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Betty for students.doc
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Hawk; magpie; cuckoo; skylark; starling; nightingale; heron; crane; owl; crow; ostrich; seagull; tit; falcon; peacock; woodpecker; stork;

1. a grey European bird that puts its eggs in other birds' nests and that makes a sound that sounds like its name;

2. a large shiny black bird with a loud cry;

3. a bird that kills and eats other animals and can be trained to hunt;

4. a large common black and white sea bird that lives near the sea;

5. a large bird that hunts and eats small birds and animals;

6. a large bird with very long legs and a long beak, that lives near water;

7. a bird with black and white feathers and a long tail;

8. a small bird that sings very beautifully, especially at night;

9. a large African bird with long legs, that runs very quickly but cannot fly;

10. a bird with large eyes that hunts at night;

11. a large bird, the male of which has long blue and green tail feathers that it can lift up and spread out;

12. a small bird that sings while flying high in the sky;

13. a tall white bird with long legs and a long beak;

14. a tall water bird with very long legs;

15. a bird with a long beak that it uses to make holes in trees;

16. a type of small European bird;

17. a common bird with shiny black feathers that lives especially in cities;

Exercise 9. Give the English equivalents to the following Conversational Phrases.

1. Как мило с вашей стороны. 2. Хотелось бы сказать да, но… 3. Конечно. 4. Думаю, вы ошибаетесь. 5. С радостью. 6. Совсем наоборот. 7. Никоим образом. 8. Далеко не так. 9. Было бы замечательно. 10. Конечно (обязательно). 11. Боюсь, я не согласен. 12. Да, конечно.

Exercise 10. Answer to the statements using expressions of agreement or disagreement.

1. It’s a beautiful day today. 2. It’s Friday today. 3. Ann doesn’t look well. 4. We are very busy at the moment. 5. Most people spend too much time watching TV. 6. The museum is closed today. 7. You told me a lie! 8. Nick is a very clever boy. 9. This book is too difficult for children. 10. We have a lot of time. 11. I’ve got a little present for you. 12. Our time-table is wonderful. 13. It’s great to have a dog. 14. It’s terrible to live in the centre of a big city. 15. Having a car makes a person lazy. 16. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 17. Instant coffee is very convenient. 18. Your English is perfect. 19. This supermarket is very expensive. 20. The windows need cleaning.

Exercise 11. Agree or disagree using conversational phrases.

1. Betty Smith is under age yet. 2. Helen Sandford is a writer. 3. Benny is often naughty. 4. Old Mrs.Sandford is not well. 5. Henry Sandford isn’t married. 6. Betty is fond of hedgehogs. 7. Benny is still in his teens. 8. Let’s go to the Zoo! 9. They have a cat, a dog and a turkey in the house. 10. Betty doesn’t have very many friends. 11. The Sandfords’ house is rather quiet. 12. Betty’s full name is Elizabeth. 13. They have white mice, don’t they? 14. Benny is old Mrs.Sandford’s granddaughter. 15. Betty’s companions are very ill-bred. 16. A lion is a domestic animal. 17. Great-grandchildren are your grandchildren’s children.

Exercise 12. Read the definitions of the words from the text “Betty Smith” and tell the words.

1. a small brown European animal whose body is round and covered with sharp needle-like spines;

2. a girl or woman who has the same parents as you;

3. what someone is called;

4. a ____ child does not obey adults and behaves badly;

5. a tropical bird with a curved beak and brightly coloured feathers that can be taught to copy human speech;

6. someone who writes books, stories etc, especially as a job;

7. very keen and excited about something that is going to happen or about something you want to do;

8. happening or existing before, but not now;

9. very pleasant and enjoyable;

10. someone who has just started to do or learn something;

11. a married woman who works at home doing the cooking, cleaning etc, but does not have a job outside the house;

12. a small animal with long ears and soft fur, that lives in a hole in the ground;

13. someone you spend a lot of time with, especially a friend;

14. someone who has completed a university degree;

15. someone who is ____ is polite, and behaves as if they come from a family of high social class;

16. the husband of your sister;

17. to like something, especially something you have liked for a long time;

18. a small furry animal with a pointed nose and a long tail that lives in people's houses or in fields;

19. the son of your brother or sister;

20. used to say that someone opposes or disagrees with something;

21. someone who goes or went to the same school as you;

22. a very quiet and pleasant situation in which you are not interrupted;

23. (especially American English) a woman or girl's female friend;

24. having the colour of milk, salt, or snow;

25. a living creature such as a dog or cat, that is not an insect, plant, bird, fish, or person.

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

1. Моя маленькая внучка Бетти очень любит животных и птиц. У нее дома есть 5 белых мышей, большой зеленый попугай и три кошки. Сейчас она очень хочет завести собаку, но ее родители и старший брат Генри против. Их квартира похожа на зоопарк и у них нет покоя из-за всех животных и птиц Бетти.

2. Как ваше полное имя? Меня зовут Элизабет Хелен Браун. Сколько вам лет? Мне 26 лет. У меня высшее образование. Кто вы по профессии? Я юрист, только начинающий, знаете ли. Вы замужем? Да, я замужем за своим бывшим одноклассником. У вас есть дети? У меня двое детей – сын и дочь. Они близнецы. Им три года. Их зовут Мери и Том. Обычно они славные и спокойные, но иногда они капризничают. Где вы живете? Мы живем на Зеленой улице, дом 12.

3. Ты знаешь, что Луиза собирается замуж? Да, конечно. Но, боюсь, я ничего не знаю о ее будущем муже. Ее парня зовут Джордж, ему около 30 лет. Он на 5 лет старше Луизы. Он полицейский. Джордж очень добрый и хорошо воспитанный молодой человек. Все будущие родственники Луизы очень любят ее и очень хотят, чтобы она стала их невесткой.

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