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Final Equilibrium textbook (booklet format).doc
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VIII. Act out the episode by heart:

Brandt: Always practising, Cleric. I guess that's why you're the best. Maybe I'm just better. Something on your mind?

Preston: Why do you ask?

Brandt: The intuitive arts, Cleric. It's my job to know what you're thinking.

Preston: So, then... what am I thinking?

Brandt: About the murders in the Nether last night... And if they know who did it. Am I close?

Preston: So, tell me... do they know?

Brandt: There are theories. I have one or two of my own, but at the moment... they're premature! I'm glad it happened.

Preston: Why?

Brandt: Because now Father and the Council have decreed an acceleration in the crackdown on offenders. Whoever did it... all they accomplished was a quicker end to the Resistance. It's gonna be a massacre, Cleric.

Equilibrium (part XVIII)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

apprehendee арестованный, задержанный; quadrant – квадрант, четверть круга;

II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

raid – an action by police officers in which they suddenly enter a place in order to arrest people or search for sth, for example illegal drugs;

detention – the state of being kept in a police station or prison and not being allowed to leave;

to secure – to make sth safe from being attacked, harmed, or lost;


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