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4. Match the words in Column a with the words in Column b to make up possible combinations.

  1. cease

  1. member

  1. charter

  1. income

  1. establish

  1. communities

  1. small isolated

  1. opposed to

  1. meagre

  1. to exist

  1. strongly

  1. relations

5. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pair

a) isolated, highly regarded, meager, incorporated, establish

b) found, too small, remote, limited, regarded as very good

6. Choose the word that best completes the sentence and insert it in the correct form:

favour, meager, charter, isolate, cease, authorize, oppose, regard, establish

1. Not many people visit this __________ spot. 2. Our goal is to ________ a new research centre in the North. 3. As of 1991, the Russian Communist Party effectively ________ to exist. 4. Eliminating discrimination against women is another way of saying eliminating discrimination that ________ men. 5. The Church strongly ________ same-sex marriage. 6. Even this _____________ effort is a struggle. 7. His work is highly____________ by art experts. 8. Who _____________ the decision to close the factory? 9. Donating money to political groups goes against the union's____________ .

7. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. _____ you travel _____ isolated areas, make sure you have a good guide. 2. Contrary ____ expectations studies show that most people continue _____ regard themselves positively _____ they grow older. 3. Bush recognized and established relations _____ the new republics _____ December 25, 1991. 4. He ceased ____ be a member _____ the association. 5. The weather favours the Australians, who are used ____ playing ____ the heat. 6. It is typical _____ local residents ______ oppose the building _____ a nuclear waste facility. 7. Local authorities _______ the country have therefore been unable, and unwilling, ____ part with their own meagre resources. 8. Only Congress can authorize the President _____ declare war. 9. She was a charter member _____ Busy Bee Homemakers.

Variant III

Ex. I Read and translate the text:

The end of war of 1812 found the United States with a gravely disordered currency. Bank notes were used as common means of payment, but these bank notes could not be converted into gold and silver. Commodity prices and real estate values became inflated. The Treasury was embarrassed in its attempt to collect revenues from import duties and from the sale of public lands. Much of this revenue was in depreciated state bank notes not worth their face value in gold and silver. Many people hoped a second Bank of the United States would remedy this problem.

The second bank began in 1816 with a capital of $35 million. The bank established branches throughout the country, and its power were in general like those of the First bank of the United States. Early in its career, the bank made some unwise loans to speculators. Anew president, Langdon Cheves, rescued the bank from financial disaster in 1819. Cheves stopped loans to speculators and improved the organization of the bank. The bank efficiently handled foreign payments that arose from increasing American trade in the international market.

President Andrew Jackson, who was suspicious of banks vetoed the bill to recharter the bank and later removed government deposits from the bank. The charter expired in 1836, and the bank ceased to exist as federally incorporated institution.

The bank continued to operate for about five years under a charter granted by the state of Pennsylvania. It failed in 1841. Many private banks sprang up, and the bank noted they issued could not always be redeemed. The national bank acts passed by the congress in 1863 and in 1864 authorized creation of privately-owned banks with charters from the federal government.

The Bank of America is one of the largest commercial banks of the world. It is controlled by Bank America Corporation, a holding company. It has more than 148.000 stockholders and about 7 million checking and savings accounts. The Bank of America has about 900 branches in California and about 100 branches outside the United States.