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Active Words and Phrases:

vast database

величезна база даних

to be multimedia-capable

бути спроможним працювати у мультімедійному режимі

process information

обробляти інформацію

wireless access

бездротовий доступ



WAP access

доступ в Інтернет через сотовий телефон



Ex. VI. Expand on the idea in your own words:

… huge numbers of people are already experiencing the true power of information through the Internet.

… the Internet has already turned into an integral part and driving force of the contemporary civilization.

… most mobile phones sold by that time will be multimedia-capable.

… the range of information available will constantly expand, bringing additional benefits to users.

Ex. VII. Look at the list of the service provided by "Mobile Internet" and write them down in a column in the order of importance to you. Explain your choice.

Ex. VIII. Make up a dialogue with a classmate and persuade him/her of the importance of having a mobile phone. Use the following words and phrases.

  • establish effective communication;

  • save time;

  • become accessible anywhere;

  • an opportunity to use and process information from the Internet;

  • provide wireless access to the Internet;

  • access information on the Internet easily;

  • save money and trouble;

  • receive a wide range of information for business and private use.

Ex. IX. Translate from Ukrainian into English:

  1. Інтернет вже перетворився в невід’ємну частину сучасної цивілізації.

  2. Оператори мобільного зв’язку ідуть нога в ногу з потребами в новітних послугах цифрової інформації.

  3. Ви можете знайти розклад руху літаків у вашому телефоні.

  4. В майбутньому пакет “Mobile Internet” дасть вам змогу пересилати і отримувати повідомлення електронною поштою.

  5. Аналітики вважають, що в 2004 році більшість мобільних телефонів будуть працювати в мультимедійному режимі.

Grammar: Subjunctive mood with had better, it’s time, would rather.

Had better do something is similar to should “I’d better do something” = I should do something or it is advisable for me to do something. If I don’t do this, something bad might happen.

“I’d better stop at this crossing and see where to go.”

The negative form is “had better not (‘d better not):

You look bad. You’d better not go to work today.

Ex. I. Read the situation and write a sentence with had better.

Example: You’re going out. You think you should fetch a coat because it’s getting cold outside. You say:

“I’d better fetch a coat”.

  1. You are by a river. It’s a hot day and your friend suggests going for a swim. You don’t think you should because the river looks dirty. What do you say?

  2. You are going to take your car on your vacation. You think you should have the oil changed before you go. What do you say (to yourself)?

  3. It’s cold outside. You think your children should put on warm clothes. What do you say to them?

  4. Joe has just cut himself. You think he should put a Band-Aid on the cut. What do you say to him?

  5. You and Sue are going to a restaurant for a meal. You think you should make a reservation because the restaurant might be crowded. What do you say to Sue?

  6. Ann wants to play the piano late at night. You know that she’ll wake up the people next door. What do you say to Ann?

  7. You and Tom are going to the theatre. You’ve just missed the bus. You think you should take a taxi. What do you say to Tom? We….

  8. Mary suddenly begins to feel sick. You think she should sit down. What do you say to her?

It’s time. You can say it’s time to do something: or It’s time someone did something:

It’s time we went home.

We use the structure It’s time someone did something especially when we are complaining or criticizing, or when we think someone should have already done something:

We also say: It’s high time/It’s about time someone did something.

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