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Unit 1. The Passive Voice

1. Identify the passive structures and translate the sentences into

Russian as shown in the following examples

1.1. Example: The problem was discussed last week.

a) Эта проблема была обсуждена на прошлой неделе.

b) Эта проблема обсуждалась на прошлой неделе.

c) Эту проблему обсудили на прошлой неделе.

1. The statistical theory has been developed quite recently.

2. The entire industrial and agricultural structure of our life is determined

by our scientific knowledge.

3. Much time and effort have been devoted to the development of electric

driven equipment of light weight, small size and moderate cost.

4. In ordinary air the initial electrons and ions are continuously supplied

by ionization due to cosmic rays and radioactive radiation.

5. Mathematics is loved by many, disliked by a few, admired and respected

by all.

1.2. Example: Some words may be added about the course of the reaction.

Можно добавить несколько слов о ходе этой реакции.

1. In connection with these facts many pressing problems must be solved.

2. This less-well-known fact needs to be told and the average citizen should

be informed about it.

3. Atomic energy finds such wide application that our age can be called the

age of atom.

4. The special case derivations should be provided.

5. This problem cannot be dealt with unless more precise experimental

data are received.

1.3. Example: It was found that the substance was radioactive.

Было установлено, что это вещество радиоактивно.

1. It is assumed that the derivative has a constant value.

2. It was thought that the cells passed two main phases during their growth.

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3. It is believed that in many instances the explanations have been clarified.

4. It has been discovered that some elements have isotopes – the forms in

which the nucleus can have more than one mass.

5. It must be admitted that the problem of classification can be approached

from different viewpoints.

1.4. Example: To support this idea reliable evidence was obtained.

Были получены надежные доказательства в поддержку

этой идеи.

1. The largest disagreement between the various data is discussed.

2. New technique has been developed.

3. The new data base has been created.

4. A new hypothesis concerning the mechanism of this reaction has been


5. Numerous classifications have been used.

2. Identify the passive structures followed by a preposition and translate

the sentences into Russian as shown in the following examples

2.1. Example: Old traditions cannot be easily done away with.

От старых традиций нельзя легко отказаться.

1. This theory has been referred to.

2. The quality of the instruments used can be safely relied upon.

3. Many materials now in common use were not even thought of 30 years ago.

4. Some of the data obtained cannot be relied upon, others have not been

published yet.

5. The two basic principles of selecting samples for the experiment were

insisted on.

6. The molecules of even a good insulator are acted upon by an electric


7. With some phenomena of nature any precise quantitative data are

impossible and the judgment of the observer must be relied on.

8. The astonishing observational results obtained by the international group

of astronomers were spoken about at the conference.

9. For more detailed report the reader is referred to the preliminary notes

on subject.

10. The starting date of the experiment should be agreed upon.

2.2. Example: The question was alluded at the conference.

Этого вопроса коснулись на конференции.

1. The experimental results cannot be improved by the existing theory.

2. This sequence of events was brought about by the discovery of radioactivity.

3. The changes taking place are not easily accounted for.

4. The significance of the experiment should be commented on and

explained by the observer.

5. The working method of science may be dealt with in several ways.

6. The problem of pollution was not even touched upon some fifty years


7. There are fields which cannot be dealt with on a national scale only,

such as environmental protection, space exploration and so on.

8. Rapid development of chemical technology has been called for by the

needs of the national economy.

9. The samples of these three substances were subjected to the beam of X –

rays to see what changes take place within them.

10. This approach, which is the basis for much current work, will be

referred to as the standard quasi-particle theory of XAS.

2.3. Examples:

– These questions were answered in a series of investigations both

experimental and theoretical.

На эти вопросы ответили в ряде как эксперментальных, так и

теоретических исследований.

– The reaction is followed by temperature rise.

За реакцией следует повышение температуры.

1. The first discovery was succeeded by many others.

2. The performance of the device has been affected by many factors.

3. The rate of a reaction is influenced by many factors.

4. The Symposium was attended by twenty-seven astronomers.

5. The introduction of a new theory is always followed by a period of

extended testing.

6. At the plenary section of the conference the participants were addressed

by the Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

7. In several areas of research the efforts of scientists are joined by those

of philosophers and sociologists.

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8. It must be admitted that the problem of classification can be approached

from different viewpoints.

9. Under these conditions the question cannot be answered unambiguously.

10. The speed of the reaction was affected by the temperature rise.

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