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What are effective study habits?

No two people study the same way, and there is little doubt that what works for

one person may not work for another. However, there are some general techniques

that seem to produce good results. Our reporter, Susan Keith, interviewed

some former students about their effective study habits.

Focus on Language

  1. Read the sentences, study the models in the box and make up sentences of your own.

  • Break big goals down into a number of small tasks.

  • You should be ready to modify your plans.

Giving advice

To give advice we can use

  • imperative:

Express your goals positively.

Do not set goals too low or too high.

Avoid setting general or unclear goals.

  • modals should or ought to:

You should be honest about how plans are going.

(=You ought to be …)

  • had better - advice close to warning:

If you want other people really to help you, you’d better inform them in advance.

  • Second Conditionals:

If I were you, I would set priorities first.

  1. Read Kathy Brown’s letter describing the problem she faces with her studies. In class discuss some recommendations you can give her. Use the models from the Focus on Language.


Work in groups of three or four. Share your strategies in foreign language learning. Report back to the class.

Example: Helen – when you are called on in class, say something, even if it’s

wrong: you’ll learn from it.


  1. Study help

    It is useful to keep a record of what you study. This might be a record for your work and a record for your feelings about the course. The latter will allow you to see whether you are making progress, what your difficulties are, as well as formulate your objectives and analyze your distractions.

    Look at the mind map and discuss possible contents for a learner diary.

  1. How would you like to organize your learner diary?

  2. Think about what you have done in the last week in your English classes and write an entry in your learner diary.

In the Realm of Science

Words of the Latin origin are widely used in many languages. English and Russian

are not the exceptions, e.g.: консенсус, кворум, P.S., quantum, etc.

  1. Think of some other Latin words used both in the Russian and English languages.

  2. Here are some of the widely used Latin abbreviations and their Russian equivalents:



Russian equivalent


Ante Christum

до нашей эры


anno Domini

нашей эры




et al.

et alii

и другие


post scriptum



et cetera

и так далее


id est

то есть


post meridiem



nota bene

обрати особое внимание


exempli gratia



vice versa



ante meridiem

до полудня

  1. Many English words and word parts can be traced back to the Latin language. The table below lists some common Latin roots. Add more words with the same root to each group.

Latin root

Basic meaning

Example words


to say

contradict, predict


to lead, bring, take

deduce, reduce


to walk

digress, transgress


to throw

eject, project


to drive

dispel, impel


to hang

impend, pendulum


to carry

export, report

-scrib-, -script-

to write

subscribe, transcribe,


to pull, drag, draw

contract, extract,


to turn

divert, invert

Unit 2. Progress Monitoring

In this unit you have worked on the following vocabulary related to the topic “Ways of learning”

to set/achieve/write down/ goals

to set priorities

to manage time

study habits


to plan for technology failure

to be responsible for oneself

to waste time

to attend/miss/skip/show up for classes

to keep a diary

to take study breaks

to keep records for

to ask for/give advice

to gain success in

long-term goals

to monitor progress

Tick (V) the points you are confident about and cross (X) the ones you need to revise.

Unit 3 Review

  1. Complete the paragraph with the appropriate present tense form of the verbs in brackets.

Discovering your learning style … (be) an excellent way to learn about yourself and the way you … (absorb) information best. I … (be) glad I … (complete) the Learning Style test because I … (plan) to use this knowledge of myself in the future.

  1. Spot the odd word out.


et cetera


that is






self exploratory work



3. Explain the similarity and difference between these words:

mind - intelligence

knowledge - skills

4. Read these sayings. Choose one or two that you agree or disagree with and discuss them with a partner.

  • Make time your friend not your enemy.

  • Habits can be the best of friends or the worst of enemies.

  • In examining the potential of individuals, we must focus on their strengths and not just their mistakes.

5. Think of your own learning experience and write down a list of recommendations how to become a successful student.

6. Complete the sentences with the appropriate Latin abbreviation.

  1. We talked about learning styles, preferences, various leaning strategies, … .

  2. There are different types of language learners, …, a teacher depender, a risk taker, a child-like conscious learner, a translator, a reader and a systems learner.

  3. You can start with a multiple intelligence test and proceed to a learning style test or … .

  4. If you want to succeed in your studies, you should follow the key principles … goal setting, time management and effective study habits.

  5. …! The course starting date is September 5.

  6. Research by Charles Babbage … in the 19th century laid the cornerstone to the development of modern computers.

  1. To increase your responsibility for the process of the English language learning complete and sign the “Teacher-Student Contract”

Teacher-Student Contract

A student _______________________ (name) on one part and an English teacher __________________ (name) on the other part agreed to sign the following contract to show that we both understand and agree to the rules of the course.

The learner

I will:

1. show other students in class as well as my teacher the respect they deserve at all times.

2. take personal responsibility for my own learning experience:

2.1. ________________________________

(attendance and classroom participation)


2.2. ________________________________

(home assignments)

2.3 _________________________________

(efficient revision)


2.4. ________________________________

(keeping portfolio/learner diary)

2.5 _________________________________

(learning styles and learning strategies)


3. keep a note-book and make notes in it during the class.

4. always remember that computer problems, including difficulties with my printer, lost or unsaved documents, chronic absences and failure to participate in classroom studies will lower my mark.

5. always have my textbook, other materials with me.

6. turn off my cell-phone or set it to vibrator ring type during class time so as not to distract my classmates or myself.

The teacher

I will:

1. show respect for my students.

2. be well prepared to teach class

3. try to make my lessons informative, stimulating, challenging and fun

4. motivate my students in learning

5. provide students with authentic materials, handouts, etc.

6. encourage my students talk in English

7. use a variety of modern language teaching methods.

8. evaluate students' progress and let them know the results

9. be patient, understanding, encouraging, sympathetic and kind

10. begin and end the class on time

11. turn off my cell-phone or set it to vibrator ring type during class time so as not to distract my students or myself.

12. ________________________________



This contract is binding to both parties for the period of _______________ to __________

This contract will be REVIEWED on the following date : __________________________

Date signed: _____________________

Student Signature: ___________________

Teacher Signature: ___________________

Each one teach one

Work in groups of 2-3. Interview your fellow students about the ways a) they learn new vocabulary, new grammar; b) develop their speaking, writing, listening, reading skills. Organize their ideas into a mind map. Report on the techniques most popular in class.

“Education is a companion which

no misfortune can depress, no crime can destroy,

no enemy can alienate, no despotism can enslave”

Joseph Addison (1672-1719)

Learning Objectives