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Withdrawing Money From the Account


A: Good morning.

B: Good morning, sir.

A: I’d like to draw two thousand dollars on my account, please. Here is the number.

B: Thank you. One moment, please, sir. I’m sorry, sir. Your account has a balance of 545 dollars.

A: All right. Give me 500 dollars, then, and I’ll draw the rest from my deposit account. This is the number.

B: One moment, please. Yes that’s all right, sir. How would you like it?

A: Two notes of a thousand, please. Thank you. Good-bye.


A: Good morning. I’d like to draw a thousand euro on account number C 6.287.55, please.

B: Is it your own account?

A: Yes, here is my passport.

B: Thank you. One moment, please. How would you like it?

A: In hundreds, please, Thanks.

B: Good morning, sir.


A: I’d like to draw some money on my husband account, please.

B: Have you got power of attorney, madam?

A: Yes.

B: Do you know the number of the account?

A: Yes. Here is my cheque book.

B: How much would you like to draw?

A: Two hundred dollars, please.

B: One moment, please, madam. Yes, that’s all right. How would you like it?

A: In tens, please. Thank you.

B: Thank you. Good afternoon, madam.


Man: Good morning.

Cashier: Good morning, sir.

M: I’d like to take out some money, please.

C: Certainly, sir. Do you know the number of your account?

M: No. I’m not sure of it.

C: What’s your name?

M: Klaus Bright.

C: Is it a checking account?

M: Well, I’ve got a checking account and a savings account.

C: And which account would you like to draw on?

M: I’d like two thousand dollars from my checking account.

C: I’ll just check the number, sir. It’s 53.875, sir. Could you sign here, please … and here. Thank you. One moment, please, sir. How would you like it, sir?

M: Two bills of a thousand, please. Thank you. Good morning.


Mr Smith: Good morning.

Bank Clerk: Good morning, sir.

S.: I’d like to withdraw 950 dollars.

C.: What notes would you like?

S.: Nine 100 dollar notes and one 50.

C.: Here you are, sir. It’s 950.

S.: Thank you. Please, could you give me some information? I’m going to south America for one month. What do you suggest I take – traveler’s checks or cash?

C.: Oh, it’s better to take traveller’s checks. It’s safer.

S.: Thank you. Good-bye!

C.: Good-bye, sir.

Changing Foreign Currency


Customer: Could you change dollars into English pounds sterling?

Cashier: Certainly, sir. I’ll just check the exchange rates. How much would you like to change?

Customer: One thousand dollars. And what is the rate of exchange today?

Cashier: One dollar to seventy five pence.

Customer: And what rate can you offer for two thousand dollars?

Cashier: One dollar to ninety pence.

Customer: Oh, the difference is not very big. Change one thousand, please. Here is the money.

Cashier: Thank you. May I have your passport for a moment please? We are always to write down the number of the customer’s passport if we change one thousand dollars or more.

Customer: Here it is. No problem.

Cashier: Here is your passport. How would you like the money, sir?

Customer: Oh, give it to me in hundred pound notes, please.

Cashier: Good. One hundred, two hundred … seventy pounds, seventy five pounds.

Customer: Thank you. Good morning.

Cashier: Good morning, sir.


M: Good afternoon.

C: Good afternoon, sir.

M: I’ve just arrived from Boston and I’ve got some foreign currency that I’d like to change into roubles. Is that possible?

C: We can take the bank notes but I’m afraid we cant’ take the small change.

M: Then could you change these notes, please?

C: Certainly, sir. I’ll just check the exchange rate.


M: Good morning.

C: Good morning, madam.

M: I’ve just coma back from a trip to Russia and I’d like to change on these roubles, please.

C: We can change but I’m afraid we can pay a very low rate of exchange on Russian currency, madam.

M: Oh, that doesn’t matter. I can’t use them anyway.

C: All right, madam. Just one moment, please.

Ex. 2 Find in the dialogues the English equivalents for the following sentences:

  1. Я бы хотел открыть счет.

  2. Какой счет Вы бы хотели открыть?

  3. Вы хотите положить большую сумму?

  4. Я бы посоветовал в Вашем случае …

  5. Могу ли я снять деньги когда захочу?

  6. А могу я снимать в одном из отделений банка?

  7. Я бы хотел открыть сберегательный счет.

  8. Я пришел сюда открыть чековый счет.

  9. Я бы хотел открыть счет в банке.

  10. Если вы открываете чековый счет, вам положено поддерживать средний ежедневный баланс в размере 1000 долларов.

  11. Я бы хотел снять деньги со счета.

  12. Какова плата за банковские услуги?

  13. Плата за банковские услуги составляет 6 долларов в месяц.

  14. Я бы хотел открыть чековый счет с вкладом в 1500 долларов.

  15. Вы можете заказать чековые книжки после заполнения заявления и вашего приходного ордера.

  16. Если у Вас есть вопросы, я буду рад помочь Вам.

  17. На Вашем счете 545 долларов.

  18. Я сниму остальные с депозитного счета.

  19. Этот счет на Ваше имя?

  20. У Вас есть нотариально заверенное разрешение?

  21. Я бы хотел снять 950 евро.

  22. Какими купюрами (банкнотами) Вы хотели бы взять?

  23. Если Вы едете в Южную Америку, Вам лучше взять дорожные чеки.

  24. Я бы хотел получить деньги по дорожному чеку.

Ex. 3 Read the following dialogues and act them out:

  • What can I do for you?

  • I’d like to cash this cheque, please.

  • Yes, sir. It’s for 50 pounds. But you haven’t signed it yet, sir.

  • Oh, I’m terribly sorry. Here you are.

  • Thank you. How would you like the money?

  • Four fives and three tens, please.

  • You are welcome, madam.

  • I’d like to change these euros, please.

  • Yes, madam. How many euros have you got?

  • 50 euros. What’s the rate of exchange, please?

  • The current rates are on the notice board, madam.

  • Good morning. Can I help you?

  • Yes. My name is Black. I’m expecting money form my bank in Montreal.

  • By post, cable or telex, sir?

  • By telex.

  • Just a moment, I’ll check it. Are you Jack Brown?

  • Quite right.

  • Yes. There’s 800 dollars from the Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal. Have you got any identification, sir?

  • Yes, I’ve got my passport. Here you are.

  • Thank you, sir.

  • Hello.

  • Hello. I’d like to cash a traveller’s cheque, please.

  • Right. How much is it for?

  • One hundred pounds.

  • Right, can you sign here, please? Do you have your passport?

  • Yes, just a moment.

  • Hello. I’m form Germany, and I’m staying in England for a year. I want to open an account here. What documents do I need, please?

  • Right. We need to see your passport and a letter form your employer or your place of study if you’re a student.

  • Right, Is that all?

  • That’s all, yes.

  • Thank you.

Ex. 4 Make your own dialogues taking the situation from the above dialogues.

Ex. 5 Here is a story about some problems a man had with his bank. The sentences have been missed up. Put them in the correct order, and add any other words you need to link the story together, e.g. so, because, but, and, etc.

    1. He was overdrawn.

    2. He opened a deposit account.

    3. He got a statement in the post.

    4. He forgot about his standing order for £50.

    5. He paid for a new shirt by cheque.

    6. He transferred £160 back to his current account.

    7. He closed his deposit account.

    8. He had to pay bank charges.

    9. He wanted to earn more interest on his savings.

    10. He transferred £160 to his deposit account.