the creation of joint consulting companies on legal, finance and insurance problems.

Nowadays in Belarus there are companies and organizations which help the development of international cooperation. One of such organizations is the International Association Beltrans. The main fields of activities of the Association are development of international economic cooperation, promotion of scientific and cultural exchange, business studies and publishing activities.

Being a sovereign state, Belarus takes an active part in the work of many international organizations, thus promoting the development of the existing contacts and the setting-up of new ones.